

Din sökning på "*" gav 533390 sökträffar

Early-Late Permian palynostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of Vestfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

The preliminary results of a palynological investigation of 62 samples from the southern section of a sedimentary sequence exposed at Fossilryggen in the Vestfjella mountain range in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica are reported. The sequence, which is cut by dolerite dykes, is considered to have been deposited in a near-shore marine environment. Palynomorphs recovered show high degrees of thermal a

Quality control of measured x-ray beam data

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the quality of measured x-ray beam data can be judged from how well the data agree with a semiempirical formula. Tissue-phantom ratios (TPR) and output factors for several accelerators in the energy range 4-25 MV were fitted to the formula, separating the dose contributions from primary and phantom-scattered photons. The former was described by expo

Temperature changes within samples in heat conduction calorimeters

So-called isothermal calorimeters are often built on the heat conduction principle. This may sound as a contradiction, as heat conduction is a result of non-isothermal conditions, but most measurements with microcalorimeters and other such instruments are essentially isothermal as the temperature differences within the instruments are in the order of 10 mK. This paper presents simple methods to es

Calibration and assessment of channel-specific biases in microarray data with extended dynamical range

Background: Non-linearities in observed log-ratios of gene expressions, also known as intensity dependent log-ratios, can often be accounted for by global biases in the two channels being compared. Any step in a microarray process may introduce such offsets and in this article we study the biases introduced by the microarray scanner and the image analysis software. Results: By scanning the same sp

Ett Problem för Hares Superveniensrelation

R. M. Hare skriver första gången om superveniens i boken Language of Morals (LM). Han är inte den förste som understrukit att värdeomdömen handlar om så kallade supervenienta egenskaper – dvs. egenskaper som tillfaller bäraren av värdet i kraft av alla eller några av dess övriga egenskaper. Han ståtar dock i många arbeten med att ha varit den första som gav denna speciella relation ett namn. Det s

Waiting for orthopaedic surgery: factors associated with waiting times and patients' opinion

Objectives. To assess waiting times for three groups of orthopaedic patients in Sweden and to identify factors explaining variations in waiting time. Also examined were factors associated with patients' perceptions that waiting times were too long. Design. Retrospective study. Setting and study participants. Patients from orthopaedic units at 10 Swedish hospitals participated in the study. A quest

Recovery of recombinant cutinase using detergent foam

Foam generated by vigorous stirring of a nonionic detergent, Triton X-114, was used for the recovery of recombinant cutinase expressed by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The enzyme with a hydrophobic fusion tag, (Trp-Pro)(4), was recovered with a higher yield as compared to the wild-type cutinase, indicating the involvement of hydrophobic interactions in protein isolation with the foam. The influence of

Proteoglycan production in disomic and trisomy 7-carrying human synovial cells.

To gain further insight into the synthesis and structure of the synovial matrix of joints, we have established cell cultures from synovial specimens and elaborated their production of hyaluronan and proteoglycans. The cultures secreted mainly the small proteoglycan decorin, but also considerable amounts of the related biglycan and the large proteoglycan versican. Only minor amounts of heparan sulf

Release of endothelin-1 into rat airways following Sephadex-induced inflammation; modulation by enzyme inhibitors and budesonide

The intratracheal (i.t.) instillation of Sephadex beads into rat induced inflammation and a 30-fold increase in the endothelin-1-like immunoreactivity (ET-1-LI) of broncho-alveolar lavage fluid. The levels were highest 24 h after the instillation and had declined significantly after 48 h. At a dose of 1 mg kg-1 i.t., the glucocorticosteroid budesonide almost abolished this response. Phosphoramidon

Analysis of Parameter Effects on Transport Phenomena in Conjunction with Chemical Reactions in Ducts Relevant for Methane Reformers

Various transport phenomena in conjunction with chemical reactions are strongly affected by reformer configurations and properties of involved porous catalyst layers. The considered composite duct is relevant for a methane steam reformer and consists of a porous layer for the catalytic chemical reactions, the fuel gas flow duct and solid plate. In this paper, a fully three-dimensional calculation

Internkontroll och systemtillsyn av arbetsmiljön i fyra svenska kommuner : En rättssociologisk studie

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna rättssociologiska avhandling studerar delar av den svenska arbetsmiljöregleringen: arbetsgivarens internkontroll av arbetsmiljön (numera systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete) och yrkesinspektionens efterkontroll av internkontrollen inom den kommunala sektorns äldreomsorg. Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka om och i vad mån genomförandeprocessens aktörer förstår intThis sociology of law dissertation studies parts of the Swedish work environment regulations: the employer’s internal control of the work environment (nowadays systematic work environment activities) and the labour inspectorate’s auditing of internal control within the municipalities’ care of the elderly. The aim of the study is to investigate whether and to what extent the actors of the implemen

Activated protein C resistance in patients with peripheral vascular disease

PURPOSE: The frequency of activated protein C (APC) resistance, caused by factor V R506Q gene mutation and abnormal APC ratio, in patients with peripheral vascular diseases was analyzed. METHODS: All patients electively admitted to the vascular ward unit of our tertiary care academic medical center from January 1995 through October 1996 (n = 679) were prospectively analyzed using an APC-resistance

Reduced-complexity transmit/receive-diversity systems

We consider wireless systems with transmit and receive diversity. For reduction of complexity, we propose to use hybrid selection/maximal-ratio transmission at one link end, choosing L out of N antennas. We analyze the performance of such systems, giving analytical bounds and comparing them with computer simulations. Outage probability, symbol error probability, and capacity are shown. We demonstr

Comamonas testosteroni strain TI as a potential base for a microbial sensor detecting surfactants

Strain Comamonas testosteroni TI, capable of degrading the nonionic surfactant (NIS) nonylphenolethoxylate (OP-10), was used for constructing a pilot cellular biosensor. The lower NIS detection limit for the biosensor was 0.25 mg/l. We studied the substrate specificity of the biosensor with respect to a wide range of organic compounds: surfactants, polyaromatic compounds (PAC), carbohydrates, alco