

Din sökning på "*" gav 534362 sökträffar

Drying Lakes: A Review on The Health Conditions and Restoration Strategies

Great salt lakes around the world are drying at a rapid rate. The drying salt lakes give rise to health and socio-economic concerns for the population in the surrounding region. The respective governments undertook various measures to address the concerns relating to the drying of salt lakes. This research aims to assess the strategies towards increasing the water level of saltwater lakes in the c

Measuring the Sensitivity of Credit Ratings to Macroeconomic Indicators across Business Sectors; A Study on the US Market

This paper examines the sensitivity of credit ratings to macroeconomic indicators, with a focus on monetary policy tools, across eleven business sectors in the United States. We examine the data using ordered probit and random forest models, taking into account firm fundamentals that measure the business and the financial risk, in addition to the macroeconomic indicators. Employing quarterly credi

Surface sensitive studies of biophysical systems

Proteiner är något som många förknippar med mat, exempelvis kött och ägg. Proteiner finns också i kroppen och har där många olika uppgifter, bland annat att bygga upp muskler. Det finns en intressant grupp proteiner som har en oordnad struktur (intrinsically disordered proteins), vilket innebär att de inte har en ordnad tredimensionell struktur, utan kan anta flera olika konformationer. Det kan vaIn this project, three smaller projects were conducted, all utilizing the surface sensitive technique QCM-D, and for two of them neutron reflectometry was used as well. In two of the projects, adsorption of the intrinsically disordered peptides, Histatin 5 and Keif, to lipid bilayers was studies, whereas in the last project a protocol for forming bilayers of natural lipids using the vesicle fusion

Reconstructing the nation-brand from below: Analysis of how a humanitarian organization challenge the consistency of Swedish brand in a controversial film

A unified nation brand is crucial to create a positive reputation abroad. In the age of new public diplomacy, the emergence of non-state actors has considerably diversified the narratives of nation branding; this diversity contributes to challenging the consistency of the nation brand. Meantime, scholars argue that communicating and constructing a positive national identity domestically is essenti

Skolsköterskans hälsosamtal med elever om sexuell hälsa

Skolinspektionens (2018) senaste granskning visade att sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen inte hade förbättrats i den takt som var önskvärt. Med bakgrund av detta undersöks i denna studie hur skolsköterskan arbetade med elevernas sexuella hälsa utifrån hälsosamtalet på högstadiet och gymnasiet. Studien utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 12 skolsköterskor som var verksamma på högstadie-

Instrumentell paradox i kyrklig praktik : stödets logik och dramaturgi

Instrumental paradox in church practice - the logic and dramaturgy of the support Despite recent changes in the Swedish welfare system with devaluation of income from Social Services and an invitation from government to civil society to carry out welfare tasks little research has been conducted on service users’ experience of support from civil society. The purpose of this study, was to investiga

"Technology Changes, Humans Don't?": A cultural analysis on how young adult women’s ordinary phone call habits led to the refusal of a new smartphone personal security application.

Since at least 2011, designers and developers around the world have been creating innovative mobile applications for women’s use to increase their sense of security while alone in public space; however, there is little known about women’s everyday use of personal security applications nor how the personal security application phenomenon is making an impact in society. A small Swedish start-up comp

Act 140 as a securitization measure: A study on the shift from integration to repatriation in the Danish asylum system

The Danish asylum system has experienced radical changes during 2019 in regards to asylum and refugee rights with the right-wing governing coalition’s introduction of Act 140. Central to Act 140 is the repatriation philosophy that is carried out in practice with an increased focus on temporary residency of refugees within the Danish asylum system as opposed to permanency. Thus, social integration

Valet av en digital betaltjänst

Med en allt hårdare konkurrens på den svenska betaltjänstemarknaden har det blivit viktigare för tjänsteleverantörerna att försöka tillgodose konsumentens behov och krav. Den ökade konkurrensen bland e- handelsföretag har gjort att företagen är beroende av att det ska gå snabbt och enkelt för kunden att göra sin betalning, annars är risken stor att kunden avbryter köpet. Företagen måste därför utv

Granens invandring i sydvästra Sverige, belyst genom pollenanalys från Skottenesjön

Paleoekologiska studier har visat sig vara ett bra verktyg för att studera trädetablering, samt dess relation till klimatpåverkan och mänsklig påverkan. Utbredningen av Picea i Sverige under Holocen är väldokumenterad, men kunskapsluckor kring dess spridningsdynamik kvarstår. Denna studie ämnar tydliggöra Piceas etablering i en lokal i sydvästra Sverige, och därpå även bidra till kunskapsbasen om Paleoecological studies have shown to be a good tool for studying the establishment of trees, as well as their relation to climate and human influence. The spread of Picea in Sweden during the Holocene is well documented, but knowledge gaps concerning the spread dynamics still remains. This study aims to clarify the establishment of Picea in a locality in southwestern Sweden, and thereby also cont

Framgång och Förfall: En sociologisk undersökning av förändring och konflikt i Vellinge tätort.

Vi lever idag i en tid av fundamental osäkerhet och striden får vi inte sällan höra står mellan de som går en osäker framtid till mötes och de som nostalgiskt blickar tillbaka. I Vellinge möter vi de som med vemod ser sin ort förändras till vad den inte tycks ha varit förut, liksom de som betraktar ortens utveckling i starkt positiva ordalag. Men vi möter också personer med olika materiella förutsThe following thesis examines two responses to processes of social change within the small town of Vellinge in the province of Scania, Sweden. The experiences of change within the town appear in the guise of two contradicting narratives – one of the town’s progress and the other of its decline – which I aim to approximate from nine in-depth interviews with eight inhabitants conducted in two cycles

Levande historia: kolonialism, exceptionalism och komplicitet. En diskursanalys av svenska historieläroböcker

This paper explores discourses about European colonialism and particularly Sweden's colonial legacy in Swedish upper secondary school history textbooks. All three textbooks are currently in use and are based on the latest school curricula from 2011. The theoretical framework used to analyze the textbooks consists of post-colonial feminist theories combined with a post structuralist perspective

Perfectionism, rumination and psychological distress in academic settings

Trait perfectionism has been linked with repetitive negative cognitions, which have been shown to influence psychological distress. This study examined if experiencing evaluation threat in the form of a demanding scholarship status will have any impact on the relationships between these factors. Sixty-seven (67.2% female) university students filled out self-report questionnaires on perfectionism,

Investigations into the role of DNAJ Proteins as modulators of amyloid protein aggregation

Implication of DNAJ co-chaperones in Neurodegenerative diseases General improvements of human life conditions at different levels translate into an increasingly growing life span expectancy of the earth population. This, however comes with the cost of an increase in neurodegenerative diseases which broadly increases in frequency with age. Most age related brain diseases such as Parkinson’s dis

Construction and characterization of ApoE3-GFP as a tool to study ApoE trafficking

Lysande protein ska hjälpa spåra ändringar vid alzheimers sjukdom Demens är ett syndrom som påverkar en stor del av populationen vid högre ålder. Syndromet yttrar sig genom att påverka personers kognitiva förmågor, huvudsakligen minnet. Frekvensen kommer fortsätta att öka med den åldrande populationen. Den vanligaste och mest välkända varianten av demens är alzheimers sjukdom. Som alla vet är deApolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) is the biggest genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. While it is known to transport cholesterol to neurons the localization of the protein has not yet fully been mapped. Levels of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its cleavage product amyloid beta (Aβ), the main component of amyloid plaques, in transfected cells were determined using western blot. Green fluoresce

Development of a biotechnological production system for aromatic building blocks from sugars

Biobased economy is becoming a central strategy to decouple industrial production from fossil feedstock and thus to tackle global warming. Consequently there has been an interest in developing technologies for the production of chemicals, materials, and fuels from renewable bio-based feedstock. This can be achieved thanks to industrial biotechnology and metabolic engineering. Protocatechuic acid (