

Din sökning på "*" gav 534362 sökträffar

Characterization of Rhodobacter capsulatus and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) magnesium chelatases

Magnesium chelatase is a heterotrimeric enzyme complex, which catalyzes the insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin IX. The enzyme is composed of three protein subunits BchI, BchD and BchH of approximately 40, 70 and 140 kDa, respectively. In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) the subunits are referred to as Xantha-H, Xantha-G and Xantha-F. In this study, genes encoding the magnesium chelatase subunits of

The practises of public transport in urban planning - a gentrification process in disguise?

The aim of this thesis is to further explore the relationship between the establishment of public transport and gentrification processes. There have been various studies showing the importance of public transport as a contributing factor in providing access to work and other important institutions in urban areas. However, recent studies have also shown that the establishment of public transport in

Vårdboendens kamp i värmen

Vårdboenden behöver hjälp med att utveckla sin verksamhet för att bli motståndskraftiga mot värmeböljor. Sommaren 2018 var en av de varmaste somrarna SHMI har uppmätt, vilket bland annat fick konsekvenser för äldre. Folkhälsomyndigheten konstaterade att omkring 700 personer dog på grund av hälsoproblem till följd av värmen. Den riskgrupp som anses var en av de som drabbas värst vid höga temperatuIn Sweden, a phenomenon that is becoming more problematic is heatwaves. The summer of 2018 was one of the warmest summers recorded and the need for adaptive measures against the negative effects has never been more urgent. One municipality that are looking for how to handle this is Helsingborg’s municipality. The study focus on how nursing homes in Helsingborg experienced and handled the effects

The Adaptable Subject : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Advocacy on Climate Change

In the face of the climate crisis, there is an increasing engagement with climate adaptation and mitigation across traditional development sectors. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is one such area. From an intersectional feminist perspective engaging questions of gender, race, disability and sexuality, this research examines international SRHR advocacy materials. The aim is to unc

Bemästra ett klaverutdrag: Konsten att vara operarepetitör

Operahus runt om i Sverige är i brist på kompetenta repetitörer. Utförandet av ett klaverutdrag kräver utökad kunskap än bara tekniska färdigheter. Därför undersöker jag i denna uppsats inlärningsprocessen till en djupare förståelse till pianoreduktionen av en opera. Min metod har varit att studera bakgrund och kontext till operans framkomst, analysera librettot, textens roll i musiken och det Operas in Sweden are in short supply of competent répétiteurs. The execution of a vocal score requires additional knowledge than just technical skills. For that reason, I decided to investigate in the process of acquiring a deeper understanding to the piano reduction of an opera. The method I have been using are: studying background and context in the creation of an opera, analyse the libretto, t

The interplay between rapid gravity filter performance and its underdrain system - an assessment of an alternative filter underdrain design

För att utvärdera en relativt ny typ av filterbottensystem som finns installerat i ett flertal vattenverk i Sverige så gjordes en bedömning av samspelet mellan ett snabbfilters prestanda och dess filterbottensystem. Målet var att bedöma filterbottensystemets påverkan på kvaliteten av det filtrerade vattnet och på energikonsumtionen under backspolningsprocessen och att använda denna information förThe interplay between the performance of a rapid gravity filter and its underdrain system was to be assessed in order to evaluate the performance of an unconventional underdrain system that is installed in a number of water treatment plants in Sweden. The aim was to assess the influence of the underdrain system on the filtered water quality and the energy efficiency of the backwash process of the

The role of social capital in resilience against poverty

This thesis captures the effect of social capital measured as social and institutional trust on a reduction of absolute poverty. The indicators of social capital are captured through the construction of a database of subjective well-being measures. Poverty is indicated using the Watt’s index which measures the mean proportionate poverty gap for those living under the extreme poverty line of $1.90

Extension of model "Queueing with neighbours"

The aim of this thesis is to present some new results on a growth process which was studied in a previous paper (Shcherbakov and Volkov, 2010). The growth process is based on a model from queuing theory, and it is a discrete-time Markov chain. We assume that we have a line of infinitely many particles arriving in our model. Where the particles are arriving sequentially to M sites with predetermine

Happy Women's Day?

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to, from a critical feminist perspective, illustrate and create understanding for how companies use feminism to broadcast commercial messages. Methodology: The study was conducted in the form of a case study. The analysis was made by doing a qualitative content analysis of images and text in order to illustrate the material’s underlying meaning. Theoretical

Effekter av IFRS 16 ur ett jämförbarhetsperspektiv

Examensarbetets titel: Effekter av IFRS 16 ur ett jämförbarhetsperspektiv Seminariedatum: 2019-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i redovisning, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Annette Everum, Robin Hellberg och Emma Ivarsson Handledare: Peter W. Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Jämförbarhet, leasing, IFRS 16, kapitalisering, nyckeltal Syfte: Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva ochTitle: Effects of IFRS 16 from a comparative perspective Seminar date: 2019-06-05 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Annette Everum, Robin Hellberg och Emma Ivarsson Advisor: Peter W. Jönsson Key words: Comparability, leasing, IFRS 16, capitalization, key ratio Purpose: The purpose of this rep

Subjective Well-Being in Indonesia: Evidence of Rural-Urban Differences in Life Satisfaction

This thesis uses data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey to assess to test for differences in life satisfaction between rural and urban inhabitants. Individual level data including various demographic and socio-economic variables is used to test for the relationship. Results suggest that life satisfaction in urban Indonesian areas is higher than that in rural regions. Furthermore, satisfaction

Hur påverkas nedskräpningsbeteende? Positiva och negativa budskap mot fimpnedskräpning

En renare miljö eller påminnelse att fimpar också är skräp minskar mängden fimpar som slängs på marken. Nedskräpning är ett stort och allvarligt problem både på ett miljömässigt och på ett samhällsmässigt plan. Plast är enligt genomförda skräpmätningar den överlägset vanligaste skräpkategorin i våra parker, städer och på våra stränder. Cigarettfimpen toppar listan inom kategorin – runt 1 miljard Various research and initiatives are being done to decrease the amount of litter in our environment. The most common type of litter found in our parks, cities and on our beaches is plastic, where cigarette butts are one of the most common subcategories. To be able to take effective measures against such a hazardous problem as this, one must look to the source of it – in this case human littering b

När agens och ambivalens går hand i hand: en kvalitativ studie om agens och begränsningar för kvinnor som migrerat till Sverige

In Sweden women with an immigrant background are through different policies frequently secluded to care labour. Consequently, a big part of women migrating to Sweden work as an assisting nurse in eldercare. The aim of this study is therefore to further develop an understanding of these women’s agency in Sweden, by discovering how agency exists in relation to work, family and spare time. Therefore,

Simulating Quantum Cascade Lasers with the Position and Energy Resolving Lindblad approach

Over the past two decades, Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) have become an increasingly popular source for mid-infrared and terahertz radiation. Nowadays, their experimental development progresses fast with the aid of computer simulations. These reproduce carrier dynamics in the gain medium of the laser based on different transport models. A fast and reliable simulation package for QCLs is key for th

Kulturella skillnader i IASBs standardsättningsprocess

Syfte: Studien syftar till att bidra till förståelsen för vilken roll kultur har i standardsättningsprocesser. Metod: Den forskningsmetod som använts vid utförandet av denna studie är en fallstudie. Tyskland och Storbritannien har jämförts utifrån kulturella skillnader genom granskning av remissvar, som avgetts under standardsättningsprocessen för IFRS 16. Vidare har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide knowledge about cultural differences in standard setting. Methodology: The method used in creating this paper is a case study of the standard setting process of IFRS 16. A comparison between German and British respondents is conducted and a qualitative research design with descriptive statistics is used to present the findings. The two countries are

Synthesis of fluorescent xylosides

Kemi och kemikalier är något som är inblandat i vårt dagliga liv mycket mer än vi alla tror. När man hör ordet ”kemikalie”, tänker de flesta på något med ett långt konstigt namn, något onaturligt eller farligt. Men allt är kemikalier och bara för att något har ett svårt namn, betyder det inte att det är farligt. Ett exempel är (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxyhexanal, eller i folkmun ”glukos” sCarbohydrates are found everywhere. They are the main component in the macromolecules glycosaminoglycans, chains of carbohydrates that make up our cartilage but also play important roles in cancer cell proliferation. Xylose is a carbohydrate which initiates the biosynthesis of these chains by acting as a substrate for the enzyme β4GalT7. Some of these GAG chains become toxic for certain cells. The

The Protection against Refoulment in the framework of Exclusion Clause: A complex problem within Asylum institution Case Study of Sweden Asylum System

The study analysis the urgent problem in the protection against refoulment to the individual s excluded from protection as a refugee in the context of the exclusion clause. In principle, the non-refoulment on the possibility of international law and EU legislation allow alien to claim asylum and prohibit the return for offences committed before the application for refuge to the state. The non- ref

Hem - känslor, platser och kroppar. Ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv på papperslösa personers upplevelser.

Home - emotions, places and bodies. A phenomenological perspective on the experiences of clandenstine asylum seekers is an ethnological essay that wishes to narrate clandestine asylum seekers experiences of living in Sweden. The essay is based on interviews with people that either have the experience of being a clandestine asylum seeker or still are in that situation. It is a phenomenological essa


My master thesis project is an approach to define physical and societal boundaries and barriers in architecture for mental health, both concerning public space and the building itself. The typology Diagnest's aim is to reduce stigma in mental health, by providing "nests" for all groups of the society. I researched various projects by known architects to challenge myself in the proces