

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Non-Swirling Turbulent Stratified and Premixed Methane/Air Flames

This paper reports proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analyses for the velocity fields measured in a test burner. The Cambridge/Sandia Stratified Swirl Burner has been used in various studies as a benchmark for high resolution scalar and velocity measurements, for comparison with numerical model prediction. Flow field data was collected for a series of bluff-body stabilized premixed and stratif

In the tension field between politics, practice and science - supervision of degree papers in the School of Teacher Education at Halmstad University, Sweden

In the teacher education programme at Halmstad University, Sweden, the supervision and examination of the students’ degree papers recently changed. Groups of students are now supervised by supervisor pairs, who in turn are part of a team that is coached by a colleague. The examination of the degree papers has also changed, in that the examination is conducted by someone outside the supervising tea

Devils, Serpents, Zebras: Metaphors of Illness in Contemporary Swedish Literature on Eating Disorders

The present paper explores the metaphors of illness in Swedish narratives on eating disorders, published between 1987 and 2005. The authors use the metaphors of powerful beings such as serpents or devils to name their illness, and these metaphors can be analysed as being part of the master metaphors of battle, territory and intruders. This paper discusses the metaphors used to envision the flesh a

Bacterial cytochromes P450-Studies on Cytochrome P450 102A2 and P450 102A3 of Bacillus subtilis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cytokrom P450 är en grupp enzymer som introducerar alkoholgrupper i främst icke-vattenlösliga ämnen. Alkoholgupperna gör dessa föreningar mer vattenlösliga och känsliga för fortsatta reaktioner. Cytokrom P450-enzymer återfinns i de tre domäner allt levande kan indelas i: eukaryoter (djur, växter, svampar, protozoer m.m.), bakterier och arkeér (ett slags bakterier som skCytochromes P450 constitute a super-family of heme containing mixed function mono-oxygenases that is found in all branches of life. They introduce single oxygen atoms, mostly in the form of hydroxyl groups, into lipophilic substances and thereby render them more hydrophilic and susceptible to further reactions. Little is known about the bacterial cytochromes P450. I have in my thesis given an over

Modelling and simulation of short fatigue cracks

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett material som utsätts för varierande last, även under gränslasten för statisk kollaps, riskerar att utveckla sprickor som i sin tur kan orsaka brott. Denna typ av materialnedbrytning kallas utmattning och är ett ständigt aktuellt forskningsområde. Väldigt korta sprickor är kända för att växa på ett sätt som avviker från hur längre utmattningssprickor beter sig, ävenThe growth of short fatigue cracks deviates from the behaviour of long fatigue cracks even if subjected to the same nominal driving force. The influence from the microstructure is pronounced, while crack closure effects may not be that important as for longer cracks. The objective of this thesis is to study the local conditions for crack growth for two different short crack problems, and to develo

Approaching Capacity with Asymptotically Regular LDPC Codes

We present a family of protograph based LDPC codes that can be derived from permutation matrix based regular (J,K) LDPC convolutional codes by termination. In the terminated protograph, all variable nodes still have degree J but some check nodes at the start and end of the protograph have degrees smaller than K. Since the fraction of these stronger nodes vanishes as the termination length L increa

Akademi och anatomi. Om människokroppens historia i nya tidens konstnärsutbildning och ateljépraktik, med särskild tonvikt på anatomiundervisningen vid konstakademierna i Stockholm och Köpenhamn fram till 1800-talets början.

SUMMARY Torsten Weimarck: ACADEMY AND ANATOMY. On the History of the Human Body in Art Instruction and Studio Practice from ca. 1600 up to ca. 1810, with Particular Emphasis on the Instruction of Anatomy at the Academies of Art in Stockholm and Copenhagen The aim of the present study is to contribute to the documentation and interpretation of the image and experience of the body by means of two

The Kinetics Effect In SOFCs On Heat And Mass Transfer Limitations: Interparticle, Interphase And Intraparticle Transport

The transport processes in the porous, micro-structured electrodes are one of the least understood areas of research of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). To enhance the knowledge of the transport process' impact on the performance in the electrodes, the micro-structure needs to be modeled in detail. But at these smaller scales, it can be both cost and time saving to first conclude at which scales,