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Patients’ experiences of using the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale for a person-centered care : A qualitative study in the specialized palliative home-care context
The aim of this study was to explore patients’ experiences of using the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale (IPOS) during specialized palliative home care. The study adopted a qualitative approach with an interpretive descriptive design. Interviews were performed with 10 patients, of whom a majority were diagnosed with incurable cancer. Our findings suggest that the use of IPOS as a basis for
Explaining the measurement and evaluation stasis : A thought experiment and a note on functional stupidity
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explain the “evaluation deadlock” or “stasis” diagnosed by many authors. The explanation relies on a thought experiment. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is conceptual and builds on a thought experiment inspired by qualitative research such as interviews with communication consultants in Sweden. It makes use of principal–agent theory and Akerlof’s the
Water Resources Management Through Flood Spreading Project Suitability Mapping Using Frequency Ratio, k-nearest Neighbours, and Random Forest Algorithms
Lack of water resources is a common issue in many countries, especially in the Middle East. Flood spreading project (FSP) is an artificial recharge technique, which is generally suggested for arid and semi-arid areas with two major aims including (1) flood mitigation and (2) artificial recharge of groundwater. This study implemented three state-of-the-art popular models including frequency ratio (
Extracellular matrix hydrogel derived from decellularized tissues enables endodermal organoid culture
Organoids have extensive therapeutic potential and are increasingly opening up new avenues within regenerative medicine. However, their clinical application is greatly limited by the lack of effective GMP-compliant systems for organoid expansion in culture. Here, we envisage that the use of extracellular matrix (ECM) hydrogels derived from decellularized tissues (DT) can provide an environment cap
Linaclotide (Constella) vid kronisk förstoppning och irritable bowel syndrome. : En preliminär bedömning. Rapport på uppdrag av Läkemedelsråden.
Probing the local atomic structure in CoLa0.15Fe1.85O4 as a function of the synthesis method by multi edge XAFS
We combined x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS) to characterize the crystallographic and local atomic structure of nanosized La3+ substituted CoFe2O4 spinel ferrite of composition CoLa0.15Fe1.85O4 synthesized by different synthesis routes: standard ceramic technique, citric acid (citrate) precursor and urea assisted flash auto-combustion process.
Hur tänker du försörja dig? : En studie av försörjningskravet vid anhöriginvandring och av rättsliga kontroll- och sållningsmekanismer under nyanlända personers etablering i Sverige
Since 2010, family member immigration in Sweden is subject to a maintenancerequirement. This means that a person living in Sweden, the sponsor(s),must be able to support themselves and the members of their family who areapplying for residence permits. The maintenance requirement can be regardedas an instrument that, along with other regulations, determines who can and should belong to the nation a
Diverse, rather than Desperate : Housewifization and Industrial Home Work in Sweden, 1906–1912
Critical factors in the return-to-work process. Perspectives of individuals with mental health problems, vocational rehabilitation professionals, and employers.
Macromolecular design and synthesis of hydroxide conducting membranes with high alkaline stability
Today extensive research efforts are devoted to the synthesis and studies of durable anion exchange membranes (AEMs) with the aim to develop alkaline fuel cells and electrolyzers that are able to operate efficiently without platinum group metal catalysts [1]. One of the great challenges is to design and synthesize polymeric AEM materials with high OH– conductivity and the necessary stability under
Continuous Droplet Coalescence in a Microchannel Coflow Using Bulk Acoustic Waves
The coalescence of liquid droplets with a liquid stream has profound importance in various emerging applications, such as biochemical assays. Acoustic force-based droplet manipulation, which offers unique advantages, is consequently gaining attention. However, the physics of acoustics-driven coalescence of liquid droplets with a liquid stream is not well understood. Here, we unravel the mechanism
Intensity-dependent near-threshold ionization of Kr in the vacuum-uv
In this work, we present measurements of the intensity-dependent photoelectron spectrum of Kr irradiated by the FLASH FEL tuned to a photon energy of 25.8 eV. Intensity dependent photoelectron spectra were obtained with the aid of a Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) spectrometer. As the FEL photon energy is close to threshold, two photon sequential double ionization is favoured. The number of open channe
The Rise of Common Ownership: A Call to Arms for Competition Policy?
Breaking the stalemate of sustainable consumption with industrial ecology and a circular economy
Genomics of host-pathogen interactions : challenges and opportunities across ecological and spatiotemporal scales
Evolutionary genomics has recently entered a new era in the study of host-pathogen interactions. A variety of novel genomic techniques has transformed the identification, detection, and classification of both hosts and pathogens, allowing a greater resolution that helps decipher their underlying dynamics and provides novel insights into their environmental context. Nevertheless, many challenges to
The left habenular nucleus contains a discrete serotonin-immunoreactive subnucleus in the coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
By use of antibodies against serotonin, a discrete subnucleus of putatively serotoninergic neurons was observed in the dorsal subdivision of the left habenular nucleus in the brain of the coho salmon. The subnucleus was observed in salmon of different life-stages: in fingerlings, during smolt transformation, after smolt transformation (in seawater), and after spawning. This finding further emphasi
Evolutionary aspects of Indo-European gender assignment
Gender assignment in languages with a gender system is a complex issue, as this can be influenced by both semantic, morphological, and phonological factors (Corbett, 1991, 2013; Corbett & Fraser, 2000). Many Indo-European languages possess a three-gender system, which distinguishes masculine, feminine, and neuter gender. Whereas this system is preserved in several Indo-European branches, it ha
Free Ports for Art: Special Tax Zones as Cultural Policy Incentives?
A free port for art is a location in a country with purpose-built art facilities where imported works of art may be stored without taxes such as value added tax (VAT), goods and services tax (GST), consumption tax, transaction taxes and customs duties. As long as the art does not leave the free port, such taxes are not imposed, hence the word “free”. These free ports could be regarded as special t