

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Shocking Entertainment

This book explores the process of viewing violence. At a time when politicians and the media police viewing habits, it is important to ask the basic question: why do adult movie goers choose to watch violent movies? If these movies are brutalizing, why do people consider them entertaining? This book asserts that men and women respond to violent movies in dynamic and complex ways. With the benefit

Molecular overlayers on homogeneous and heterogeneous metal surfaces studied by core-level photoemission

The main topic of this thesis is the investigation of small molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces by means of core-level photoemission spectroscopy. The thesis consists of three parts; The first group of papers concerns the effects of internal molecular vibrations on the core-level photoemission spectra. The second and third groups of papers concern more basic adsorption properties, like adsorption

Dataflow machines

This paper presents dataflow machines, a model for stream programs aimed at capturing their logical structure in a way that is amenable to analysis, composition, and hardware and software code generation. We discuss the properties of the model, and its relationship to a previous effort, actor machines. Dataflow machines are motivated by the shortcomings of actor machines when generating highly par

Uncertainties in evacuation modelling: Current flaws and future improvements

During the whole evacuation modelling process, there are uncertainties in every task. To date, scarce literature is available on the assessment of those uncertainties and evacuation model users generally do not present this information consistently (if omitted at all) in evacuation modelling studies. Considering the classification made in other modelling fields (e.g. fire modelling), uncertainties

Chronic atrial fibrillation in man. Activation, organisation and characterisation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den elektriska aktiviteten i hjärtats förmak vid kroniskt förmaksflimmer Bakgrund: Det mänskliga hjärtmuskeln består av fyra delar som var och en omsluter ett hålrum, vänster och höger förmak samt vänster och höger kammare. Ett hjärtslag, dvs den sammandragning av hjärtmuskeln som pumpar runt blodet i kroppen, utlöses normalt av att en elektrisk impuls bildas i sinuskChronic atrial fibrillation (CAF), with a prevalence progressively increasing with age, is one of the most common cardiac arrhythmias in man and associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Previous studies have shown that, in animals as well as in man, experimental atrial fibrillation is based on different types and dimensions of intra-atrial electrical re-entry. However, there is a lack of

Trons mysterium: En introduktion till den ortodoxa kyrkans troslära och andlighet

Efter 70 år av statligt påbjuden ateism och återkommande förföljelser, har den Ryska Kyrkan under de senaste två decennierna genomgått en närmast mirakulös pånyttfödelse och förnyelse. Svårigheterna är många; den nya friheten innebär många utmaningar. En utmaning utgörs av att många i de nya generationerna har diffusa föreställningar om vad kristen tro är. En av de mest framstående i den nya gene

Energy Crops: Investigation of Socio-economic Barriers for Farmers in Poland

Poland holds great potential for bioenergy. However, biomass production from dedicated energy crops has not developed at a pace that was hoped. Clearly, there are barriers hindering farmers. The aim of this research was to directly explore the farmers’ perspective on barriers to growing dedicated energy crops in Poland. During the on-the-ground research conducted in Poland the perceptions regardin

Detection and Characterization of Fracture Zones in Bedrock - Possibilities and Limitations

In Norway, resistivity measurements have already been tested in marine environments in order to detect subsea fracture zones. However, most of these data have been processed without taking into account the special conditions the presence of seawater creates. More recent studies worldwide have also applied ERT in marine conditions, but under more favorable conditions nevertheless since they dealt w

Methods for measuring physical workload with relevance for musculoskeletal disorders of neck and upper limb

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att mäta kroppsställningar och rörelser under arbete Belastningsskador är vanliga och medför höga kostnader, både för de drabbade och för samhället. Kvinnor som arbetar med repetitivt arbete, t.ex. monteringsarbete och livsmedelshantering (fiskberedning och kycklingslakt), drabbas ofta, särskilt i nacke, axlar, armar och händer. De åtgärder som genomförts på arbetsplatWork-related musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limb are a major problem. Women in repetitive manual work is one large affected group. Preventive actions are hampered by the lack of knowledge regarding quantitative exposure-response relations for physical workload. The present work shows, that available electrogoniometers are, with a sampling frequency of 20 Hz, feasible for measurin