

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

BMP treatment for improving tendon repair. Studies on rat and rabbit Achilles tendons

Popular Abstract in Swedish Läkning av achilles-senrupturer är idag en långdragen process, som ofta tar flera månader innan senan är fullt funktionsduglig. Syftet med studierna är att förbättra senläkningen i samband med achillesrupturer. Bone Morphogentic Proteins (BMP) är främst kända för att stimulera benläkning och bentillväxt. De lokala förhållandena har dock visat sig ha stor betydelse för cWe wanted to improve tendon healing by adding a growth factor. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are well known to stimulate bone healing and bone formation. The local environment is of major importance for cell differentiation after a BMP has been added. Cartilage Derived Morphogenetic Proteins (CDMPs) -1, -2 and -3 (BMP 14, 13 and 12 or GDF 5, 6 and 7) form a subgroup in the BMP-family and are

Executive Compensation and Macroeconomic Fluctuations

Macroeconomic fluctuations affect corporations’ performance through demand and cost conditions. Incentive effects of performance-based compensation schemes for management may be weakened or biased by macroeconomic influences if management is unable to forecast macroeconomic fluctuations or unable to adjust operations in response to changes in macroeconomic conditions. In this paper we analyze the

Impact of Open source ERP Systems Development on ERP systems Diffusion among SMEs

The interest in open source is high, which also goes for enterprise resource planning (ERPs) systems. In this article, we focus on the combination of open source and ERPs, and specifically on what role open source ERPs plays in the diffusion of ERPs among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). To be able to explain the interest in open source ERPs, we look into challenges, about which a propri

Effective Charges Near 56Ni and Production of Anti-Nuclei Studied with Heavy-Ion Reactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling diskuteras olika aspekter av kärnreaktioner inducerade med tunga atomkärnor. En beskrivning av de experiment, detektorer och metoder som har använts återfinns tillsammans med en utförlig redogörelse av analysarbetet. De resultat som presenteras är baserade på dels experimentella data men även från simuleringar och teoretiska beräkningar. AvhandlingenThis thesis presents the research performed within two different research groups using heavy-ion induced nuclear reactions. They offer the opportunity to investigate different properties of nuclear matter. The results are based on measurements using a variety of different experimental techniques. The PHENIX experiment measured the production of deuteron and anti-deuterons at mid-rapidity in gold-

Programming support for reconfigurable custom vector architectures

High performance requirements increased the popularity of unconventional architectures. While providing better performance, such architectures are generally harder to program and generate code for. In this paper, we present our approach to ease programmability and code generation for such architectures. We present a domain specific language (DSL) for the programming part, and a constraint programm

Etik som praxis

En del saker berör människor till den grad att gängse normer och idéer ställs på huvudet. Synen på kroppen och hälsan är ett sådant fenomen. Längtan efter en speciell slags kropp är en historiskt välkänd drivkraft med konsekvenser för hur samtiden utformas. Den moderna biovetenskapen utgör i det sammanhanget en betydelsefull arena för mötet mellan människors drömmar och samhällets riktlinjer. Här

Multi-Switch for Antenna Selection in Massive MIMO

Massive MIMO has been shown to greatly improve spectral and transmit-energy efficiency. When implementing a massive MIMO system, one challenge is high hardware complexity. A solution is to reduce the number of radio frequency (RF) transceiver chains by performing antenna selection. However, a full RF switch that connects the antennas and RF chains can be highly complex and incurs significant loss

Statistics of temperature and potential fluctuations induced by coherent single particle sources

The prospect of time controlled information processing with individual electrons in nanoscale systems provides strong motivation for investigations of coupled charge and energy transport properties of single electron sources. Building on our recent work [F. Battista et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 126602 (2013)] we investigate theoretically the statistical properties of temperature and potential flu