Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar
Hypocomplementemia caused by C3 nephritic factors (C3 NeF): clinical findings and the coincidence of C3 NeF type II with anti-C1q autoantibodies.
Nanoparticle-based capillary electrochromatography
This thesis concerns a highly efficient nanoparticle-based capillary electrochromatography separation technique and its coupling with mass spectrometric detection. From chromatographic theory, it is well known that the separation efficiency increases with decreasing particle size. However, as the particle size decreases, the pressure required to push a liquid through the column also increases. Thi
Biomedical laser spectroscopy in development
Integrating non-genetic inheritance in evolutionary theory. A primer
Evolutionary biology traditionally equates inheritance with transmission of genes from parents to offspring. However, recent literature calls for considering ‘non-genetic inheritance’ in evolutionary theory. These calls have met with substantial scepticism. What is more, they appear to have caused further confusion both with respect to what inheritance is and what types of inheritance mechanisms a
Hjalmar Bergman-Gåvans sociologiska ambivalens
The Political Ecology of Tourism in Zanzibar
No title
Mätning av verkningsgradsfaktorn, F'
Methods to resolve disputes between separated parents - in the best interest of the child
What is Theory? Answers from the Social and Cultural Science
Mild Climates
Mannen i ledet. Takt och otakt i värnpliktens skugga
Popular Abstract in Swedish Från början användes uttrycket "mannen i ledet" bara om meniga soldater, men det är också ett bildligt uttryck med innebörden gemene man, gräsrot, medlem på fältet/gräsrotsnivå/verkstadsgolvet. Den här avhandlingen handlar om unga män som under mitten av 1990-talet gjorde lumpen på ett pjäskompani vid Wendes artilleriregemente i skånska Hässleholm. ”Pjäs” betyder kanoneThis dissertation deals with young men who in the mid 1990s made their military service at a cannon company at Wende’s artillery regiment in the scanian town Hässleholm. ”Cannon” refers not only to cannons, but also to haubitses, grenade-throwers and other heavy arms. The focus, however, is on cultural and social aspects of everyday military service. What does actually happen in the encounter betw
Lagen om marknadsmissbruk och lagen om anmälningsskyldighet
The effects on safety, time consumption and environment of large scale use of roundabouts in an urban area:
An experiment with small roundabouts – as speed reducing measures - was carried out in a Swedish city. The purpose of the study was to test the large scale and long term effects of the roundabouts. The results showed that the roundabouts reduced the speed considerably at the junctions and on links between roundabouts. The lateral displacement the roundabout forces the driver to has a great importa
Gender and Governance
Data assignment and access scheduling exploration for multi-layer memory architectures
This paper presents an exploration framework which performs data assignment and access scheduling exploration for applications given a multilayer memory architecture. Our framework uses multiobjective criteria during exploration, such as application execution time, energy, bandwidth, and data size. In order to tackle the complexity of the exploration, it is divided into three phases; Pareto diagra