

Din sökning på "*" gav 529194 sökträffar

On linear equations in some non-commutative algebras

The problem of solving linear equations in a non-commutative algebra is in general a highly non-trivial matter. Even in the case of finitely presented algebras, there is no general algorithms for solving seemingly simple equations of the type a X = X b for some elements a and b. In this paper we will demonstrate a method by which it is possible to find all the solutions to linear equations in cer

Teaterns röda fana

Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).

Peatlands at a Threshold: Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in a Changing Climate

To be able to predict the strength of climate change and its consequences for mankind, it is of major importance to understand the contemporary greenhouse gas exchange of the terrestrial biosphere, as well as its response to changes in climate. To achieve such understanding both descriptive studies and manipulation experiments are required. Northern peatlands represent an important ecosystem type

Scandinavian Disjunctures: Disability, citizenship and sexuality in Denmark and Sweden, from 1925 to the present day

The project is inspired by ongoing discussions about citizenship and exclusion. We contend that research on sexuality and disability can contribute in important ways to debates about autonomy and inclusion in society. In order to analyse the complex problems around these questions we study discursive and political differences between Denmark and Sweden from 1925 to the present. In Denmark, it is p

Pedagogisk utvecklingsplan för intermediala kulturstudier. En problematisering av ett logistiskt-pedagogiskt dilemma

Följande är en pedagogisk utvecklingsplan för intermediala kulturstudier, delkurs tre av fyra på grundnivåutbildningen intermediala studier (IMS A11, 30 hp). Kursen ges fr.o.m. hösten 2009 även som fristående kurs på 7,5 hp (IMS A40), tillsammans med helterminsstudenterna och utan förkunskapskrav. Med detta uppstår ett pedagogiskt problem, då delkursen föregrips av två andra delkurser: intermedial