

Din sökning på "*" gav 529269 sökträffar

Epitaxial Growth and Design of Nanowires and Complex Nanostructures

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar epitaxiell växt av nanotrådar i III-V halvledarmaterial, i vilken guldpartiklar använts som frö, samt design av tredimensionella mer avancerade förgrenade strukturer baserade på dessa trådar. Växten utfördes via så kallad ?MetallOrganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy? (MOVPE), i vilken prekursormolekylerna till halvledarmaterialens komponenter tillförs This thesis describes the epitaxial growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires using Au seed particles, and the design of more complex three-dimensional branched structures from these wires. Growth was performed by metallorganic vapour phase epitaxy, in which precursor molecules for the semiconductor material components are introduced in a low-pressure vapour. Nanowires grow epitaxially (with control

Extreme Programming and Rational Unified Process – Contrasts or Synonyms?

The agile movement has received much attention in software engineering recently. Estab-lished methodologies try to surf on the wave and present their methodologies as being agile, among those Rational Unified Process (RUP). In order to evaluate the statements we evaluate the RUP against eXtreme Programming (XP) to find out to what extent they are similar and where they are different. We use a qual