

Din sökning på "*" gav 532867 sökträffar

Adjusting new initiatives to the social environ­ment: Organizational decision making as learning, commitment creating and behavior regulation.

In this study we investigated how managers make strategical decisions in complex, dynamic, and real-time environments and in different decision domains. The managers we interviewed were usually ‘in charge’ of the tasks. Our results showed that the informants mostly constructed only one or two decision alternatives and that they did this to a large extent through communication with other persons, w

Rehabilitering i självhjälpsgrupp. Ledarhandbok.

REHABILITERING I SJÄLVHJÄLPSGRUPP är en ledarhandbok. Den är i första hand skriven för ledare i Värkstadsgrupper och Hälsosantgrupper, både i verkliga livet och i cyberspace. Värkstadsgrupper är öppna samtalsgrupper för människor med värk, smärta och olika utbränningsdiagnoser, dvs. majoriteten av de långtidssjukskrivna. Hälsosantgrupper är slutna samtalsgrupper som bygger på filmer från autentisk

Den frivilliga döden : Samhällets hantering av självmord i historiskt perspektiv

Få fenomen har varit föremål för så skiftande bedömningar genom historien som självmordet, den frivilliga döden. Sättet att hantera självmordsproblematiken speglar normer, värderingar och attityder, kort sagt den världsbild som präglar ett samhälle. I denna bok belyses självmordsproblematiken i ett historiskt perspektiv med fokus på det tidigmoderna svenska samhället. Hur var den mentala miljö utf

Fruar och mamseller. Kvinnor inom sydsvensk borgerlighet 1790-1870

This dissertation is an analysis of the culture and lifestyle of women in the middle classes in small towns in southern Sweden between 1790 and 1870, from a gender perspective. The study builds on local material from Lund, Karlshamn and Kristianstad, and is principally made up of the private letters and diaries of a large number of people. The thesis attempts to shed light on relationships, values

Human rights law : from dissemination to application, essays in honour of Göran Melander

This unique collection of essays has been compiled in honour of Professor Göran Melander, one of the founders of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI), in Lund, Sweden. Göran Melander served as the Institute’s first director and subsequently as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The volume illustrates the complex relationship between dissemination of human

The Dark Side of Value-for-Money: How Public Procurement Affects Workers’ Safety in the Construction Industry

Studies on shading behaviour of contractors have in the past been focused on lack of product quality and other factors affecting the customer. This study of 222 publicly procured road and railroad projects aim to analyse shading behaviour from a perspective of workers safety. The study shows, though with limitations in statistical power, that the number of reported incidents related to workers’ sa

What is Organization?

This book is about the relation between philosophy and organization in so far as it concerns organization studies. The book, then, revolves round the interplay between philosophy, organization and organization studies. The purpose is both to ask philosophically the question ‘What is organization?’ and to question the importance of this kind of philosophical questioning for the field of organizatio