

Din sökning på "*" gav 529090 sökträffar

Parodins dimensioner -komik, kritik eller ironi

The history of the term "parody" is sketched, and different theoretical traditions defining parody is described. The traditions are structured according to the theorist's description of the function of parody. Among these theories, Bachtin's theory of parody as a dialogical text has a prominent position.

Teoretiska aspekter på vetenskapligt samarbete i Europa under perioden 1870-1914

The purpose of this essay is to provide with a theoretical survey on the conceptions of "Nationalism" and "Internationalism", on a general level as well as applied to the scientific field. This pair of conceptions is useful to help us explain to understand the purpose of scientific cooperation and scientific-political motives behind the scientific society, in this case Europe during the period 187

The leukotriene receptor CysLT1 and 5-lipoxygenase are upregulated in colon cancer.

The metabolites of arachidonic acid are well connected to pathological situations such as inflammation, cancer and asthmA. Sheng et al. [7] found that COX-2 is upregulated in colon cancer tissue and tumor cell lines indicating that COX-2 is involved in colon cancer. This is supported by studies showing that patients treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, inhibitors of COX-2, exhibit a

Expression of MUC5AC and MUC5B mucins in normal and cystic fibrosis lung

Hypersecretion of airway mucus is a characteristic feature of chronic airway diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF) and leads via impairment of the muco-ciliary clearance and bacterial superinfection to respiratory failure. The major components of the mucus matrix forming family of mucins in the airways are MUC5AC and MUC5B. To investigate the expression of these glycoproteins in CF, immunohistochemis

Endovascular Management of Isolated Infrarenal Aortic Occlusive Disease is Safe and Effective in Selected Patients.

Objective To examine the safety and efficacy of endovascular management of isolated infrarenal aortic occlusive disease within our centre. Design and methods Retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent endovascular treatment of occlusive disease that is confined to the infrarenal aorta between September 1993 and November 2004. Results Primary aortic stenting was carried out in 16 wom

Evaluation of time-of-flight and phase-contrast MRA sequences at 1.0 T for diagnosis of carotid artery disease. I. A phantom and volunteer study

PURPOSE AND MATERIAL: The aim of this work was, firstly, to compare different manufacturer-provided MRA sequences in a 1.0 T MR unit, with respect to the visibility of an artificial stenosis in a flow phantom and, secondly, to evaluate the same sequences in healthy volunteers with respect to S/N ratio levels and practical in vivo implementation routines. METHODS: The studied sequences were 2D and

Progenitor cells in the postnatal central nervous system, characterization and genetic manipulation

New neurons are only generated in two places of the postnatal brain; the subventricular zone (SVZ) and hippocampus. The SVZ-derived cells specifically migrate to the olfactory bulb where they give rise to new interneurons. We have genetically manipulated the postnatal SVZ progenitor cells with the aim to direct them to a neuronal fate in the striatum. Our result showed that ectopic expression of t

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Popular Abstract in Swedish Med föreliggande avhandling vill jag belysa att Chrétien de Troyes Graalsaga, till skilnad från vad de åtskilliga kritiker har påstått, inte bygger på traditionella ridderliga värden, men väl avslöjar en problematisk ideologi. Denna ideologi prövas med hjälp av V. Jouves metod, som beskrivs i hans Poétique des valeurs. Graalsagans värden analyseras ur ett dubbelt perspThis dissertation aims at showing that Chrétien de Troyes' Conte du Graal does not, as often affirmed, uphold traditional chivalrous values, but discloses a problematic ideology, mostly as a result of multiple interactions at the textual level. In order to examine ideology, Le Conte du Graal is analysed in the light of the poetics elaborated by Vincent Jouve in his Poétique des valeurs (2001). Fol

Gene family clustering identifies functionally associated subsets of human in vivo blood and tonsillar dendritic cells

Human dendritic cells (DCs) are a distinct but heterogeneous lineage of APCs operating as the link between innate and adaptive immune responses, with the function to either maintain,tolerance or trigger immunity. The DC lineage consists of several subpopulations with unique phenotypes; however, their functional characteristics and transcriptional similarities remain largely unknown. To further cha


Liksom Kathryn Coleman beskriver historikerkollegan Alexander MacGregor arbetet som rådgivare på Ridley Scotts film Gladiator (2000).

Fria radikaler och sjuka proteiner - bovarna bakom Parkinsons sjukdom?[Free radicals and ailing proteins - the culprits behind Parkinson’s disease?]

Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases, and affects approximately 1% of the population over 65 years of age. Many different insults appear to be involved in the etiology of the disease, among them environmental toxins and mitochondrial dysfunction. During the past five years, mutations in five different genes have been linked to rare, familial forms of Parkinson’s

Gestational age-dependent reference values for pH in umbilical cord arterial blood at term

OBJECTIVE: Despite a change of fetal physiologic and biochemical functions with gestational age, stationary umbilical cord acid-base reference values are used as measures of obstetric care quality. The aim of this study was to assess the risk of low Apgar score relative to low pH when using stationary versus gestational age-adjusted reference values. METHODS: Umbilical artery pH was determined in

Li insertion in thin film anatase TiO2: identification of a two-phase regime with photoelectron spectroscopy

Li insertion into a thin anatase TiO2 film is studied for the first time in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment. Using synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy, we demonstrate that the evaporated Li is inserted into the anatase and that the maximum amount that can be dissolved is 0.41 Li/Ti. Two most important properties are found in the UHV insertion process that can be directly relate