

Din sökning på "*" gav 528389 sökträffar

Strategier personer med multipel skleros använder sig av i sin vardag

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka strategier personer med multiple skleros använder sig av för att handskas med sjukdomen då den innebär skiftande dagsform. Sju personer deltog i studien, två män och fem kvinnor. Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och datainsamlingen skedde genom intervju med hjälp av en egengjord intervjuguide. Efter innehållsanalys identifierades tre kategorier och ett f

Hemlöshet i Lund - En kvalitativ studie av hemlöshet i en mindre stad.

The purpose of this study was to analyse and describe the homelessness in the city of Lund. More specifically the aim was to describe the problem from different actors' points of view. The central questions were: How does the problem with homelessness appear in Lund? For what reasons does homelessness still exist according to the actors who come in contact with the problem? Who is responsible

Det meningsfulla samtalet. En kvalitativ studie av begravningssamtalet ur prästens perspektiv

This essay examines the meeting and the conversation that takes place between the minister and the next of kin to prepare the funeral. The main purpose of this essay is to examine and analyse this meeting and conversation from the minister’s perspective. The main questions in the essay focus on different themes, purposes of this meeting and the relationship between the minister and the next of kin

Sediment Transport Studies in Punatsangchhu River

Sediment transport pattern in the Himalayan River is complex and sediment sampling in these rivers are often difficult. Sediment load in the river varies largely from year to year. Major part of the sediment load is transported in the monsoon months. Reliable and consistent sediment rating equation is not found for the Himalayan Rivers. The change in the flow rate and suspended sediment concentrat

Hur man konstruerar ett socialt problem - en studie av missbrukarens utmanande av normalitetens gränser

The purpose of this essay has been to 1) examine if one, by using the method of a combined quantitative and qualitative content analysis, can see how alcohol and drug abusers are socially constructed and, 2) study verdicts made according to The Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abuser Act (LVM 1988:870) to see how the social services, the county administrative court and the individual abuser describes a

Traineeprogrammet Skåne Nordväst, en språngbräda både för trainee och kommun?

Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en utvärdering av traineprogrammet i Skåne Nordväst 07/08. Traineeprogrammet startade som ett projekt för att rekrytera in driftiga, nyutexaminerade ungdomar till att fylla de glapp på specialist och ledarskapspositioner som väntas uppstå vid 40-talisternas pensionsavgångar. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvärdera traineernas lärande och utveckling samt diskutera det empiriska

Utvalda stressorers påverkan på lärsituationer i arbetet: en teoretisk studie

Lärande i arbetet är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne. Likaså stress som ständigt diskuteras. Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka utvalda stressorers påverkan på lärsituationer i arbetet. Studien är teoretisk och baserades på litteratur vi fann lämplig i förhållande till syfte samt utökad frågeställning. Vi skapade en egen modell som följer med processen genom hela uppsatsen. Modellen visar relationen me

Acceptera eller avvisa? En studie om barn och unga asylsökandes rättigheter

The purpose of this study is to show and discuss the work and the efforts that are made for children and young asylum seekers in the Swedish society, focusing on the rights of the child. My aim was also to discuss whether Sweden complies with the Convention on the rights of the child in asylum cases. My questions were: What rights do children and young asylum seekers have compared to adults? How a

”Nästan som ett bröllop…” – en undersökning om gifta och sammanboende pars syn på deras barns dop

For the whole family, the baptism of a child is a meaningful event. In Sweden, parents are often not married when the first child is born. For these families the baptism is the first event the couple experiences together in the church. This paper examines how the understanding of baptism differs between married and unmarried couples. The thesis I am going to investigate assumes, that unmarried cou

Perspektiv på mångfald – En hermeneutisk studie av framgångsrikt mångfaldsarbete inom tre organisationer i södra Sverige

Author: Emil Bengtsson Title: Diversity perspectives – a hermeneutic study of successful diversity management in three organizations in southern Sweden[translated title] Supervisor: Annika Capelán Assessor: Gunilla Lindén The purpose of this study was to investigate the perspectives held regarding diversity in Swedish organizations considered successful in their diversity management. The first f

Helheten är större än summan av delarna- En kvalitativ studie om det drogförebyggande arbetet inom grundskolan samt inställningar och attityder till införandet av slumpmässiga, frivilliga drogtester

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilket drogförebyggande arbete som görs inom grundskolan idag samt vilka attityder skolsköterskor, kuratorer och drogsamordnare har till införandet av slumpmässiga, frivilliga drogtester i skolan. Med studiens syfte som utgångspunkt valdes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod för insamling av empiriskt material. Teorier som vi har valt att använThis study aims at examining which type of drug prevention programs exist in compulsory schools today and what school nurses, counsellors and drug coordinators attitudes are towards Landskrona Kommuns decision to introduce random voluntary drug testing in schools. With the aim of this study as a starting point we chose to take a qualitative approach to gathering empirical data through semi structu

International Law and Power: A Theoretical Perspective on Statehood and Self-Determination

The purpose of the present thesis is to investigate the foundations for statehood and self-determination—two seminal points of international law—through the concept of discourse and its notion of power. The starting point is that language and representations of reality are not merely ‘objective’ depictions, but in fact shaped by the practices that convey the representations. This constitutes the t

Macedonian national identity-A study about the current construction of Macedonian national identity in national history narration

The subject of the study is the contemporary national identity of the Macedonians which reflects the actuality and importance of national identity and nationalism in present time. Grounding the research in theoretical frameworks which explore the shaping of national identity and the meaning of history in relation to it, using Rusen’s typology of historical narration as a methodological tool and po

Teori om praktik tur och retur? – En studie om hur Ving arbetar med att internt kommunicera med sina medarbetare.

Abstract Issue: Theories of how to use communication tools and what underlying strategies should be are many, but why do we not know how a successful organization values these tools and how they make these strategies into action? Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to expose how a large, decentralized and successful organization is using internal communications, and how they communicate organiza

Attraktiva arbetsgivarvarumärken - en fallstudie av Universitetssjukhuset MAS i Malmö.

The public sector of today is often characterised by reduced finance and increased competition, which makes it harder to attract the highest skilled employees. This thesis attempts to generate new knowledge about employer branding within the public sector. We have carried out a case study on Universitetssjukhuset MAS (UMAS) and studied three different groups; employees in leading positions, doctor

Att skapa förutsättningar för legitimitet i en komplex omvärld - i organisationens roll som socialt ansvarstagande aktör

Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to explain how organizations, as an actor of corporate social responsibility, can create conditions for legitimacy in a complex world. Method: To address how organizations can create conditions for legitimacy we accomplish qualitative interviews with Communication managers and CSR managers in five Swedish social responsible organizations. Findings: The

Offshoring of R&D Activities: A Study of Swedish Companies’ R&D Activities in China with Focus on Drivers, Barriers, Practices and Performanc

An emerging trend among manufacturing companies in Sweden is “offshoring of research and development (R&D)”, which means knowledge sourcing from low-cost countries. There is a substantial and growing pool of high-skilled people in low-cost countries, resulting in companies increasingly going to where the talent is. However, management and implications of R&D offshoring are not sufficiently

The Evolution of ESDP: Recent Political Developments and Social Constructivism

The formation of ESDP (European Security and Defense Policy) is one of the most important building blocks shaping the European security structure and the European integration process since the beginning of the 21st century. Even though the integration engine was injured by the rejection of the European Constitutional Treaty in France and the Netherlands, the ESDP can be seen as currently one of th

Verktyg för hantering av processförändringar

This report describes how you can create an application that uses Microsoft’s technologies, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation, to create and edit workflows. Companies have all sorts of processes, which support their business. Like create an E-mailaccount in the company’s network. When companies reorganize or streamline their business the processes needs