

Din sökning på "*" gav 533550 sökträffar

Förbi Kunskapsstaden - Malmös stadspolitik i en föränderlig samtid

This essay focus on the structure behind policy making in the city of Malmö. Leaning on the theory of Cultural Political Economy it attempts to descirbe Malmö's policy making as a product of the path-dependent and path-shaping nature of the political process. This perspective suggests that researchers take in account not only the contemporary discourse and semiosis, but also examine the materi

Kampen om uppmärksamhet på YouTube : en fallstudie av vardags-vloggare och deras strategier för att nå uppmärksamhet

Syftet med denna studie är att studera den maktkamp som pågår inom det nya kulturella fältet vardags-vlogging. Detta för att bidra till förståelse för fascinationen av det autentiska och privata medieinnehållet och för att synliggöra de strategier som används för att nå uppmärksamhet i vår nya mediala verklighet. Studiens metod är en kvalitativ fallstudie med fyra studerade fall Studiens teoret

Barley Cer-q encodes a lipase involved in the synthesis of epicuticular waxes

A plant’s rain coat Imagine yourself taking a walk on a cloudy day. Suddenly, the sky opens and the rain is pouring down making you totally soaked. Now imagine that you predicted that it would start to rain so you put on a rain coat. When the rain starts to fall, you won’t get wet since the rain drops will strike against the rain coat and get drained. In the same manner, the wax on plants is prot

Developing a model with help of GIS to assess risk for Storm Damage in Kronoberg County

Under 1900-talet har stormskador på skog ökat vilket är en konsekvens av vårt skogsbruk, en ökad volym av skog, och äldre skogsbestånd. Denna ökning av stormskador har konsekvenser för ekonomi, infrastruktur, skogsägare och samhälle. Samtidigt ändras klimatet successivt, och detta kommer i framtiden att innebära högre temperaturer och ökad nederbörd. Långsamt närmar vi oss ett nytt slags klimat, sDuring the 20th century storm damage in Sweden has increased as a consequence of how the forest has been managed, an increased proportion of forest and older tree stands. The increase of storm damage has consequences for the regional economy, infrastructure, foresters, and the society. At the same time the climate is gradually changing, which means increased temperatures and higher precipitation r

Prevalence, phylogenetic relationship and host specificity of haemosporidian blood parasites in a northern bird community

Avian malaria parasites can have severe fitness effects on the host although most infections seem to be mild. Some of the avian malaria parasites are host specific and infect specific bird species while others infect a wide range of species. Avian malaria can serve as a natural model system for studies of the effect of environmental change on parasites distribution patterns. The global changes of

Evaluation of a novel drug depletion device for removal of biological drugs from human serum

Biological drugs such as tumor necrosis factor (TNFα) blockers are very successful and effective in therapy of chronic inflammatory disease. These blockers bind TNFα and inhibit its pro-inflammatory function. But unfortunately, biological drugs are immunogenic and prolonged treatment triggers the formation of anti-drug antibodies and neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). This reaction is associated with

Extern varvtalsmätning på en permanentmagnetiserad likströmsmotor

This bachelor thesis was performed at BorgWarner AB in Landskrona. The assignment was to investigate different methods for external measurement of a permanent magnetized DC motor speed in revolutions per minute when you have no access to the rotor. The task was to examine different measurement methods, to produce a finished circuit that converts the signal frequency to rpm and build a complete too

Dödligt skjutvapenvåld: en rättssociologisk studie om betydelsen av gärningspersonernas sociala kontext vid förståelsen av det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet

As a result of the increasing gang criminality, the lethal firearm violence has enhanced since the 1990’s in Sweden which is a development that has in several ways resulted in a social problem. For example are the perpetrator and thereby gang members getting younger, the connection between gang and lethal firearm violence has eventuated in a lower number of solved cases, which is partly due to the

Optimization of an engineered IgG binding protein domain with calcium dependent behavior for mild antibody purification

Antibodies have become immensely important reagents within biomolecular research and analysis as well as in medicine. Monoclonal antibodies are the largest class of biological drugs and with an increasing number of therapeutic antibodies approved for clinical use the need for efficient purification strategies is vast. Today, most antibodies are purified using affinity chromatography based on Prote

Dynamic interferometry and high-speed imaging

At the Department of Biomedical Engineering work has been done on micro- dispensers - micro-mechanical devices used for handling extremely small volumes of fluid, which is used in the pharmacological industry. The main part of these devices is a membrane which moves distances on the order of micrometers, and vibrates with natural modes at frequencies over 10kHz, and there was a desire to image the

The Role of Human Plasminogen in the Virulence of Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori is an important pathogen inhabiting the human stomach. H. pylori binds plasminogen, a 90 kDa glycoprotein secreted by liver cells, and utilizes it for enhancing virulence. Surface receptors on the bacteria recognize plasminogen that is then activated into plasmin by host factors. The active plasmin can degrade a range of host proteins including proteins of the extracellular mat

Fungal and bacterial interaction during the colonization of litter in soil

What decides how plant litter is decomposed, and by whom? Trees take up carbon in form of atmospheric CO2 from the air and use as building material as they grow. This carbon, locked in plant material, enters the soil carbon cycle via aboveground litter for example in the form of fallen foliage, dead trees, lost bark or via the plants root system as root litter or root exudates. Fungi and bacteria

The role of SRC-like adaptor protein 2 (SLAP2) in receptor tyrosine kinase KIT signaling

SLAP2: A potential new strategy in fighting cancer Among more than 20,000 genes in humans, about 2% of genes encode a class of proteins referred to as kinases. A kinase is a protein, which transfers phosphate groups to proteins called substrate proteins. This process is named phosphorylation and almost all cellular behaviors are controlled by protein phosphorylation. Kinases mainly phosphorylate

Flätflickans revansch. Med Kulla-Gulla och Pippi Långstrump i huvudrollerna.

Maria Österlund skriver i sin avhandling Förklädda flickor: könsöverskridning i 1980-talets svenska ungdomsroman (2005) att ”[f]risyren spelar en avgörande roll i flickskildringen som en markör för vilken sorts flicktyp karaktärerna tillhör”. Flätflickan är en flicktyp som länge har figurerat i barn- och ungdomslitteraturen. Flätflickan är en variant av den så kallade duktiga flickan, vilken är en

Riskhänsyn i detaljplaneprocessen - En fallstudie av Kristinebergs Slott 11 och Samverkancentralen Park 1

As populations and cities grow, spatial planning is crucial. As the planned environment becomes more and more complex, so does managing risk and experts within the field are still debating how this is best done. To asses this undefined area of practice, a case study of the land use plan Kristinebergs Slott 11 was conducted. The main feature of the plan was a crisis management centre which was to b

Fuktberäkning av vindar och jämförelse med mögelprover

The purpose of this thesis was to study how well the MRD-model (Mould Resistance Design) co-using the hygrothermal calculation software WUFI Pro 6 can predict mould growth in roof structures within long periods of time. The study was done on eleven roof structures situated at Malmberget within Gällivare Municipality between the years of 1961 – 2012 in WUFI Pro 6 (the structures were built around 1

CPV-connected ES for Multiple Services

In this master thesis, the topic of energy storage connected to concentrator photovoltaic power production is assessed. The end goal is to propose the optimal energy storage technology and its sizing, regarding power and energy capacity, for an existing concentrator photovoltaic power plant. The plant is located in the province of Algarve in Portugal, the installed production capacity is 4.5 MW, a

CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated DGCR8 Deletion in a Human Stem Cell Line and Exploration of In Vivo Applications

The CRISPR-Cas9 system for genetic engineering has recently emerged as promising tool for studying gene functions in a variety of systems and organisms. Here, we are particularly interested in studying the role of DGCR8 in a human neuroepithelial-like stem (hNES) cell line. Beyond its characterized role in the microRNA biogenesis pathway, recent studies have implicated the enzyme’s involvement in

Kvalitet och läsbarhet för svenska hemsidor med information för vuxna med hörselnedsättning

Syfte: Utvärdera kvaliteten och läsbarheten för svenska hemsidor med information för vuxna med hörselnedsättning. Metod: De två sökorden hörselnedsättning och hörapparater, skrevs in i den mest använda sökmotorn i Sverige under januari 2016, Google. Därefter valdes de 20 första relevanta hemsidorna av varje sökord, det vill säga sammanlagt 40 hemsidor. Dubbletterna togs bort och totalt utvärderadeAim: Evaluating the quality and readability of Swedish websites with information for adults with hearing loss. Method: Two keywords hearing loss and hearing aids, were entered in Google (the most used search engine in Sweden, January 2016).The first 20 relevant websites were elected of each keyword, making a total of 40 websites. Removing duplicates resulted in 29 websites that were assessed. Eval

REFSHALEØEN - A Collective Future

This master thesis is concerned with the site of Refshaleøen in Copenhagen and how a proposal of buildings would enhance the identity of the place, attract more people while maintaining the qualities of the old industrial area. A contradiction in itself and thus not an easy task. As method, the first steps were to document the site, attain background material and history of the site to better unde