

Din sökning på "*" gav 533520 sökträffar

Method to measure the quality of a neuron model compared to recorded data

In this thesis, a method for evaluating the accuracy of mathematical neuron models is developed, with the objective to both improve the quality and the speed of parameter optimization. To evaluate the method, we used a conductance based model of the cuneate nucleus. The model behavior was evaluated against neurons recorded in vivo. A big challenge when modeling neurons is the timing of the action

Impactful beauty or serious disgust

The Japanese language utilizes primarily three writing systems; Kanji, hiragana and katakana. The latter two are known as kana. All three writing systems have their own unique role when writing in Japanese. Corresponding to their primary roles, there are various ‘sub roles’ as well. This paper will mainly be focusing on the katakana writing system’s lesser known role, emphasizing. Seven interviews

Avvikelser från det normala : en enkätstudie och en begreppsanalytisk studie av skolors normkritiska förhållningssätt i det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning

Jag har undersökt fyra olika skolors likabehandlingsplaner och samlat in svar från fyra olika skolor på en egen utformad enkät. Mitt fokus har legat på huruvida skolorna för-håller sig normkritiskt i sitt förebyggande arbete mot mobbning vilket innebär att för-hålla sig kritiskt till och synliggöra normer som marginaliserar vissa grupper av individer. För att analysera mitt primärmaterial har jag

Crystallization of a Aquaporin Membrane Protein SoPIP2;1 Expressed in Pichia Pastoris

Struktur studier av vatten kanalen SoPIP2;1 från Spinach. Syfte för studier av denna jon kanal i detta masterprojekt var att studera kristaller från så kallade membranprotein aquaporin SoPIP2;1 och sedan bestämma dess molekylära struktur till en hög upplösning. Detta kan sedan utnyttjas i vidare forskning för just detta proteinet. Proteinet som studerades kommer från Spinach. Detta protein överStudies of aquaporin’s are broad study field in today’s science. In this master project the membrane protein aquaporin SoPIP2;1 has been studied. The aim of the project was to obtain protein crystals with Lipidic Cubic Phase (LCP) crystallization and study their diffraction. If the obtained resolution of the crystals were satisfying the molecular map also would be studied and that would reveal us

Foreign at home - integration for second-generation Afghan immigrants

Diasporas of second-generation migrants are a growing phenomenon globally, and could be one of today’s most important, yet one of the less prioritized fields of research within migration studies. Through investigating what factors that facilitate and/or hinder the integration process of Afghans in Iran, divided into social, economic and political structures of society, this study fills an empirica

Resurser, viljestyrka eller ett otydligt syfte?

The aim of this study is to investigate the implementation process of a political action in Malmö. The empirical case is a recently ended ”area-programme” in the city-district of Segevång that had as its main objective to social sustainability in the area. The study is based on theories of implementation such as the top-down and the bottom-up perspectives, the latter of which is exemplified with

Vårdpersonalens bemötande av HIV-smittade personer

Bakgrund: Det finns evidensbaserad empirisk information som berör stigmatisering av HIV-smittade personer inom vården. HIV förekommer i Sverige men få studier fokuserar på hur HIV-smittade patienter i Sverige upplever mötet med vården. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur HIV-smittade personer upplever att de blir bemötta inom hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: En litteraturstudie som basera

Medborgardialog som verktyg för demokrati?

The Swedish County Council (SCC) has witnessed a decline in public political participation and a lack of trust in government instances over the last decade. These problems are particularly pronounced in socially and economically challenged neighbourhoods where the SCC is requesting new methods to increase public participation. This qualitative case study examines how Helsingborg municipality, Swed

Värdering av tomtmark med hus på ofri grund vid klyvning

Värdering av obebyggd tomtmark för småhus kan ibland vara svårt då det saknas ett bra ortsprismaterial. Ännu svårare är att värdera tomtmark för småhus som är bebyggda med byggnader på ofri grund. Tomtmark med byggnader på ofri grund upplåtna med nyttjanderätter anses ha ett lägre värde än tomtmark som är obebyggd eller tomtmark som är bebyggd av fastighetens ägare. Det beror på att nyttjanderätteThe objective of this work is to examine the impact on value that a house on leasehold has on the underlying land in a partition ordinance. In order to build a foundation and create an understanding about houses on leasehold, partitiontools and different methods of valuation I undertook literature studies. The literature consisted of, among other things, preparatory work for FBL and the Court of A

Mass models and the spiral arms of the Milky Way

Människan har sedan urminnes tider tittat upp mot himlen och försökt lista ut vår plats i Universum. Vi har kommit långt fram sedan tiderna man kartlade stjärnors positioner för hand, till att använda superdatorer till att simulera kosmisk historia. Just nu befinner vi oss i en era där stora resurser läggs ner på att studera vårt hem, vår galax, Vintergatan, i mycket större detalj än förr. En av dI investigate to what extent spiral arms might affect axisymmetric Galactic models. As we need fully dynamical and high resolution Galactic evolutionary models to probe the structure of the dark matter halo, it is important that we use accurate mass models describing the MW structure. Before reaching to that level of effort, a great deal can be learned from fitting mass and kinematic models to dat

Changing Energy Supply Through Urban Sustainability Experiments: A comparative case study of Sonderborg and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Climate governance is diversifying as the traditional multilateral approach is complemented by more autonomous and experimental reactions. The aim of this thesis is to enquire into this new kind of climate governance. Through a comparative case study of two urban climate change experiments in Denmark, the thesis first explores mechanisms that aid and hinder the achievement of experiment objectives

Mångfald - en komplicerad självklarhet?

Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om, och i så fall vilken, betydelse mångfald har när en plats marknadsför sig mot dess invånare. Då vårt studieobjekt är Helsingborgs stad har vi applicerat våra teoretiska resonemang på huruvida en organisation använder mångfald i marknadsföring för att främja goda relationer mellan kommunen och invånarna. För att undersöka detta har vi gj

Litteratur i skolan - samma mål, olika möjligheter?

Ur ett ramfaktorteoretiskt perspektiv identifierar vi i denna studie de aspekter som potentiellt påverkar svensklärares arbete med litteratur. Genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma svensklärare har vi kartlagt deras uppfattningar och föreställningar om dessa påverkansfaktorer. Fokus ligger i studien på lärarnas retorik, alltså hur de påstår sig arbeta, snarare än på hur deras arbete ser ut i praktik

Challenging Notions of Sustainability – Counteracting the De-Politicisation of Sustainability with Perspectives from Everyday Life A Case Study of the City of Helsingborg - the Urban District of Planteringen

In the city of Helsingborg, Sweden, sustainable urban development is currently permeating the municipality’s work on all levels. The current understanding of sustainability in Helsingborg aims at simultaneously counteracting the ecological crisis contributing to economic growth and social justice. In line with Erik Swyngedouw’s theories, this thesis shows that the current conceptualisation of sust

Reaching for Automated Stacking - A Preliminary Study on Automation of a Reach Stacker

This is the report for a master thesis work which concerns the challenge of automating a reach stacker. A reach stacker is a vehicle that lifts and moves containers. This report should be seen as a preliminary study which handles automation concepts, simulations and sensors. Research questions answered are: Which areas would benefit most from driver assistance, What kind of control is needed for t

“I Got Too Much Fashion Sense For One Gender” : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om dragqueens presentation av femininitet i modefotografi.

This bachelor thesis studies fashion photographs where drag queens are participating as models. It was aimed to explore how their function in the fashion context can be seen. Three cases from 2016, all from a North American context are used for the study. “Caged Heat” from Interview Magazine no. 3, 2016 where Violet Chachki can be seen as one of the models. “Walk in the Wild Side” from ODDA Magazi

Herrens hus och himmelens port : En studie om kyrkobyggnaden som ecklesiologisk symbol i några svenska kyrkoinvigningspredikningar

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the ecclesiological meaning of church buildings in the context of the Church of Sweden. In order to investigate views of ecclesiology and church self-understanding through history, based on the church building as a symbol, I have chosen to study how church buildings are presented in several Swedish sermons. In this essay I analyze and compare four sermo

Semi-Automatic Segmentation of the Right Ventricle in MR Images

Cardiac magnetic resonance is widely used to non-invasive image the heart, for both clinical and research purposes. Segmenting different parts of the heart provides important diagnostic information. Performing this task manually is time-consuming and operator dependent, hence it would be beneficial to automate this process. The aim of this thesis is to implement an algorithm to segment the right v

Oantastliga Resonemang - En analys av domskälens betydelse för asylrättsliga ärenden

Asylärendena kännetecknas av vissa unika särdrag. Till dessa kan räknas den enskildes ofta prekära situation, och att beslutsfattaren ska ta ställning till huruvida den sökande befinner sig i en situation i vilken denne är berättigad internationellt skydd undan förföljelser eller inte. Även maktförhållandet parterna emellan stärker behovet av försiktighet från beslutsfattarens sida. För att hanterThe asylum process is characterised by certain unique features. Amongst these are the precarious situation of the applicant, and the fact that the decision maker is to decide whether or not the applicant is in a situation that entitles him or her to international protection. The balance of power between the two parties is also a key feature that strengthens the need of caution by the decision make

Density distributions of juvenile fish in South Australia - Focusing on the influence of coastal habtitats on climate change-induced range shifts in fish

How will baby fish react to global warming? As most people have been aware of, global warming is just one of many consequences of climate change and increasing CO2-levels in the atmosphere. The oceans are experts at absorbing energy, which makes the ocean temperature rise. In many parts of the world, especially Australia, the sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are increasing rapidly today. This is e