

Din sökning på "*" gav 528256 sökträffar

Rayleigh adjustment of narrow barriers in protoplanetary discs

Sharp density features in protoplanetary discs, for instance at the edge of a magnetically dead zone, have recently been proposed as effective barriers to slow down or even stop the problematically fast migration of planetary cores into their central star. Density features on a radial scale approaching the disc vertical scaleheight might not exist, however, since they could be Rayleigh (or more ge

Regression on manifolds using kernel dimension reduction

We study the problem of discovering a manifold that best preserves information relevant to a nonlinear regression. Solving this problem involves extending and uniting two threads of research. On the one hand, the literature on sufficient dimension reduction has focused on methods for finding the best linear subspace for nonlinear regression; we extend this to manifolds. On the other hand, the lite

Diversity of CD1d-restricted natural killer T cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cellerna I vårt immunförsvar hjälper oss att eliminera olika typer av infektioner orsakade av parasiter, bakterier och virus. Ibland klarar dessa celler även av att ta bort tumörceller, kroppsegna celler som börjat att dela på sig okontrollerbart. Det måste betyda att cellerna i immunförsvaret kan se skillnad på kroppsegna celler och främmande celler och strukturer (antThe present study deals with natural killer (NK) T cells restricted to the antigen presenting molecule CD1d. NKT cells have been suggested to play a role in many diverse immunological situations such as clearance of different pathogens, protection against certain tumors, regulation of autoimmune reactions and as a link between innate and adaptive immune responses. NKT cells are in many respects un

Vardagslivets rehabilitering

Detta kapitel är inriktat på att belysa hur vardagslivets aktiviteter nyttjas i rehabiliteringssammanhang.Rehabiliterande metoder syftar till att balansera de brister inom många områden som skapas under sjukdomens gång, och målsättningen är att ge mer struktur för individerna i deras dagliga liv och att främja återintegrationen i samhället. Psykiatrisk rehabilitering består till stora delar av ins

Service stations along global knowledge pipelines - on innovation intermediaries' function in fostering globalized innovation processes

Innovation is an interactive learning process that is facilitated naturally by geographic proximity. Innovation intermediaries can serve as an extra catalyst to and facilitator of interaction and collaboration. With today’s more globalized knowledge and innovation landscape, companies and research organizations seek complementary competencies and partners with whom they can collaborate on a much b

Finding a heaviest triangle is not harder than matrix multiplication

We show that for any ε > 0, a maximum-weight triangle in an undirected graph with n vertices and real weights assigned to vertices can be found in time O(nω + n2+ε), where ω is the exponent of fastest matrix multiplication algorithm. By the currently best bound on ω, the running time of our algorithm is O(n2.376). Our algorithm substantially improves the previous time-bounds for this problem recen

Professional Service Firms and Identity

This chapter examines the relationship between individual and organizational identity in PSFs and the significant but tenuous nature of elite identity in this context. The authors identify four main identity-related issues for management control in PSFs: autonomy/conformity tensions, the client conundrum, ambiguity saturation, and intangibility. They explore three main modes of identity-focused co

Spatial Structures in Conrad’s Universe : The Tension between Opening and Closing as a Literary Device

Many attempts have been made to catch the essence of Joseph Conrad’s work by examining the contents of his ideas. This thesis argues instead that the important factor is the preferred spatial structures of his world-views and the interplay between them. Above all, Conrad’s work can be seen as a battle-ground between closing and opening structures. The former have a claustrophobic effect on the con

An NADH-Coupled Biosensor for Engineering Redox Metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Popular Abstract in English The work described in this thesis is in the field of industrial biotechnology, which can be defined as a branch of biotechnology aimed at sustainable production of chemicals, materials and fuels with the help of microorganisms. Microorganisms are very diverse and possess a wide variety of enzymes allowing them to transform inexpensive molecules into valuable ones, or toBaker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae’s potential in industrial biotechnology for producing valuable products e.g. biofuels, bulk chemicals, bio-flavours and pharmaceuticals is established. In order to achieve efficient production, the intracellular balance of the NADH/NAD + redox couple must be monitored and maintained, as this influences the feasibility of over 100 reactions in the cell. My ap

MOVPE Growth and Characterization of Low-Dimensional III-V Semiconductor Structures

Popular Abstract in Swedish Med hjälp av tekniker för att deponera enkristallina material i ytterst tunna skikt kan lågdimensionella strukturer i exempelvis halvledarmaterial åstadkommas. Karakteristiskt för lågdimensionella strukturer är att tjockleken hos enskilda skikt ligger i samma storleksordning som elektronernas de-Broglie våglängd. Som en följd av detta kan tydliga kvantmekaniska fenomen Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy is used for growth of low-dimensional III-V semiconductor structures. The roughness of heterointerfaces in GaAs/GaInP quantum well structures is studied by photoluminescence emission from extremely narrow quantum wells. Results obtained for GaAs/GaInP quantum wells are compared to the more thoroughly investigated GaInAs/InP material combination. The potential of u

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Abstract in Danish I et kursus med 12 studerende i 3 tropiske lande og 36 internationale studerende i Danmark arbejdede de studerende virtuelt sammen i grupper med deltagere i både Danmark og i udlandet. De studerende opnåede samme faglige udbytte som ved tidligere kursusgange med studerende kun i Danmark, men lærte mere om projektsamarbejde per distance og forskellige præsentationsformer. Der var