Din sökning på "*" gav 528218 sökträffar
Från politiska beslut till handläggning av ärenden
Contraining population synthesis models via empirical binary compact object merger and supernovae rates
Multiplexing efficiency of MIMO antennas in arbitrary propagation scenarios
Multiplexing efficiency has recently been proposed as a performance metric for characterizing the absolute efficiency of MIMO antennas in a reference channel. In this work, we generalize this metric to account for arbitrary propagation channels, so the impact of the channel can also be studied. Using the extended definition of multiplexing efficiency, the respective roles of effective antenna gain
Global Ecology and Unequal Exchange: Fetishism in a Zero-Sum World
Biomass Utilisation and Transportation Demands
The need for biomass transportation depends on the balance between locally produced biomass and the local demand for fuel. In Sweden, more than 80% of the biomass assumed to be required to replace fossil fuels for the production of electricity and heat can be produced locally within each county, if biomass is extensively utilised. The average transportation distance of the remaining 20% will be be
Towards Bridging the Gap Between Dalvik Bytecode and Native Code During Static Analysis of Android Applications
We propose a method for statically analyzing components that can be part of Android applications and which have not been very well analyzed so far, namely native libraries. As of now, third-party native code can be seen as a black box that can be fed input parameters from the Dalvik bytecode context, and output parameters can be returned back to the bytecode context. However, the native code can s
Några små schakt vid gårdsläge 9.
Målsättningarna med undersökningen var att komplettera Riksantikvarieämbetet undersökningar i början av 1990-talet, med avseende att öka kunskapen om den medeltida bebyggelsens utbredning inom fornlämningsområdet, samt dess kronologi. Utgrävningen var även tänkt att utgöra ett pedagogiskt moment vid undervisningen i historia vid Drottninghögsskolan i Helsingborg. Den anknyter till ett uttalat in
Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Profit - LCC/LCP
Moralism maskerad som vetenskap infekterar sprutbytesdebatten
Turbulent Reacting Flow Modeling in Gas Turbine Combustors
Att genomföra examensarbete
David-Mevius-Gesellschaft e.V.
Tourism and Water
Tredje rikets estetik
This article reflects on the aesthetics and visual culture of Nazism, as well as its troubling legacy to the world.
Swedish Gothicism from Saint Birgitta (d. 1373) to the Poetess Sophia Elisabeth Brenner (d. 1730)
The birth and development of Gothicist ideas and their use in Spanish-Swedish contacts