

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

"Elöverkänslighet" : En förklaringsmodell, några karakteristika hos drabbade och effekten av psykologisk behandling med kognitiv-beteendeterapeutiska metoder

The thesis examines various aspects of "electricity hypersensitivity" (EH). An empirical investigation of a group of persons suffering from EH was carried out, a part of the group being treated psychologically according to cognitive- behavioural principles in a controlled outcome study. The major findings concern an explanatory-model of EH, the the assessment of characteristics of EH-sufferers and

Ethnocultural empathy among students in health care education.

In a multicultural society, ethnocultural empathy has become an important element in most health settings and development of this capacity has become a central component for health care professionals in their interactions with patients and clients. In this study, differences in basic empathy and ethnocultural empathy were explored in a sample of 365 undergraduate students at the beginning and end

Gud mellan upplysning och vidskepelse

För snart tio år sedan disputerade jag på en avhandling med titeln Guds återkomst: En studie av gudsbegreppet inom postmodern filosofi. Föremålet för studien var det förnyade intresse för gudsfrågan som märkts inom europeisk filosofi under 1900-talets avslutande decennier. Från att det vid århundradets mitt närmast varit tabu att uppehålla sig vid teologiska frågor, kom vid den här tiden en avsevä

On convexity in stabilization of nonlinear systems

A stability criterion for nonlinear systems, derived by the first author (2000), can be viewed as a dual to Lyapunov's second theorem. The criterion is stated in terms of a function which can be interpreted as the stationary density of a substance that is generated all over the state space and flows along the system trajectories towards the equilibrium. The new criterion has a remarkable convexity

The safety of passengers in wheelchairs in special transportation services studied with interviews and assessments

It is important to provide scientific knowledge of wheelchairs as occupant-protecting seats in motor vehicles. This study aimed at examining the situation in Special Transportation Services (STS), an important mode of transport for wheelchair users in Sweden. The perceived safety levels were assessed and examined, and extensive field experience was gained. During the study in three Swedish cities

Cognitive approach to audio description

The article presents theoretical and methodological approaches relevant for the research on audio description (AD) and exemplifies the application of these approaches by studies on live audio description of films conducted at Lund University. A cognitive, reception-oriented perspective on AD and the framework of embodied cognition are in focus. It is claimed that previous research on scene percept

Temporal genetic structuring of a specialist parasitoid, Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) attacking a specialist aphid on tansy

In insect species characterized by inbreeding, limited dispersal, and a metapopulation structure, high genetic differentiation and reduced genetic diversity within local populations are expected. Using the model system Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer, a specialist parasitoid of the tansy aphid, Metopeurum fuscoviride Stroyan (Hemiptera: Aphididae), we examined within-site temporal population dyna

The updated version of the IAU MDC database of photographic meteor orbits

The database of photographic meteor orbits of the IAU Meteor Data Centerin Lund has gradually been updated. The version 2001, which has beenprepared for distribution and which will be released soon, containscomplete orbital and geophysical data on 4581 meteors (equinox J2000.0).A new meteor identification code consisting of the publication serialnumber, the author or station code and number of the