Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar
Hydrology for Environmental Engineers
This textbook aims to provide a comprehensible introduction to Engineering Hydrology for environmental engineering students. The book comprises of 8 chapters which provide a holistic view of hydrology, seen as the water transport in nature with human influence, and deal with the main hydrological systems and processes. Each chapter ends with a few engineering examples together with a discussion of
Liv och rörelse. Familj och flyttningar i 1800-talets svenska bondesamhälle
Psykologisk migränforskning
Migrängruppen bestod av 28 migräniker (17 kvinnor och 11 män) som slumpvist drogs på neurologiska kliniken, Lund. Medelåldern var 31 år. Kontrollgruppen bestod av 28 personer (14 kvinnor och 14 män) som slumpvist drogs ur telefonkatalogen över Lund, Eslöv, Malmö och Höör-områdena. Båda gruppernas medlemmar fick ett formulär hemskickat som besvarades och returnerades. Formuläret bestod av diagnosti
Sea level rise and maritime zones: preserving the maritime entitlements of ‘disappearing’ states
En flicka på halsen (1982)
Social influence in relation to current and intended physical activity among adolescents
No title
The Sprayers of the World Wide Web – or about Fighting Surrogate Battles
Competition and barriers to entry the construction sector
In 1999 Sweden and Denmark were physically, linked for the first time by, a bridge bringing the countries even closer. The bridge connects the capital area of Denmark and the south part of Sweden in an area called the Oresund region. At a national level there is a mutual political interest to create an integrated market in the Oresund region and in a wider perspective the bridge is a physical cont
'Skratta till' - a Swedish type of particle verb and its English correspondences
Robotförebild - Samarbete mellan biologer och fysiker inspirerar till nya forskningsidéer
Hyperfine-structure investigation of highly excited ^(2)D levels in Rb 87 and Cs 133 using a cw tunable dye laser in a two-step excitation scheme
Sons of anarchy-logistik – reflektioner från ISL-konferensen och logistik i Sydostasien
Kommentar till Bibliotekslag (1996:1596)
The Treatment of Pouchitis - Is there a Role for probiotics?
Grundläggande immaterialrätt
A field study in dairy farms: thermal condition of feet
In agriculture, as in industry, have many physically demanding jobs disappeared and the physical stress factors have changed. However, the working days in farms are often long, and it is difficult to hire workers for help as the work conditions are considered to be harsh. The thermal work environment in farms is one of the factors influencing the work conditions. This study aimed to find out the p
Experimental investigation on timber-glass composite I-beams
Timber-glass composite I-beams were manufactured and tested in bending to failure. The glass web of the I-beam was adhesively bonded to the timber flanges using three different adhesives: Epoxy, Acrylate and Silicone. For the webs two types of 8 mm thick glass were used: annealed float and heat heat-strengthened glass. Before testing the beams with heat-strengthened glass, the residual-stress prof
Spin Transport Studies of Nanoscaled Ferromagnetic Tunneling Devices
This thesis presents spin transport studies of ferromagnetic nano-scaled tunneling devices fabricated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron beam lithography (EBL). The thesis covers three main topics: The first topic is a study of spin accumulation (relaxation) in Au nano-structures using Ni/Au/Ni ferromagnetic single electron transistors (F-SETs). A Ni/Au/Ni F-SET with a single central Au