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Ambulanssjuksköterskans framtida kompetens och utbildning
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Körlivet i Lund då och sedan. Några tankar kring den gemensamma sångens plats i historien
Sångens position och funktion i moderna civilsamhällen är annorlunda än i förmodern tid. Detta gäller åtminstone för aspekter som vem det är som sjunger varför, när och i vilket syfte? Här spelar samhällskulturella avvägningar en väsentlig roll som exempelvis av det individuella mot det kollektiva, det estetiska mot det sociala, det sakrala mot det sekulära och det instrumentala mot det vokala. Hu
Telomeres in Chironomus - studies on structure and evolution
Popular Abstract in Swedish Telomerer är en specialiserad DNA-protein struktur som finns i slutet av den linjära kromosomen. Trots att den telomera regionen inte innehåller några gener anses den vara oumbärlig för kromosomernas överlevnad. Telomererna skyddar kromosomerna från nedbrytning orsakad av enzymatiska attacker. Kromosomer utan telomerer har dessutom visats vara ytterst reaktiva och fuserThe telomeres, the physical ends of the chromosomes, consist in various species of short simple tandem repeats which are extended by telomerase. The Drosophila melanogaster telomeres, which instead are elongated by retroposons, are an exception. In Chironomus pallidivittatus and Chironomus tentans the telomeres contain 340/350-bp tandem repeats in blocks up to 200 kb in size. The structure of the
Genital human papillomaviruses. Studies of their occurrence, type spectrum and expression.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårtor (skivepitelpapillom) i hud eller slemhinna orsakas av papillomvirus. Kunskapen om detta virus var länge ganska liten eftersom det inte går att odla i cellkulturer, men med molekylärbiologins framsteg har förståelsen ökats. Varje djurart har sina egna papillomvirus och genom att jämföra nukleinsyrasekvenserna i DNA-kedjan hos olika virusisolat har man identifieratThe occurrence of genital human papillomavirus infection was determined in different categories of patients by means of PCR. In high proportion of young women attending an adolescent clinic, the presence of HPV DNA was demonstrated in simultaneously urethral and cervical samples, suggesting that genital HPV infections are often multifocal. Multiple HPV types were demonstrated in about half of the
1871 - 1971: Fysiska föreningen i Lund 100-årsjubilerar i oktober
Bed och arbeta. Om religionsfrihet i arbetsliv och skola
LU-CDM, A Conceptual Model of Desertification
This paper presents a generic system dynamic model to simulate and analyze a desertification system and its stability for different desertification syndromes. The study is one of many desertification related modelling approaches carried out by different project partners within the frames of DeSurvey (A Surveillance System for Assessing, Monitoring and Modelling Desertification; 2005-2010). DeSur
Religious Stereotyping and Interreligious Relations
Religion can heal, but it can hurt as well. This collection of essays addresses some key issues of religious stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination, and considers a wide range of important topics which haunt our societies today. When stereotyping becomes the oxygen we inhale, when it is so important to us that we cannot see how we can survive without it - what can and should we do? Twenty-two
Performance Evaluation of a High Solar Fraction CPC-Collector System
One of the most important goals on solar collector development is to increase the system’s annual performance without increasing overproduction. The studied collector is formed by a compound parabolic reflector which decreases the collector optical efficiency during the summer period. Hence, it is possible to increase the collector area and thus, the annual solar fraction, without increasing the o
On unequal error protection for information symbols via active distances
This paper describes the active burst distance for convolutional codes. The unequal error protection for information sequences are used to formulate a theorem on the error-correcting capability of the generator matrix and set state paths in the encoder state-transition diagram correspond to code sequences. Therefore the active-distance concepts are used to characterize the error patterns
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Advanced Computational Methods and Experiments in Heat Transfer X
Migration of Sea Turtles from Caribbean Costa Rica: Implications for Management
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fyra högst migratoriska och utrotningshotade havssköldpaddsarter (soppsköldpadda, karettsköldpadda, havslädersköldpadda och oäkta karettsköldpadda) lägger ägg i Tortuguero nationalparken i Costa Rica. Havssköldpaddsforskning har pågått fortlöpande i Tortuguero sedan Dr. Archie Carr påbörjade studier under 1950-talet. Denna avhandling avser att klargöra Tortugueros havsTortuguero National Park in Costa Rica hosts nesting by four species of highly migratory and endangered sea turtles (green, hawksbill, leatherback and loggerhead turtles). Sea turtle research at Tortuguero has been continuous since Dr. Archie Carr began studies in the 1950?s. This dissertation aims to clarify the Tortuguero sea turtles? post-nesting migrations, nesting trends and survival threats.
Approximate distance oracles for graphs with dense clusters
Let H1=(V,E1) be a collection of N pairwise vertex disjoint O(1)-spanners where the weight of an edge is equal to the Euclidean distance between its endpoints. Let H2=(V,E2) be the graph on V with M edges of non-negative weight. The union of the two graphs is denoted G=(V,E1 u E2). We present a data structure of size O(M^2 + nlogn) that answers (1+ε)-approximate shortest path queries in G in const
Prioriteringar och etnologi - njurtransplantationers symboliska värden i organbristens spår
Migration and Place Attractiveness
Abstract in Undetermined Not available
Protograph Design for Spatially-Coupled Codes to Attain an Arbitrary Diversity Order
This work focuses on the design of SC-LDPC codes for transmission over non-ergodic, block-fading channels. Our main contribution is an algorithm, allowing to start from a (J,K )-regular, uncoupled LDPC ensemble, from which one can recursively build up a protograph-based SC-LDPC ensemble having any target diversity order d. The diversity order is achieved assuming a low-complexity iterative decodin