

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

Kamratgranskning och återkoppling i forskarutbildningen

Kamratgranskning är en metod som är vanligt förekommande i grundutbildningen vid LTH, t.ex. vid opponering av examensarbeten och projektarbeten. Kamratgranskning innehåller återkoppling som skall ges på ett konstruktivt sätt i syfte att skapa ett förbättrat slutresultat genom ett lärande hos studiekamraterna. Inom forskarutbildningen är kamratgranskning inte så vanligt eftersom doktorandprocessen

The cognitive profile of anorexia nervosa: a comparative study including a community-based sample

A community-based sample of adolescent-onset anorexia nervosa (AN) cases (n = 51) was contrasted with an age-, sex-, and school-matched comparison group [comp] (n = 51) on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) at a mean age of 21 years. There were no study dropouts. Fewer than 10% of AN cases were underweight at the time of testing. Overall, there were few differences across the t

Measuring progress towards a ‘Green Energy Economy’: Proposing and scrutinising a multi-level evaluation framework for policy instruments

Numerous economic recovery packages have been implemented to stimulate green economic growth through the deployment of low-carbon technologies. The emerging literature shows, however, that there is substantial ambiguity and discrepancy about how to measure the performance of policy instruments driving a Green Economy in general, and in our case, a Green Energy Economy (GEE) in particular. Identifi

Semantic structure extraction using nonprojective dependency trees

We describe our contribution to the SemEval task on Frame-Semantic Structure Extraction. Unlike most previous systems described in literature, ours is based on dependency syntax. We also describe a fully automatic method to add words to the FrameNet lexical database, which gives an improvement in the recall of frame detection.

Helicobacter pylori infection in a mouse model: Development, optimization and inhibitory effects of antioxidants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Helicobacter pylori är en spiralformad Gramnegativ human-specifik patogen, som kan penetrera magsäckens slemlager och kolonisera epitelskiktet. H. pylori infektion är en högriskfaktor för utvecklandet av kronisk gastrit, magsår och ventrikelcancer. Både aktivt växande spiralformer av H. pylori och dess runda viloformer framkallar kronisk magkatarr (gastrit) i BALB/cA möHelicobacter pylori is a human pathogen strongly associated with chronic type B gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer and MALT lymphoma. Our aims were to establish a mouse model of H. pylori infection, to study pathogenesis of gastritis and gastric cancer and to investigate new treatment strategies in this model. Both spiral and coccoid forms of H. pylori strains 17874, 25 and 553/93 cau

Fartygsolyckor i Öresund - människan, människa-tekniksystemet och organisationen som risk- och säkerhetsfaktorer

Öresundsområdet är en komplex miljö med ett av världens mest trafikerade farvatten, en stor variation av transportverksamheter och en ömtålig miljö. Effekterna av fartygsolyckor i Öresund torde kunna bli mycket stora för människan, miljön och materiella värden. ’Maritima risker i Öresund’ (Sundrisk) är ett tvärvetenskapligt pilotprojekt vid Lunds universitet med huvudmålet att identifiera och besk

Reconciliation and Implacability: Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Previous research on post-war society emphasized structural violence with subsequent reconciliation processes. Researchers have focused on the importance of narratives, but they have neither highlighted narratives about reconciliation nor analyzed conditions for reconciliation in post-war interviews. This article tries to fill this gap by analyzing the stories told by survivors of the Bosnian war

The Multifaceted Impact of Corruption on International Trade

The purpose of this paper is to perform a detailed examination of corruption effects on trade based on corruption characteristics known to affect economic exchange within the corruption research field. These characteristics are the level, prevalence, customs location, function and predictability of corruption. The multifaceted corruption impact on trade is empirically examined using a corrupti

Var får instrumentallärarna sina pedagogiska idéer ifrån? : Om bakgrunden till didaktiska ställningstaganden

During my time as Director of Studies at the Municipal Music School of Lund, Sweden, I have had several discussions with teachers, students, parents, municipality civil servants, and politicians. I have concluded that in general, culture schools and music schools are looked upon as institutions where parents safely can send their children convinced about that they get a qualified education regardi