

Din sökning på "*" gav 528039 sökträffar

Analytic and Non-Analytic Decision Making in Novice & Expert Entrepreneurs. A comparison across entrepreneurial scenarios

This study explores entrepreneurial decision-making with respect to non-analytic and analytic behaviour among novice and expert entrepreneurs. In order to understand and categorise subcomponents, or strategies, of these two styles of decision-making think-aloud protocols were used. By exploring and comparing behaviour within various entrepreneurial scenarios, and segmenting it using precise catego

Counting Your Chickens Before They Hatch - How to Manage Rapid Venture Growth Ensuing from “Blockbuster” Crowdfunding Campaigns

Research Problem:​ While research on rapid venture growth has mostly focused on high-growth firms in later stages of development, the topic has become increasingly important to understand for new ventures as well. With the establishment of crowdfunding as an alternative source of financing, companies have access to tools that enable quick expansion of their marketing, funding and distribution capa

Grönyta och biologisk mångfald i urbana trädgårdar - En studie av privatägda trädgårdar i Lunds tätort

I svenska städer besår cirka 50 % av städernas grönytor av parker, kyrkogårdar, parkleder, men även av trädgårdar. Den här studien visar att äldre trädgårdar är större och grönare. Varför är då privata trädgårdar i urbana miljöer av intresse? Privatägda trädgårdar bidrar i stor utsträckning till den totala andelen grönyta i urbana miljöer. Grönytor bidrar till infiltration av dagvatten, vilket min

Vietnamese Mumpreneurs? Middle-class Mothers Negotiating Motherhood and Work in Northern Vietnam

This thesis explores the construction of motherhood in Northern Vietnam and how motherhood influences engagement with digital entrepreneurship. The study relies on 10 in-depth interviews with middle-class mothers of young children in urban areas in Northern Vietnam, who are currently running online businesses through Facebook. Existing literature on motherhood in Vietnam has placed motherhood with

Retinal transcriptome analysis of four owl species: Longeared owl (Asio otus), Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus), Tawny owl (Strix aluco) and Boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)

Owls (Strigiformes) are birds that typically have crepuscular or nocturnal activity patterns. Even though birds are known to have an exceptional visual system, less is known about specific adaptations to vision in dim conditions. Here, by using retinal transcriptome sequencing, the visual gene pathway has been analyzed in four owl species: Long-eared owl (Asio otus), Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus

Deep mining of a complex antibody pool binding Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia cells

Monoclonal antibodies represent an attractive approach for treatment of cancer. Phage display is a very powerful technique to display large antibody libraries, which can be used to isolate therapeutic antibodies. Panning of phage display libraries against cells generates complex antibody pools, and direct screening of such pools typically identifies high-frequent antibodies against highly expresse

The Transcription of Foreign Personal Names into Kanji

This study relates to the transcription of foreign personal names into kanji in Japanese. The study is based upon a paper where Tokimoto & d’Arcais (2000) confirmed three working principles when natives transcribe place names written in hiragana: that jukugo reading will be preferred over juubako reading, that as few kanji segmentations as possible will be used, and that the names will be segm

Evolution of sex chromosomes and sex-biased gene expression

Sex chromosomes are chromosomes that carry vital sex-determining genes. Different sex determination systems and sex chromosomes have evolved from autosomes independently in different taxa; nevertheless, they share strikingly similar characteristics. Sex chromosomes undergo somewhat unique evolutionary processes due to paucity in recombination and transmission through only one of the sexes. As a re

Tilting - Hur ilska påverkar prestation i tävlingsinriktade multiplayerspel

Tilting är en vanlig term inom världen av tävlingsinriktade tvspel, dock har det inte forskats mycket om ämnet. Syftet med den här studien är att klargöra om folk känner att deras prestation i ett tävlingsinriktat multiplayerspel negativt påverkas av ilska, och vice versa. En onlineenkät publicerades på forum dedikerade till specifika tävlingsinriktade spel, där deltagarna fick svara på frågor om Tilting is a common term in competitive video gaming, although not much research has been conducted on the subject. The aim of this study is to ascertain whether people feel that their performance in a competitive video game is negatively affected by anger, and vice versa. An online survey was published on forums dedicated to certain competitive video games, within which the subjects answered ques

On Distributed Maximization of Influence in Social Networks

This thesis studies the problem of finding the optimal placement of a directed link in a graph representation of a social network in order to maximize the induced gain of the opinion equilibrium. The model assumes the presence of a set of stubborn nodes and applies a standard DeGroot opinion dynamics model. First we show that an added directed link should point to a stubborn node in order to maxim

RT-Bench, Improved Understanding of Application Performance with Memory Storage

By implementing efficient and smart schedulers in our software systems with multiple threads we can make applications run faster and much more efficiently. There is however a lot of caution when adopting and implementing scheduling algorithms, like limited preemptive scheduling or PD2, due to the uncertainty they may cause on advanced and complex systems. In fact, most algorithms are tested to pro

Earnings Management under IFRS

Title: Earnings Management under IFRS Date of seminar: 2017-05-29 Authors: David Backaliden & Ragnar Nilhag Supervisor: Peter W. Jönsson Keywords: Earnings Management, Discretionary Accruals, Jones Cash Flow Model, IFRS, Conservatism. Purpose: To investigate how the introduction of IFRS for listed companies in Sweden has affected Swedish listed companies' use of earnings management.

Att stå vid sidan av - Personers upplevelser av att vara närstående vid palliativ vård – en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: av de som dog i Sverige 2010 var åttio procent i behov av palliativ vård. De flesta hade närstående vid sin sida. Tidigare forskning har visat att närstående upplever höga krav utifrån att bli vårdare och tvingas således in i en vårdande roll, med bristande stöd från vårdpersonal. Syfte: att beskriva personers upplevelser av att vara närstående vid palliativ vård. Metod: en litteraturstu

The Trouble With Conflict: How Prolonged Violence Affected Migration in Northern Ireland, 1969 -1998.

With a contentious and fractious debate surrounding the role of conflict in inducing migration, global governments are still in the process of unravelling the convoluted and intricate mechanisms that engender this movement of people. Whilst many theoretical approaches have been developed, no determinable consensus has been reached. Within an era characterized by pervasive violence on the world sta

The impact of environmental drivers on bumblebee diversity using a national data set

Humlor är ett välkänt och omtyckt inslag i den svenska naturen. Globalt utgör de en viktig resurs som pollinatörer inom jordbruket. De senaste åren har forskare försökt kvantifiera deras och andra pollinatörers betydelse för jordbruket. Den generella kunskapen om humlor, deras mångfald, utbredning och beteende, har också ökat. Humlor är taxonomisk sett bin och 41 arter har hittills hittats i Sveri

Industrial design of modular sensor unit targeting Smart City

This report contains a master thesis by Stina Leghammar that was developed at Axis Communication in Lund Sweden. The thesis contains a development and design process of a modular sensor unit that will be mounted on light poles in urban areas. The sensors that will be included in the unit is a camera, a radar, a thermometer, an Plasmonic Air Quality Sensor and a microphone, all to detect and get da

Mainstreaming the environment within humanitarian operations: Identifying key factors for effective implementation of a green approach to procurement within the International Federation of the Red Cross

Each year millions of people receive emergency relief items from humanitarian organizations following disasters and crises. While significant time and resources have been invested in identifying the needs of affected populations and how to address those needs, significantly less focus has been given to environmental impacts of these response operations. These impacts can result in substantial nega

Genre som lärandeobjekt inom sångundervisningen. En studie över sångpedagogers syn på genre och dess funktion

Begreppet genre är centralt inom musikvärlden och inom musikundervisning. Således är detta ett begrepp vi behöver förhålla oss till. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilken funktion genre har i sångundervisningen och hur begreppet kan behandlas. Genre har en tydlig plats i styrdokumenten för sång och instrumentalundervisningen på det estetiska programmet. Därför är detta en intervjustudie med Genre as an object of learning in vocal education - a study of vocal teachers’ view of genre and its function Musical genre as a concept is common and central in music and music education. Therefore, music teachers have to define and act to genre as a concept. The aim with this essay is to figure out which function genre has in the singing education and how genre can be managed. Since genre is a c

Omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden - en marknadsföringsmässig game changer?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur en omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden kan komma att påverka valet av marknadsföringskanaler och spelbranschens marknadsföringsklimat. Metod: Författarna utgår från kvalitativ metod och arbetar med att söka svar med hjälp av ett induktivt arbetssätt. Författarna arbetar med att förstå verkligheten i spelbranschen och sätterPurpose: The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of how a reregulation of the Swedish gambling market may affect how marketing channels are selected as well as the overall marketing climate. Methodology: The authors are using qualitative method to seek and a find answers within marketing in the context of the gambling marketing and SOU 2017:30. By using inductive methodology t

Captured metagenomics of fungi in agricultural soils

Soil microbial communities play an important role in the functioning of soils by degrading soil organic matter and making nutrients ac-cessible to plants. An in-depth knowledge of their structure and pro-cesses are of particular interest to agriculture. Fungi as soil organic matter decomposers draw attention to focus on this particular group of microorganisms. Here we studied the differences of ge