

Din sökning på "*" gav 527837 sökträffar

Integration of a Digital Built-in Self-Test for On-Chip Memories

The ability of testing on-chip circuitry is extremely essential to ASIC implemen- tations today. However, providing functional tests and verification for on-chip (embedded) memories always poses a huge number of challenges to the designer. Therefore, a co-existing automated built-in self-test block with the Design Under Test (DUT) seems crucial to provide comprehensive, efficient and robust testi

Solar Block

A lot of cities today face serious problems. Some of them are not so harmful but they still have a significant impact to our surroundings. Our role as architects must be to create better environment , a better daily life for people. Mostly all of dense cities are currently facing enormous and rapid urban and population growth ,which is hard to follow in the same speed by suitable architecture shap

There is always a little famine going on - A study of articles in the People's Daily during the Great famine in China

This thesis is a study of the articles published in the Chinese newspaper 人民日报 Renmin Ribao, the People’s Daily, during the Great Chinese famine 1959-1961. The famine is considered to be the worst famine in the history of China and an estimated more than 30 million people died of starvation or illnesses brought about by starvation during these years. This thesis will be focusing on the articles pu

Attitudes of Swedish Learners of Japanese towards Japanese Dialects: A Quantitative Study

The present thesis is a quantitative study investigating the attitudes of Swedish learners of Japanese towards Japanese dialects. Current or previous Swedish students of Japanese completed a survey in which they listened to recordings of five different dialects of Japanese, and evaluated these dialects in terms of various personality traits. Furthermore, their ability to identify the dialects was

Co-pretreatment of spruce and poplar for ethanol production - Effects of mixed feedstocks on pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency

Fossila bränslen är mycket viktiga för dagens samhälle och transportsektorn är nästan helt beroende av dem. Tyvärr påverkar de miljön negativt och bidrar till att växthusgasnivå ökar. Jordens medeltemperatur har ökat med 0.8°C sedan början av industrialiseringen. Den globala uppvärmningen är ett naturligt förlopp, men har under de senaste åren varit en stor del av människors bidrag. Idag har atmosOil is very important for today’s society and the transportation sector is almost completely dependent on this material. Unfortunately, it affects the level of greenhouse gases negatively which in turn contribute to global warming. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the sectors that emit the most, as transportation sector. The European Parliament has decid

Characterization of DAT missense mutations in novel mouse models

The dopamine transporter (DAT) is responsible for dopamine (DA) clearance in the synaptic cleft, and thus crucial for maintaining DA homeostasis in the central nervous system (CNS). Mutations in the DAT coding gene have been associated with both movement and psychiatric disorders, such as parkinsonism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the detailed contribution of DAT in

Development, Testing and Future Outlook of a Penalized Spline as a Representation of the Standard Model Background in Dijet Searches

Test av ny metod för att hitta mörk materia partikeln Under mänsklighetens historia har vår förståelse av vad som är universums fundamentala byggstenar förändrats. Vi vet att nuvarande teori, standardmodellen, är inkomplett eftersom att den inte inkluderar gravitation, mörk materia med flera. Mörk materia kan inkluderas om dess partikel observeras. För att observera en ny partikel så subtraherar The aim of this thesis is to develop, test and evaluate a penalized basis spline as a method for representing the Standard Model background in dijet searches from proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. Current representations of the Standard Model background are complex and dependent on current assumptions of the Standard Model. Using a P-spline is interesting because of its simpli

Kartläggning av gymnasieungdomars aktivitetsmönster, upplevda hälsa och stress

Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan hos ungdomar har ökat de senaste åren. Studier har visat att en individs aktivitetsmönster kan påverka hälsan antingen positivt eller negativt. Skolan är en viktig arena där arbetsterapeuter kan bidra med sin unika kunskap kring individ, aktivitet och miljö. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga gymnasieelevers aktivitetsmönster, upplevda hälsa och stress samt

Investigating verbal coding of pictures and the effects of language in children during a short-term memory task with eye tracking

Understanding the parameters of using speech code for visual material is critical to a range of theories concerning memory span development, and the relationship between language and thought. The present study attempted to reveal whether a group of children (N = 39, age 5–7) used verbal labelling of pictures in a memory task, by investigating dwell times on pictures of objects. It is the first stu

Självskattad aktivitetsbalans hos vuxna med Ehlers-Danlos Syndrom

Bakgrund: Individer med diagnosen Ehlers-Danlos Syndrom (EDS) kan uppleva symtom som smärta och fatigue vilket kan påverka deras aktivitetsbalans. Forskning och studier kring hur individer med EDS skattar sin aktivitetsbalans är nästintill obefintlig. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga självskattad aktivitetsbalans hos vuxna med Ehlers-Danlos Syndrom. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kva

För Guds Skull

En studie av svenska kvinnors motiv för mission, samt deras förhållande till det koloniala systemet i de länder de verkade med start strax efter sekelskiftet 1800/1900. Undersökningen kretsar till stor del kring frågan om huruvida kvinnor sökte frihet från manlig överordning genom kristen mission.

“A little less conversation, a little more action please” - Triggering greener travel behaviour in a music festival context: The case of Fuchsbau Festival, Germany

With growing awareness about their environmental impact, music festivals have increased their efforts to become greener since the 2000s. In line with this trend, the German Fuchsbau Festival developed a transport plan, taking into account that up to 80.0% of a festival’s emissions are produced through audience travel. Aiming at triggering a greener travel behaviour among its visitors, four measure

Greening cities: Assessing the implementation of Nature-based Solutions - A comparative case study between Malmö and Malaga

Today, approximately 55% of the total global population lives in urban areas, while in Europe the number is higher than 70%, and both figures are expected to continue growing during the next decades. At the same time, cities are facing an increasing number of challenges, such as sea level rise, increased temperatures, air quality and more extreme weather events. Nature-based Solutions (NbS), altho

Innovative Business Models for Distributed PV in Brazil

Most of the increase in world electricity demand until 2030 is expected to come from developing countries (IRENA, 2016) and transition to carbon free energy production technologies offers the opportunity to reduce the negative effects of this increase. With majority of the low and middle income countries located in the areas of favourable solar radiation, PV technology is likely to become a key so

Balansen mellan integritet och kontraterrorism - Svensk tillämpning av Dataskyddsdirektivet utifrån ett realistiskt perspektiv

Det europeiska Dataskyddsdirektivet avser bland annat att skydda enskilda individers integritet vid brottsbekämpande och behöriga myndigheters behandling av personuppgifter. Genom att uppmärksamma svensk tillämpning av Dataskyddsdirektivet vill jag belysa balansen mellan integritet och kontraterrorism. Jag har valt realism som teoretisk utgångspunkt då realism kan förklara staters intressen. Det i

Drivers and Barriers to Circular Economy Strategies in the Telecommunication Industry

The telecommunication industry contributes to environmental impacts through energy usage and material resource use. The incorporation of Circular Economy strategies has the potential to restructure and re-engineer systems like those in the telecommunication industry to capture more value for the business while decreasing environmental impacts of business. The objective of the research in this pape

User Interface for Event Configuration

Many companies today have a security system containing of devices such as cameras and other devices with some trigger functionality built in. It’s essential to be able to control all existing triggers in a security system for it to work flawlessly. As the number of triggers increases, the security system in question becomes more complicated to configure. Therefore, making configuration from an eas

Evaluation of flexible SPA based LPDC decoder using hardware friendly approximation methods

Due to computation-intensive nature of LDPC decoders, a lot of research is going towards efficient implementation of their original algorithm (SPA). As "Min-Sum" approximation is basically an overestimation of SPA, this thesis investigates more accurate, yet area efficient, approximations of SPA, to select an optimum one. In a general comparison between main approximation methods (e.g. LUT,