Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar
Structure and spectrum of the hydrated electron. A combined quantum chemical statistical mechanical simulation
In the current work, in order to model a free electron solvated in water, we have implemented a method to represent the molecular charge distribution as a set of Slater-type functions within the framework of a QM/MM method called QMSTAT. Also, it has been introduced in this method a new approach to calculate the intermolecular induction energy in the presence of very strong electric fields. Unlike
The Sellable Self : Exploring endurance running as an extraordinary consumption experience
In this thesis, I critically explore the ways in which people consume extraordinary experiences and what this can tell us about contemporary society. My findings question the idea that extraordinary experiences are an escape from the demands of everyday life. I show instead that social (especially neoliberal) discourses discipline endurance runners and shape the ways in which they understand and a
Multidisciplinary petro-geo-thermochronological approach to ore deposit exploration
The continuous search for mineral resources such as gold, copper and base metals etc. requires a refined understanding of the thermal evolution and exhumation history of potential exploration targets, as only ore deposits can be exploited that have been exhumed to the surface or near to the surface. In order to better understand the exhumation history of the ore deposits a multidisciplinary approa
No particle mass enhancement from induced atmospheric ageing at a rural site in northern Europe
A large portion of atmospheric aerosol particles consists of secondary material produced by oxidation reactions. The relative importance of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) can increase with improved emission regulations. A relatively simple way to study potential particle formation in the atmosphere is by using oxidation flow reactors (OFRs) which simulate atmospheric ageing. Here we report on the
Increased risk of osteoporotic fractures in Swedish patients with rheumatoid arthritis despite early treatment with potent disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs : a prospective general population-matched cohort study
Objective: To study the difference in incidence and risk of fragility fractures between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients followed up early in the disease and the general population in Sweden; and the fracture risk changes in RA patients diagnosed in the 1990s and 2000s because of earlier, more potent pharmacological treatment in the later period. Method: Patients with early RA were recruited fro
Peel testing of a packaging material laminate studied by in-situ X-ray tomography and cohesive zone modeling
Peel testing is used to study adhesive fracture in packaging material laminates. The focus is on improved understanding of the mechanisms that provide a laminate's adhesive properties, as measured by standard macroscopic tests. Using a specially-designed peel test load rig, peel tests are performed in-situ in a laboratory X-ray tomograph. The peel test results are analyzed using a combination of tPeel testing is used to study adhesive fracture in packaging material laminates. The focus is on improved understanding of the mechanisms that provide a laminate's adhesive properties, as measured by standard macroscopic tests. Using a specially-designed peel test load rig, peel tests are performed in-situ in a laboratory X-ray tomograph. The peel test results are analyzed using a combination of t
Analysis of Age of Information threshold violations
We study a scenario where a monitor is interested in the freshest possible update from a remote sensor. The monitor also seeks to minimize the number of updates that exceed a certain freshness threshold, beyond which, the information is deemed to be too old. Previous work has presented results for First Come First Served (FCFS) systems. However, it has been shown that Last Come First Served (LCFS)We study a scenario where a monitor is interested in the freshest possible update from a remote sensor. The monitor also seeks to minimize the number of updates that exceed a certain freshness threshold, beyond which, the information is deemed to be too old. Previous work has presented results for First Come First Served (FCFS) systems. However, it has been shown that Last Come First Served (LCFS)
Subdividing the Holocene Series/Epoch : formalization of stages/ages and subseries/subepochs, and designation of GSSPs and auxiliary stratotypes
The Holocene, which currently spans ~11 700 years, is the shortest series/epoch within the geological time scale (GTS), yet it contains a rich archive of evidence in stratigraphical contexts that are frequently continuous and often preserved at high levels of resolution. On 14 June 2018, the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences formally ratified a proposal to subdi
Land-use planning for sustainable urban development in africa : A spatial and multi-objective optimization approach
Land-use planning, which requires finding a balance among different conflicting social, economic and environment factors, is a complex task needed everywhere, including Africa. One example is the city of Zanzibar in Tanzania, which is under special consideration for land-use revision. From one side, the city has high potentials for tourist industry and at the other side there are major challenges
Vi är oroade över senare ålderspension
Var fjärde person blir i dag sjuk till följd av sitt arbete. Att höja pensionsåldern för alla yrkesgrupper, utan konkreta åtgärder för att minska ohälsan, är därför problematiskt och mycket oroande. Det är, enligt forskarna, inte långsiktigt samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt att utan andra åtgärder höja pensionsåldern för alla. Vi – 54 forskare – är mycket oroade över konsekvenserna av att, som föreslagi
Linking Microbial Community Structure to Trait Distributions and Functions Using Salinity as an Environmental Filter
The structure and function of microbial communities vary along environmental gradients; however, interlinking the two has been challenging. In this study, salinity was used as an environmental filter to study how it could shape trait distributions, community structures, and the resulting functions of soil microbes. The environmental filter was applied by salinizing nonsaline soil (0 to 22 mg NaCl
Determining clinically meaningful decline in preclinical Alzheimer disease
OBJECTIVE: To determine the time required for a preclinical Alzheimer disease population to decline in a meaningful way, use estimates of decline to update previous clinical trial design assumptions, and identify factors that modify β-amyloid (Aβ)-related decline. METHODS: In 1,120 cognitively unimpaired individuals from 3 international cohorts, we estimated the relationship between Aβ status and
Increasing crop heterogeneity enhances multitrophic diversity across agricultural regions
Agricultural landscape homogenization has detrimental effects on biodiversity and key ecosystem services. Increasing agricultural landscape heterogeneity by increasing seminatural cover can help to mitigate biodiversity loss. However, the amount of seminatural cover is generally low and difficult to increase in many intensively managed agricultural landscapes. We hypothesized that increasing the h
Simulation and Estimation of Diffusion Processes : Applications in Finance
Kvantitativ analys är en teknik som syftar till att förstå komplexa system genom att använda matematisk och statistisk modellering. Det är en viktig del av dagens finansiella system och innebär bland annat att modellera den slumpmässiga utvecklingen av finansiella tillgångar, och för att förutspå verkliga händelser som till exempel förändring av riksbankens styrränta. En mycket vanlig metod som anDiffusion processes are the most commonly used models in mathematical finance, and are used extensively not only by academics but also practitioners. Nowadays a wide range of models, that can capture many of the effects observed in financial markets, are available. A very important task is to calibrate the models to observed market data and to achieve a good fit, since a slight misspecification ca
Agnes och pensionssystemet som svek
Kapitalmarknadens spelregler
Circulating HER2/ErbB2 Levels Are Associated With Increased Incidence of Diabetes : A Population-Based Cohort Study
OBJECTIVE: HER2/ErbB2 is a member of the epidermal growth factor receptor family. It is widely used as a tumor marker, but it also has recently been associated with insulin resistance. Both ErbB2 and diabetes have been associated with cancer; however, the relationship between ErbB2 and diabetes has not been well explored. The aim of this population-based cohort study was to assess the association
Sanning med modifikation att Grönland är danskt
HΛ3 and H‾Λ‾3 lifetime measurement in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV via two-body decay
An improved value for the lifetime of the (anti-)hypertriton has been obtained using the data sample of Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV collected by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The (anti-)hypertriton has been reconstructed via its charged two-body mesonic decay channel and the lifetime has been determined from an exponential fit to the dN/d(ct) spectrum. The measured value, τ=242−38 +34 (sta