

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Forskarskolan FRAM – lärare forskar i de främmande språkens didaktik

Under senare år har flera satsningar gjorts på forskarskolor för lärare, i syfte att bygga upp skolans kunskapsbas och öka antalet lärare i skolan med utbildning på forskarnivå.Den här bokens innehåll baseras på resultaten från den nationella forskarskolan för språklärare De främmande språkens didaktik (FRAM) som bedrevs med stöd från Vetenskapsrådet under perioden 2012-2015.Forskarskolan möjliggj

Ett vatten stiger i mina ögon

I denna text är fokus på Öresundsbron, en förbindelse över ett specifikt vatten som gett den sitt namn. Från att tidigare ha varit en trafikled för båtar blev det med förbindelsen, som även inkluderar en tunnel, möjligt att färdas mellan Danmark och Sverige med bil eller tåg. Jag vill förstå den ambivalens inför bron som framträder när den av skilda anledningar inte är farbar. Centralt är de stark

PEPSDI: Scalable and flexible inference framework for stochastic dynamic single-cell models

Mathematical modelling is an invaluable tool to describe dynamic cellular processes and to rationalise cell-to-cell variability within the population. This requires statistical methods to infer unknown model parameters from dynamic, multi-individual data accounting for heterogeneity caused by both intrinsic and extrinsic noise. Here we present PEPSDI, a scalable and flexible framework for Bayesian

Simulation-based Inference : From Approximate Bayesian Computation and Particle Methods to Neural Density Estimation

This doctoral thesis in computational statistics utilizes both Monte Carlo methods(approximate Bayesian computation and sequential Monte Carlo) and machine­-learning methods (deep learning and normalizing flows) to develop novel algorithms for infer­ence in implicit Bayesian models. Implicit models are those for which calculating the likelihood function is very challenging (and often impossible),

The spatio-temporal influence of atmospheric teleconnection patterns on hydrology in Sweden

Study region: Sixty-four river gauging stations distributed over Sweden. Study focus: To investigate the influence of climate teleconnection patterns (TP) on streamflow in Sweden. Streamflow data is regionalized and the average hydrographs of each homogeneous region is divided into hydrological seasons. Thereafter the impact of different TPs on the streamflow, per homogeneous region and per hydrol

Imaging the influence of oxides on the electrostatic potential of photovoltaic InP nanowires

Nanowires require surface passivation due to their inherent large surface to volume ratio. We investigate the effect of embedding InP nanowires in different oxides with respect to surface passivation by use of electron beam induced current measurements enabled by a nanoprobe based system inside a scanning electron microscope. The measurements reveal remote doping due to fixed charge carriers in th

Proteomic profiling reveals novel biomarkers and pathways in yype 2 diabetes risk

Recent advances in proteomic technologies have made high throughput profiling of low abundance proteins in large epidemiological cohorts increasingly feasible. We investigated whether aptamer-based proteomic profiling could identify biomarkers associated with future development of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) beyond known risk factors. We identified dozens of markers with highly significant associations

TRIM study protocol - a prospective randomized multicenter Trial to assess the Role of Imaging during follow-up after radical surgery of stage IIB-C and III cutaneous malignant Melanoma

Background: The incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is increasing worldwide. In Sweden, over 4600 cases were diagnosed in 2018. The prognosis after radical surgery varies considerably with tumor stage. In recent years, new treatment options have become available for metastatic CMM. Early onset of treatment seems to improve outcome, which suggests that early detection of recurrent disea

Det gyllene Athen : Sex texter om grekisk kulturhistoria

Det antika Athen hade sin första blomstringstid under 400- och 300-talen f.Kr. Det hade då en ledande ställning i den grekiska världen, och från den tiden härstammar mycket av det som väckt senare tiders beundran – klassisk skulptur, arkitektoniska mästerverk som Parthenon, dramerna som fortfarande spelas på våra teatrar, Sokrates, Platons och Aristoteles landvinningar inom tankens värld. Detta är

Nudges or Shoves in the Secondary Use of Health Data: What is the More Desirable Approach? (Part I)

By Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Janos Meszaros & Timo Minssen Empirical studies in behavioral economics have demonstrated how people are biased and often make poor decisions against their best interests. This has led policy makers to promote choice-preserving approaches, a.k.a. nudges. However, there has also been an increasingly vocal group of legal scholars who are interest in asking whethe

Deep Label Fusion : A 3D End-To-End Hybrid Multi-atlas Segmentation and Deep Learning Pipeline

Deep learning (DL) is the state-of-the-art methodology in various medical image segmentation tasks. However, it requires relatively large amounts of manually labeled training data, which may be infeasible to generate in some applications. In addition, DL methods have relatively poor generalizability to out-of-sample data. Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS), on the other hand, has promising performance

Evaluation of collaborative TB/HIV activities in a general hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

BACKGROUND: Ethiopia has had mechanisms for TB/HIV collaborative activities since 2002. However, no published account has defined the role of these collaborative efforts in strengthening linkages between HIV and TB management units at the point-of-care level. Our objective was to assess the extent of linkages between the two programs at the patient management level at Zewditu Memorial Hospital in

Target Localization and Circumnavigation with Integral Action in R2

Prior results on target localization and circumnavigation with bearing measurements in $\mathbb {R}^{2}$ are extended with integral action, resulting in a control system that is robust to bounded load disturbances on the control inputs. Such disturbances may arise in practice due to modeling errors and need to be considered to ensure small tracking errors. The control inputs are modeled as the sys

Facilitators for and barriers to radiography research in public healthcare in Nordic countries

Introduction:It has been suggested that the future of diagnostic imaging relies on engagement inresearch and evidence-based practice. This implies a role transition from a clinical radiographer to aclinical radiographer-researcher. Clinical radiographers’stimuli for engaging in research in Nordiccountries are unknown. This study aimed to address this gap.Methods:Cross-sectional data collection via

Predicting future stability of ecosystem functioning under climate change

To maintain food security under global change, we need to consider the stability of ecosystem functioning into the future, particularly in resource production landscapes such as agricultural pasture. With ongoing climate change, extreme climatic events are predicted to become more frequent and severe globally, impacting crop production. The whole process of farming will become more uncertain, from

The problem with antibiotics

While greater incentives and new funding models for antibiotic drug develooment are needed, it is unclear whether a system dependent on endlessly churning out new and ever more expensive medicines will be economically feasible and scientifically possible in the long term. Greater priority should therefore be given to implementing more permanent solutions that are not limited to slowing resistance,