

Din sökning på "*" gav 528038 sökträffar

Synthesis of highbush blueberry pollination research reveals region-specific differences in the contributions of honeybees and wild bees

Highbush blueberry production has expanded worldwide in recent decades. To safeguard future yields, it is essential to understand if insect pollination is limiting current blueberry production and which insects contribute to pollination in different production regions. We present a systematic review including a set of meta-analyses on insect-mediated pollination in highbush blueberry. We summarize

Investigation of Cerebral Mitochondrial Injury in a Porcine Survivor Model of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Introduction: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas that is a leading cause of environmental poisoning in the USA with substantial mortality and morbidity. The mechanism of CO poisoning is complex and includes hypoxia, inflammation, and leukocyte sequestration in brain microvessel segments leading to increased reactive oxygen species. Another important pathway is the effects of CO o

Tailoring C─N Containing Compounds into Carbon Nanomaterials with Tunable Morphologies for Electrocatalytic Applications

Carbon materials with unique sp2-hybridization are extensively researched for catalytic applications due to their excellent conductivity and tunable physicochemical properties. However, the development of economic approaches to tailoring carbon materials into desired morphologies remains a challenge. Herein, a convenient “bottom-up” strategy by pyrolysis of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) (or ot

Decentralized Federated Learning for Epileptic Seizures Detection in Low-Power Wearable Systems

In healthcare, data privacy of patients regulations prohibits data from being moved outside the hospital, preventing international medical datasets from being centralized for AI training. Federated learning (FL) is a data privacy-focused method that trains a global model by aggregating local models from hospitals. Existing FL techniques adopt a central server-based network topology, where the serv

A humble servant or an agenda-setter? The role(s) of the European External Action Service as chair of Council Working Groups on EU´s Common and Foreign Policy

Since 2010, the EU`s External Action Service (EEAS) is the permanent chair of the Council working groups on the EU´s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), thus terminating the procedural rule of EU member states alternatingly holding the presidency of such working groups for a period of sixmonths. This thesis aims therefore at exploring the consequences of the EEAS taking over the chairmanshi

Remittances impact on girl’s education: a critical review

This thesis examines remittances effect on development in less developed counties through human capital attainment, by evaluating the evidence for remittances effect on girls’ primary education. Remittances, the sum of money migrants send back to a household when migrating to work, have potential to contribute to development by directly supplying families with additional income. A major inhibitor

Green Logo: a study of food labeling as an initiative to govern consumption

The great climate impact of the agri-food sector has only recently been brought into light, and become a concern of political actors around the world. Standardizations as an initiative to govern this sector have received increasing attention, but while these initiatives can prove an effective tool for influencing consumer choice, they also hold certain problematic characteristics. Although they ar

Discord is Caused by Those Who Posses - On CSR Discourse

The purpose of this thesis is to describe the discursive development and to investigate the political consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Since its origins in the United States in the 1950s, CSR has developed into a symbolic powerhouse, affecting corporations, governments and peoples. CSR as a concept provides a convincing common-sense argument: why should the affluent not contr

Komplexa problem, lokala lösningar. En kartläggning av samverkansarbetet inom Malmö stads Områdesprogram

Collaboration between vastly different actors within society is often considered as the only viable solution to complex social problems. This thesis explores the concept of collaboration by examining the structure of a municipal area development initiative that is underpinned by numerous collaborative projects. By viewing the program as a solution to a complex problem, the study scrutinize what ki

Är åldersbedömningarna av ensamkommande barn rättssäker? -En utvärdering av Migrationsverkets interna riktlinjer

In 2015, about 33 568 unaccompanied children crossed the Swedish border and applied for asylum. Most of these asylum seekers were from “failed states” so they lacked documents that can prove their identity. For the Swedish Migration Agency it is very important to determine an asylum seeker’s age because whether the individual is an adult or minor affects the outcome of their application. Therefore

Health, Harm, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

After years of secretive, back-door negotiations, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was finally revealed to the public on November 5, 2015. While the TPP has been regarded by some as the “gold standard” for free trade agreements in the twenty-first century, a wide spectrum of political opposition has continued formed around the deal. This paper builds on the growing body of critical scholarship

Irrigating the Future: Justice, Emancipation and lessons from the past, a critical discourse analysis

Confronting ecological crises is leading many researchers and academics to take a renewed interest in the deep past. The archaeological and climatic record are posed as a source of lessons that can be brought to bear on current issues of sustainability. IHOPE, or Integrated History and Future of People on Earth, presents one such effort, a collaborative and inter-disciplinary project with aims to

Ska vi ÄTA eller ska vi bråka? - En studie över ÄTA-arbetets reglering och roll som tvistefråga inom entreprenadrätten

Efter att entreprenadavtal ingåtts ges i regelverket om ÄTA-arbeten i AB 04 en omfattande möjlighet att förändra arbetets karaktär och omfattning för säkerställande av en fullgod färdig entreprenad. Detta särskiljer entreprenadavtalet från andra avtal men är en nödvändighet. Omförhandlingsinstitutet kompenserar för ändrade preferenser och yttre omständigheter som kan uppkomma under ett omfattande After a contract of construction is agreed upon the regulations regarding ÄTA-works in AB 04 provides comprehensive opportunities to change the nature and extent of work to ensure an adequate creation. This distinguishes constructive contracts from other agreements, but is a necessity to compensate for changes in developer preferences and external factors which can occur during an extensive and ti

La Tabacca: small Farming, bold Intentions. A walk through the challenging creation of alternative lifestyles.

Considering small farming as a viable and optimal solution to achieve sustainability, the following work presents La Tabacca – a small farm in the Northwest of Italy – not as a generalisable model but as one of the many expressions of current environmentalism. After three and a half months of fieldwork – using the tool of critical ethnography – different layers and elements of the place have been

Processföringsmetoden global claim - särskilt i entreprenadtvister

Vid entreprenadprojekt uppkommer ofta tvister rörande entreprenörens rätt till tidsförlängning och ersättning för merkostnader. Vid sådana tvister kan det vara svårt för entreprenören att visa vad som har orsakat den händelse som entreprenören menar ger rätt till tidsförlängning eller ersättning, och hur stort behovet av tidsförlängning eller merkostnader är. Dessa svårigheter har lett till utveckIn construction projects it often arise disputes concerning the contractor’s right to an extension of time and compensation for extra costs. In these disputes it can be challenging for the contractor to prove what has caused the effect that the contractor consider entitle to extension of time or compensation for extra costs, and how great the need for an extension of time or extra costs are. Such

Universitetsstudenters skattning av miljöns krav, stress och aktivitetsbalans

Bakgrund: Krav i universitetsstudenters miljö och aktivitetsobalans kan leda till stress, vilket visat sig vara vanligt hos studenter och resulterat i ohälsa. Syfte: Syftet i föreliggande studie var att beskriva demografiska faktorer, miljöns krav, stress och aktivitetsbalans hos universitetsstudenter, undersöka samband mellan stress och aktivitetsbalans samt sätta stress och aktivitetsbalans i fö