Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar
Why Volunteer? Peasant Rationality Re-examined: A Study of What Motivates Farmers to Volunteer in Malawi
The primary objective of this study was to understand the rationality behind the decisions of smallholder farmers to volunteer as Farmer Trainers in the absence of direct financial incentives. Farmer Trainers are responsible for passing on agricultural extension knowledge to their peers as part of a participatory agricultural extension approach dubbed ‘Farmer-to-Farmer’ training programme. Using t
Så mycket mer än vanligt sex: En studie av meningsskapande kring BDSM
The aim of this study was to examine the meaning constructed in BDSM sexuality, a sexuality predominantly composed of dominance and submission, and also to relate these findings to existing theory. A semi-structured interview guide was constructed. Then seven interviews were conducted with individuals self-identified as sexually submissive and/or dominant. The interviews were interpreted with IPA
Kroppsupplevelse, självbild och upplevd lisvkvalitet hos patieneter inom allmänpsykiatrin
Mätinstrument som används inom sjukgymnastiska fallpreventiva interventioner för äldre och deras relation till ICF-komponenterna kroppsfunktion, aktivitet och delaktighet - en litteraturstudie.
Klättring - förekomst av skador samt klättrares upplevelser av vård i samband med skador.
Evidensbaserade undersökningsmetoder inom psykiatrisk sjukgymnastik - en intervjustudie.
Muskelträningspåverkan på kronisk ländryggssmärta - en litteraturstudie.
En studie i bussförares arbetsmiljö med avseende på bekvämlighet, arbetsställning, psykosociala faktorer samt besvär i rörelseorganen.
Utvärdering av elektrisk stimulering vid stroke - en litteraturstudie.
Fysisk träning och spelrelaterad smärta hos professionella jazzmusiker och jazzmusikerstudenter.
This thesis discusses the expression of sexuality and lifestyle among Singaporean homosexual men in the context of Singapore and Bangkok respectively. The objective of this research was not to generalize the pattern of the expression but to provide examples from individual cases. There were in total 13 Singaporean and Thai interviewees included in this research. These interviewees consisted of 7 S
Umgängesrätt - en rättighet för barnet. En kvalitativ studie av hur myndigheter samt organisationer hanterar och tillvaratar barnets intresse vid vårdnads- och umgängestvister.
The main purpose of our essay was to study how children legal rights to both parents are practised in the social work. We wanted to find out the consequences of a forced and non practised contact rights. We have also looked in to which opportunities and difficulties that may appear in the social work with an aim to reach a well-function contact between a child and a parent. Our essay is presented
Sexuality and poverty: a case study of sex workers in Kampala, Uganda
The emerging focus on sexuality in development thinking has provided an opening for sex work issues to be included in the development framework. Unequal gender power relations restrict women’s employment opportunities and sex work becomes the best option out of very little choices. However, sexuality norms and beliefs have stratified sex work as ‘unacceptable’. As a result, sex workers face a wide
Har ägarna tappat rösten? Ägarnas roll i utformningen av bankernas belöningssystem.
Sammanfattning Titel: Har ägarna tappat rösten? Ägarnas roll i utformningen av bankernas belöningssystem. Seminariedatum: 2009-06-04 Ämne/Kurs: FEKK01, examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Kristoffer Elshult, Jona Kumbaro och Emelie Lönnblad Handledare: Matts Kärreman Nyckelord: Belöningssystem, Bolagsstyrning, Ägarkategorier, SEB, Swedbank, Handelsbanken och Nordea. Syfte: Syf
Organizing for Innovation- a case study of SCA Packaging
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken.
Management control systems in Self Storage - A describing analysis of management control systems in Premiere Self Storage, Canada
In a time full of environmental changes the need for understandings of the operational work and services, the control of the business and key figures, and flexibility to adapt to different circumstances is crucial in many organizations. In a time where national borders are getting more and more invisible and where the humans are traveling and moving more than ever it is even more important to have
Identity Regulation In Practice:Storytelling as an example
The purpose of this study is to investigate how identity regulation can be enacted and enhance the understanding on storytelling as a powerful identity regulation device.
Johansen Cointegration Analysis of American and European Stock Market Indices: An Empirical Study
Cointegration analysis using the Johansen Method on 3 different sample periods (2-, 4-, and 8-year samples) concluded evidence of one cointegrating vector in the 2 and 8 year samples while the 4 year data gave mixed results suggesting the economic shock (Global Financial Crisis) of 2007 and on may have affected those results. Overall, we conclude little diversification benefits between the markets
Value Creation through Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. An Empirical Study on European Acquirers of US Targets.
The present paper analyzes the valuation effects of geographical diversification by examining mergers and acquisitions involving acquirers from 12 developed European countries and U.S. target firms over the period 1999-2007. Our findings suggest that acquisitions of overvalued U.S. targets do not cause, on average, any significant change in the excess values of European acquirers. However, after c