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Germline whole genome sequencing in pediatric oncology in Denmark—Practitioner perspectives
Background: With the implementation of a research project providing whole genome sequencing (WGS) to all pediatric cancer patients in Denmark (2016–2019), we sought to investigate healthcare professionals' views on WGS as it was actively being implemented in pediatric oncology. Methods: Semistructured interviews were carried out with pediatric oncologists, clinical geneticists, and research coordi
Assessing environmental exposures. Air pollution in Scania, southern Sweden.
Background: The environment where we humans live provides the fundamental requirements we need to survive – food to eat, water to drink, and air to breathe. The quality of these elements has a major impact on human health, as they can contain substances that are detrimental to health. These we call environmental pollutants. This thesis explores the effects of exposure to air pollutants in particul
Functional and Transcriptional Studies of Human Dopaminergic Neurons
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the most common movement disorder and second most common neurodegenerative disease. The principal hallmark of the pathology is represented by a loss of mesencephalic Dopaminergic neurons (mesDA) that reside in the Substantia Nigra pars compacta (SNpc). Another feature of the disease is represented by formation of abnormal protein aggregates, known as Lewy Bodies (LBs),
Condition monitoring benefit for operation support of offshore wind turbines
As more offshore wind parks are commissioned, the focus will inevitably shift from a planning, construction, and warranty focus to an operation, maintenance, and investment payback focus. In this latter case, both short-term risks associated with wind turbine component assemblies, and long-term risks related to integrity of the support structure, are highly important. This research focuses on the
Resonance phenomenon in a wind turbine system under operational conditions
A prototype of wind turbines in 5 megawatt class was built and tested at the first German offshore wind energy test field in the North Sea. In order to investigate dynamic behaviors under a complex state of loads, a continuous dynamic monitoring system was implemented by Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM). It recorded structural responses and environmental/operational variab
Precipitating absorption systems using 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol
Proteomics-based metabolic modeling reveals that fatty acid oxidation (FAO) controls endothelial cell (EC) permeability
Endothelial cells (ECs) play a key role to maintain the functionality of blood vessels. Altered EC permeability causes severe impairment in vessel stability and is a hallmark of pathologies such as cancer and thrombosis. Integrating label-free quantitative proteomics data into genome-wide metabolic modeling, we built up a model that predicts the metabolic fluxes in ECs when cultured on a tridimens
Everyday struggles and tensions in toddlers’ digital media practices
The truth about Sweden's voluntary lockdown
Catalytic Oxidation of CO on a Curved Pt(111) Surface : Simultaneous Ignition at All Facets through a Transient CO-O Complex
The catalytic oxidation of CO on transition metals, such as Pt, is commonly viewed as a sharp transition from the CO-inhibited surface to the active metal, covered with O. However, we find that minor amounts of O are present in the CO-poisoned layer that explain why, surprisingly, CO desorbs at stepped and flat Pt crystal planes at once, regardless of the reaction conditions. Using near-ambient pr
Så blev nationerna vår tids mytologiska väsen
Anna Lindh
High-Density Channels
In the future, fifth‐generation communications system (5G) is expected to provide reasonable mobile broadband experience to high‐density users in stadium, gym, shopping mall, etc. As the fundamental limitation is attributed to the propagation environments, it is essential to understand profoundly the high‐density channels, say, the propagation channel in the environments where the user density cou
Preliminära resultat och analys av del 1 av enkätundersökningen ”Coronas påverkan på arbete och resor”
Här redovisas resultat och analyser från en webbaserad enkätundersökning som i april 2020 genomförts i fem statliga myndigheter: Arbetsförmedlingen, Energimyndigheten, Naturvårdsverket, DIGG Myndigheten för digital förvaltning och Trafikverket. Undersökningen är en första del i forskningsstudien; en uppföljande, andra enkät är planerad att skickas ut när restriktionerna på arbetsplatserna har lätt
Movement of knowledge : Medical humanities perspectives on medicine, science, and experience
Medical knowledge is always in motion. It moves from the lab to the office, from a press release to a patient, from an academic journal to a civil servant s desk and then on to a policymaker. These movements matter: value judgements on the validity of certain forms of knowledge determine the direction of clinical research, and policy decisions are taken in relation to existing knowledge.The compl
A history of sermons and carrots but no sticks - Educational policies on second foreign languages in Sweden : Educational policies on second foreign languages in Sweden
This paper is concerned with educational policies on Modern languages or second foreign languages (SFL) like French, German and Spanish in Sweden. Using a typology from policy instrument theory, colloquially phrased as sermons, carrots and sticks, the paper provides an historical overview and a discussion of policy objectives and policy instruments since 1945 with a particular focus on lower secon
Cardiovascular drug treatment, statins and biopsy-confirmed giant cell arteritis : a population-based case-control study
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether exposure to cardiovascular medications and statins is associated with increased risk of giant cell arteritis (GCA). DESIGN: The population-based case-control study comprised a cohort of patients with biopsy-confirmed GCA linked to the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register to identify all exposure to drugs prior to diagnosis of GCA. Ten controls per GCA case, matched for
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of anionic alkyl glycosides
Growing concerns for environmental issues and product safety for users have shifted research interests towards the use of renewable resources and climate-neutral processes. The enzymatic approach having high selectivity under mild reaction conditions is promising, and the nature-originating products are well accepted. Alkyl glycosides (AGs) consisting of fatty alcohol and sugar are nonionic surfac
Exploring competence and workplace learning in supply chain management
Competence in supply chain management (SCM) is a key factor for achieving superior business performance. The top 25 companies identified as having excellent competence in SCM in the annual research reports by AMR Research/Gartner have displayed substantially higher financial results than their competitors. In line with this cognizance, human resources are increasingly viewed as enablers of SCM and