

Din sökning på "*" gav 532254 sökträffar

Amning bortom spädbarnstiden – en kvalitativ intervjustudie om mödrars upplevelser av långtidsamning samt av bemötande och attityder

Barnhälsovårdens mål är att verka för alla barns hälsa. Forskning visar en positiv korrelation mellan amningsduration och hälsovinster för både moder och barn och Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) rekommenderar delamning i minst två år. Studier visar dock att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal saknar kunskap och har dömande attityder gentemot kvinnor som ammar bortom spädbarnstiden och statistik pekar mot

The Nomad

For the purpose of gaining experience in the field of production design this project involved developing the production design of a self written short film of the fantasy genre. To reach the results, the three step production design process was used which includes concept art, planning and fabrication. The project started with writing a story that included elements of different categories

Samexistens mellan Försvarsmakten och havsbaserad vindkraft - Analys av utmaningar och diskussion kring möjliga lösningar

Sverige har högt ställda målsättningar kring förnybar elproduktion idag. För att nå dessa har bland annat Energimyndigheten kommit fram till att vindkraftens andel av elproduktionen måste öka betydligt jämfört med dagens nivåer. För att uppnå detta behöver vindkraft byggas ut både på land och till havs. Den havsbaserade vindkraftsutbyggnaden i Sverige är idag mycket liten. Detta beror på en rad olThe Swedish government has high ambitions regarding energy and climate. To reach these goals, the Swedish Energy Agency has concluded that the share of electricity from wind power must increase significantly. This requires an expansion of wind power both on and offshore. There is a limited amount of offshore wind power in Sweden today. The reason for this involves multiple factors, conflicts of i

Design and test of a robotic cell for stud bolt welding in heat exchangers for SWEP International AB

This project targeted automating production steps where stud bolts are welded on a heat exchanger within allowed perpendicularity and position requirements. Until now, this has been a manual process where an operator uses steel templates to position the bolts in the right place and manual welding guns to weld the bolts. The scope of this project is to create a digital model of a robot cell to calc


In the hectic and stressful climate of our more or less urbanized lives, it can be easy to neglect our surroundings and forget about our origins. The experiences and knowledge that is obtained from nature is a thing of absence in more and more people’s lives. Främja is a project about helping children to reconnect with nature and be present outdoors, through their personal gear. For children espe

Touching From a Distance: Towards a Resonance Theory of Metaphor Understanding

The present thesis suggests a new type of theory from which to analyse metaphorical language. This new theory is motivated by shortcomings from the available theories (most notably Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Embodied Metaphor Theory) in analysing metaphors in poetry. The thesis uses a sample of metaphorical poems to highlight three key issues that the available theories have in accounting for

Penningtvätt inom försäkringsbranschen

Penningtvätt inom försäkringsbranschen sker genom att tillgångar, som härrör från brottslig verksamhet, investeras i en försäkring vilket gör det svårt att spåra tillgångarnas ursprung. När pengarna sedan betalas ut till försäkringstagaren, eller förmånstagaren, förvandlas de illegalt förvärvade tillgångarna till vita pengar med legitim status. Penningtvätt utgör ett stort problem för EU:s finanMoney laundering in the insurance industry takes place by investing in insurance with assets from criminal activities, which makes it difficult to trace the origin of the money. Once the money is paid to policyholders or beneficiaries, the illegally acquired assets are transformed into laundered money. Money laundering is a major problem for the EU’s financial system why the regulations against

Investigating cytoprotective roles of intracellular C3 in cytokine induced death of pancreatic cells in Type 2 Diabetes

A spoon full of insulin helps blood sugar go down Glucose is the primary source of fuel our bodies extract from carbohydrates to power our cells. Once glucose is released into the blood stream, pancreas reacts by releasing insulin into the blood stream. Insulin is a hormone which allows cells to uptake glucose after a meal. However, when insulin is not produced by the pancreas, or the cells don’

Patterns of Post-Breeding Dispersal of Sandwich Terns (Thalasseus sandvicensis) in Danish Waters

Like many other terns, European Sandwich Terns (Thalasseus sandvicensis) exhibit a period of post-breeding dispersal before migrating to their wintering grounds in Africa. In order to understand the significance of Danish waters for these movements, I analysed the post-breeding phenology of Sandwich Terns at nine roosting sites and determined their overall distribution throughout Denmark by using

Diet of perch in the Baltic Sea – could the European perch (Perca fluviatilis) be used to combat round goby (Neogobius melanostomus)?

The round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, is a recent intruder of the Baltic Sea, which presumably arrived via the ballast water of travelling ships. The establishment of self-sustaining populations in this ecosystem has had both negative and positive effects on the native species composition within the area. Competition over resources and shelter, spawning interference, and the predation on native

Implementation of a component to manage authorization for a web application

Examensarbetet utfördes i samarbete med Klarna i Giessen med syftet att utveckla en komponent i en del av en webbapplikation som hanterar autentisering. Komponenten skulle interagera med auktoriseringstjänsten försedd från Okta tillsammans med korrekt auktoriseringsflöde som en lösning för tillåten användning av webbapplikationen. Arbetet inleddes med en undersökning av webbapplikationen, bakomligThis thesis was written in collaboration with Klarna in Giessen with the purpose of developing a component to deal with authentication in a web application. The component is intended to interact with the authorization service from Okta with the correct type of authorization flow to allow or disallow access to the web application’s resources. At first, knowledge was gathered regarding the web appli

Leveraging and Being Leveraged by Big Data and AI: An Exploration of Tech Strategists’ Sensemaking of Human–Machine Dynamics in Strategic Decision-Making

It is amidst the digital saturation of life, globalised interconnections, and accelerated global AI market growth that we are witnessing today that new complexities and challenges emerge in strategically navigating these environments. This thesis explores the emerging dynamics of strategy and Big Data and Artificial Intelligence through a qualitative research design employing semi-structured exper

Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) echolocation activity related to boat noise and boat presence near the Kullaberg marine reserve in northern Öresund, Sweden

The impacts of harbour porpoises by human-made, so called anthropogenic, underwater noise disturbance have been investigated in the past decades. As harbour porpoises are protected under the EU habitat directive, underwater noise management has been proposed as part of conservation efforts. Disturbance of harbour porpoises by ship noise and boat activity has previously been reported to have negati

Project: SC-XRD

Röntgenkristallografi är en metod för att strukturbestämma kristaller vilket först användes under 1900-talet av William och Lawrence Braggs. Strukturbestämningen möjliggörs utav att ljus som passerar genom kristaller böjs eller delvis absorberas och ger ett diffraktionsmönster. Om ljuset är av en sådan våglängd så den kan passera mellan atomerna i kristallen, kommer ett diffraktionsmönster med inf

I cannot tap you on the shoulder for a quick question - May I schedule a meeting?

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create a better understanding of how collective creativity processes are influenced by the shift in space when employees are forced to work from home (WFH). Research Question: How has the enforced WFH affected collective creativity processes? Methodology: The study was conducted by in-depth semi-structured interviews with employees from a large Swedish mult

Patienters upplevelse av vården efter att ha överlevt ett hjärtstopp En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: År 2019 drabbades 8404 personer i Sverige av plötsligt hjärtstopp, varav 1532 överlevde. Patienter som överlevt ett hjärtstopp upplever generellt försämrad livskvalité. Sjuksköterskan tillhör den profession som tidigt har kontakt med patienten efter ett hjärtstopp och har därav möjligheten att upptäcka eventuella komplikationer hos patienten. Till följd av detta behöver sjuksköterskan ha