

Din sökning på "*" gav 532420 sökträffar

Kriminalisera mera – eller? - En analys av hedersbrottsutredningen mot bakgrund av principer för kriminalisering

Den 7 oktober 2020 presenterades utredningen Ett särskilt hedersbrott, SOU 2020:57, med förslaget att låta brott med hedersmotiv utgöra en egen brottsrubricering. För att utreda om det vore befogat att införa lagförslaget i brottsbalken analyseras det utifrån några utvalda principer och teorier för kriminalisering. Trots att heder är ett problematiskt och svårdefinierat begrepp kan några karaktäOn October 7, 2020 the investigation Ett särskilt hedersbrott, SOU 2020:57, was presented, with a proposal to let crimes with honor motives constitute a specific criminal provision. In order to investigate if it would be justified to introduce in the Penal Code, the proposal will be analyzed on the basis of some selected principles and theories for criminalization. Although honor is a problemati

The Eschatologically-informed Anthropology of Diadochus of Photice and the Formation of an Eschatological Tradition

The aim of this thesis is to investigate what potential role eschatological anthropology played in the writings of the monk-bishop Diadochus of Photice (c. 400–c. 486) in order to ease some of the historical tension between the ecclesiastical tradition and the monastic tradition. To explore this topic, the writings attributed to Diadochus of Photice (the Century of Gnostic Chapters, the Homily on

Mapping the Mismatch - Bride Abduction in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan and the Disconnect Between Local Realities and Aid Organization Framing

Bride abduction in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan is a human rights and gender equality issue that continues to exist despite national and international efforts to end it. This bachelor thesis explores Kyrgyz bride abduction as a mismatch or disconnect between local realities and top- down aid practice. It pursues this aim in three steps using a qualitative mixed-methods approach. Firstly, the thesis cond

Marieholms Kulturfabrik

Skådeplatsen för detta projekt är Marieholms yllefabrik. En fabrik och ett samhälle med många fina kvaliteter men som av olika skäl inte utnyttjas av så många. Vår uppgift har varit att transformera den gamla fabriken. Jag har valt att göra om den, med särskilt fokus på fyra byggnader vid det gamla väveriet, till en folkhögskola för dans, teater och musik – Marieholms Kulturfabrik. Stort fokus har

Reducing environmental impact from biomedical devices - A case study

In the medical industry, environmental considerations have lagged behind in order to focus on patient safety. A combination of both should be possible to achieve. In this report, focus have been on how environmental impacts can be lowered from disposable biomedical devices. In order to quantify the impact from a product, the method Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used which gives a full life-cycle

Towards Ca2+ Responsive Reticular Materials. An Evaluation of Suitable Conditions for Self-Assembly of the Protein S100G

Att bygga material av proteiner är en konst som våra kroppar är specialister på. Men när vi medvetet försöker designa proteinmaterial, så blir det tydligt hur komplexa och svårstyrda biofysikens lagar är. Det här examensarbetet har som mål att lägga grunden för ett proteinmaterial som kan skapas eller dissociera som respons på förändrad Ca2+-koncentration. Om ett sådant material kan framställas meTo build materials of proteins is an art that nature is a specialists in. But when we actively try to design protein materials, it becomes clear how complex and hard to control the biophysical world is. This master thesis aims to lay the foundation for a protein material that forms and dissociates as a response to changed Ca2+ concentration. If such a material is to be produced with an ordered str

Waldemar Zachrisson och idealboken : diskussionerna om den typografiska estetiken i Sverige 1893–1923

This essay examines the typographic discussions in Sweden around the turn of the 20th century. The focus lies on Gothenburg-based printer Waldemar Zachrisson, a driving force in these matters. The starting-point of the study is the industrialization of the printing in the 19th century, when printing changed from being a craft to being a largely mechanical process. Several voices from the turn of t

Regional atrophy correlates of domain-specific episodic memory in early Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau depositions as well as neurodegeneration, and is typically accompanied by a progressive decline in episodic memory. Previous research proposes two neural memory networks that process different stimulus domains. Specifically, a posterior-medial (PM) and an anterior-lateral (AL) network handle scene- and object-specific information,

Exploring Spatiotemporal Relationships between InSAR-derived Land Subsidence and Satellite-based Hydrological Variables

Shabestar basin in the East Azerbaijan province, Northwest Iran, where irrigation is the main groundwater consumer, has experienced large-scale subsidence and groundwater deletion, which poses a threat to the local agricultural activities, economic development, and food security. With the emergency of mitigating the risk, satisfying future demand for groundwater, and improving resilience consideri

Using Direct Cell Reprogramming to Uncover Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Specification Programs and Function

Using direct cell reprogramming to induce functional plasmacytoid dendritic cells from fibroblasts Direct cell reprogramming is a technique used to generate differentiated cells of one lineage from somatic cells of another. This concept has been used to explore the diversity and function of numerous cell types. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are a subset of dendritic cells specialized at pro

Distancing From Dirt: A Qualitative Study on How Cancel Culture Has Become a Resource for Identity Construction in an Online Setting

With this research we aim to understand the dynamics of consumers' use of cancel culture as a resource for their identity construction online. Theories included were surrounding framing, morality, consumers as moral protagonists, purity and dirt as well as distaste and symbolic violence. These theories were selected to aid with the analysis of the empirical material and to add new insight to t

Redesign of Management Control Systems Following Change in Value Emphasis in Family-owned Firms

The overall purpose of the thesis is to gather deeper insights into the redesign of management control systems (MCSs) following a shift in value emphasis in family-owned firms by exploring the different dynamics of the family business system (FBS). Furthermore, the research has aimed to find an answer to how a shift from family management to external management influences the value emphasis, and h

Comparing variation of innate immune genes between rodent species

Emerging infectious diseases (EID) continue to threaten the persistence of wildlife populations. The standing genetic variation of a population can affect its ability to adapt to environmental changes like EID. Levels of variation at immune genes, such as toll-like receptor genes (TLR) of the innate immune system, are particularly relevant. The current study explores the role of demographic histor

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Berlin Dialect in Swedish? : How Berlin Dialect is Represented in the Swedish Translation of Berlin Alexanderplatz Alfred Döblin’s modern novel Berlin Alexanderplatz, first published in 1929, is strongly characterized by the Berlin dialect and colloquial speech. The first complete Swedish translation of this renown work was conducted by Ulrika Wallenström in 1978. This thesis investigates to what

Determination of Narasin in edible Swedish chicken tissue using solid phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography

Introduction: Narasin is a feed additive for animals to treat the parasitic disease Coccidiosis. The antibiotic is deadly to humans when consumed in large amounts. Studies has shown that Narasin can transfer on Vancomycin resistant E. Faecium (VRE). Vancomycin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections in humans. The resistance could be passed on to humans from the chicken and contribute

A Laboratory-Scale Examination to Find an Optimal Application for a Groundwater Barrier Well

Seawater intrusion has been aggravated due to anthropogenic reasons, such as sea level rise and over abstraction of groundwater, which is spoiling the groundwater sustainability. This study focused on a negative hydraulic barrier using a barrier well as a countermeasure. Two lab-scale experiments and a numerical analysis with a 2-D solute transport model were conducted to examine an optimal locati

Ungdomar i brottslighet. En rättssociologisk studie om unga lagöverträdare och rättens latenta funktioner.

Juvenile delinquency has become an obvious and recurring issue in the daily debate and emerges as one of the most controlling and dominant societal problems. There are various reasons why people choose to commit crime and there is no easy answer to the question why young people commit crime. A fundamental but crucial distinction to be made regarding crime is the difference between deviant acts and

Privat resurs eller offentlig verksamhet? En rättssociologisk studie om bevakningsbranschens framväxt

This paper examines the different attitudes that the police and private security officers in Sweden have towards a proposed change of legislation, recommended by The Swedish Police Authority. This proposal suggests that some functions and powers of the police would instead be given to the private security guard employed in the private security sector. It also examines the collaboration between the