Din sökning på "*" gav 534347 sökträffar
Den interna styrningen vid vårdcentraler i Sverige och Finland – en jämförelse mellan Malmö och Esbo, Tammerfors och Jyväskylä
Kenyan Community Currencies Roleplay
A game that brings to life the challenges that community currencies aim to address, its various designs and communities various responses to them.
Lifetime alcohol intake, drinking patterns over time and risk of stomach cancer : A pooled analysis of data from two prospective cohort studies
Alcohol consumption is causally linked to several cancers but the evidence for stomach cancer is inconclusive. In our study, the association between long-term alcohol intake and risk of stomach cancer and its subtypes was evaluated. We performed a pooled analysis of data collected at baseline from 491 714 participants in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition and the Melb
May measurement month 2018 : Results of blood pressure screening from 41 countries
The beach is the main accessible public space for the inhabitants of Gaza, and plays a central role for leisure time and recreation. However, the water is contaminated and dangerous for bathing, which reflects the major issues Gaza faces with wastewater treatment and adequate infrastructure.
Så skapar nanoteknik nya vägar till stamcellers inre
Forskare vid Lunds universitet har utvecklat en lovande nanoteknikbaserad metod för att leverera biomolekyler till mänskliga blodstamceller. Metodens förmåga att bibehålla cellernas funktion utan någon negativ påverkan har stor potential inom både grundforskning och kliniska tillämpningar. Här beskrivs den nya kunskapen av forskarna Ludwig Schmiderer, Jonas Larsson och Martin Hjort vid Lunds unive
A complete update of ε0/ε in the standard model
The recent release of improved lattice data has revived again the interest on precise theoretical calculations of the direct CP-violation ratio ε0/ε. We present a complete update of the Standard Model prediction [1,2], including a new re-analysis of isospin-breaking corrections which are of vital importance in the theoretical determination of this observable. The Standard Model prediction, Re(ε0/ε
Development of a real-time quantitative PCR method for detection and quantification of Prevotella copri
Background: Since its discovery in 2007, the importance of the human gut bacterium Prevotella copri (P. copri) has been widely recognized with its links to diet and health status and potential as next generation probiotic. Therefore, precise, convenient and cost-effective diagnostic tools for the detection and quantification of P. copri from clinical and environmental samples are needed. Results:
Sameh Egyptson: Sluta ge pengar till Ibn Rushd, Folkbildningsrådet
Det räcker med tjugo år av allmänna medel till en studieorganisation som sprider rasism, judehat och homofobi.
Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - ett rättsligt begrepps innebörd och gränser
An analysis of the Swedish regulation of `new´forms of employment
Att göra aktivitetsersättning: om målförskjutning och icke-kontakt vid förtidspension för unga
This thesis investigates ‘the doing’ of the Swedish social insurance program Activity Compensation (AC). AC is an example of disability policies in Western welfare states. These policies have two goals: to ensure financial security and to promote social participation. In 2003 AC replaced Early Retirement Pension for persons aged 19 to 29 years and who, for medical reasons, have reduced work capaci
Measurement of relative static permittivity and solvatochromic parameters of binary and ternary CO2-expanded green solvents
CO2-expanded liquids (CXLs) is a class of solvent systems giving relatively low viscosity in comparison to neat organic solvents. The challenge is to achieve a high overall polarity of the CXL, despite the presence of compressed liquid CO2. In this study, the relative static permittivity (εr) was measured for binary and ternary one-phase mixtures of CO2 + green solvent using an in-line microfluidi
From agency to root causes: addressing structural Barriers to transformative justice in transitional and post-conflict settings
Transformative justice has emerged as a new practice agenda for addressing structural and systemic violence in post-conflict and post-authoritarian societies. This article is situated at a critical juncture: while the emerging scholarship has focussed on community agency and action, there is little as yet that has explored the social structures and relations in transition societies that are harm-g
Variation in perception of environmental change in nine Solomon Islands communities: implications for securing fairness in community-based adaptation
Community-based approaches are pursued in recognition of the need for place-based responses to environmental change that integrate local understandings of risk and vulnerability. Yet the potential for fair adaptation is intimately linked to how variations in perceptions of environmental change and risk are treated. There is, however, little empirical evidence of the extent and nature of variations
Human Rights Leadership : Towards a Research and Practice Agenda for Challenging Times
Bolag med statligt ägande och kommunikation : hybriditetens kommunikativa utmaningar
Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting : IEA SHC Task 61/EBC Annex 77, Subtask D - Proposal and First Results
The integration of daylight and electric lighting, considering user satisfaction and energy savings potentially can contribute significantly to reduce energy demand for lighting, that represents 18% of global energy demands. This paper presents the work and first results of IEA SHC Task 61/EBC Annex 77 “Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting: From component to user centered sys