Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils
item FAO 2005: . World Soil Resources Report 102. Written jointly by Farage, P., Ball, A, Pretty, J. (University of Exeter) and Olsson, L., Ardö J., Tschakert P. and Warren, A. (Lund University) , p.
item FAO 2005: . World Soil Resources Report 102. Written jointly by Farage, P., Ball, A, Pretty, J. (University of Exeter) and Olsson, L., Ardö J., Tschakert P. and Warren, A. (Lund University) , p.
Hur kan det komma sig att Staden Phoenix i Arizona har bland de lägsta va-avgifterna i hela USA? När vi i förra numret av Svensk Vatten gav en kort beskrivning av hur stadens vattenförsörjning utvecklats avslutande vi med denna fråga. Liksom i Sverige är verksamhetens historiska utveckling, platsen och dess fysiska förutsättningar viktiga delförklaringar till de låga kostnaderna. Det handlar emell
The European heavy metals in mosses biomonitoring network provides data on the concentration of 10 heavy metals in naturally growing mosses and is currently coordinated by the UNECE ICP Vegetation (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe International Co-operative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops). The technique of moss analysis provides a surrogate, time
An experiment of laser-triggered electric discharges has been conducted in a uniform background electric field. By focusing the beam of a pulsed Nd-YAG laser (wavelength 532 nm, pulse duration 5 ns) in a narrow (15 mm) plane-parallel air gap exposed to a dc voltage, streamer discharges and disruptive discharges were triggered.. The laser energy and the background electric field strength were varie
During spring and autumn 2001, we screened 13,260 migrating birds at Ottenby Bird Observatory, Sweden, and found 3.4% were infested with ticks. Four birds, each a different passerine species, carried tickborne encephalitis virus(TBEV)-infected ticks (Ixodes ricinus). Migrating birds may play a role in the geographic dispersal of TBEV-infected ticks.
Adenohypophyseal-hormone production is regulated by hypothalamic peptides and target-gland hormones. Additionally, paracrine regulation by folliculo-stellate cells within the pituitary has been suggested. We recently showed TSH receptor expression in human folliculo-stellate cells and speculated that receptors for other adenohypophyseal hormones might also be expressed by folliculo-stellate cells.
The high-resolution far-infrared absorption spectrum of the gaseous molecular complex H3N-HCN is recorded by means of static gas-phase Fourier transform far-infrared spectroscopy at 247 K, using a synchrotron radiation source. The spectrum contains distinct rotational structures which are assigned to the intermolecular NH3 libration band v(9)(1) (v(B)) of the pyramidal H3N-HCN complex. A rovibrati
Filmrecension av David O. Russels Three Kings.
Knee prostheses with metal backing of the polyethylene tibial component are nowadays used almost universally. Eight cases of fracture of the metal tray are reported in the literature. We present a case in which the failure could be expected because of improper design of the tibial tray.
AIM: The present study compares subjects recruited to a population-based prospective cohort study by community versus personal invitation, and subjects responding late versus early to personal invitation. Subjects were compared with respect to sociodemographic characteristics, selected lifestyle factors, cancer incidence and mortality. METHODS: The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study recruited a total of
The objective of this thesis was to find ways of improving part-load efficiency for a spark ignition engine by studying the effects of variable-valve actuation on fluid flow and combustion. The in-cylinder flow was measured with laser doppler velocimetry, LDV, and particle image velocimetry, PIV. A piezo-electric pressure transducer was used to measure the in-cylinder pressure, which was used for
Contemporary society is characterized by processes of fundamental change (keywords: multiple modernities, globalization, mobilization, individualization, transgression of cultures and identities). At the same time, the production of knowledge undergo swift transition and pluralization. By way of discussing sociology’s history as well as some of its non-scientific interfaces, this article deals wit
Different methods of real-time fibre-network visualisation have been studied. Using an extrusion-based method yields very good results, but for large networks the frame rate becomes unacceptably low. To increase the number of fibres that can be visualised in real time, a textured billboard method has been implemented. With this method, an average performance gain of 60% has been achieved, using an
Several tests of human conscious knee proprioception have been described, but there is no consensus or reference standard established. Difficulties remain in the separation of information originating from muscles, tendons, and joints, and the tests cannot discriminate between loss of afferent signals or altered activity in the remaining receptors. There is convincing evidence from several descript