

Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar

Activists, Politicians and Children: Visual Representations of Climate Change in Swedish Newspapers 2019

Visual representations can either concretise climate change or make it more abstract and remote. This thesis aims to bring light to how Swedish news imagery of 2019 promotes particular views on climate change. Specifically, it examines the prevalence of five visual themes (people, impacts, causes, landscape and nature, and solutions) and investigates how different geographic regions are depicted i

Lose yourself in the landscape -a respectful and resilient development to connect Häljarp with its train station

This project is about developing a new neighbourhood in Häljarp with a floodable wet land park as the core. After analysing the site and its surroundings, a number of strategies has been created to guide the design process. The strategies are divided into three categories; adapt to the site, liven up the community and complementing the area. This landed in a carefully considered proposal. The desi

Preferenser för hög ESG eller högre moment?

Most existing literature uses a mean-variance frame-work for evaluating expected stock returns and ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance. At the same time, it is argued that the risk mitigation offered by high ESG should lead to higher skewness and lower kurtosis in stock returns. It is also well established that investors have positive preferences for skewness and negative prefer

Föräldrars upplevelser av att ha ett långvarigt sjukt barn med behov av insatser från hälso- och sjukvård

Bakgrund: Ett barn som blir diagnostiserat med långvarig sjukdom påverkar föräldrars fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Familjecentrerad omvårdnad grundar sig i att inkludera hela familjeenheten. För att kunna ge en fullgod familjecentrerad omvårdnad behövs mer kompetens om föräldrarnas upplevelser. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa föräldrars upplevelse av att ha ett långvarigt sjukt barn med behov av insatse

Campus LU-Utveckling av en datorprototyp av en app för Lunds universitet campus

En app/prototyp gjord för studenter av studenter. Den har i syfte att vara deras bästa vän under studiens gång. Hjälpa till med allt från att boka datorsal till att fungera som ett digitalt LU-kort! Nyckeln till ett smidigare studentliv helt enkelt! En första version av prototypen gjordes i en såkallad “lofi-prototyp” som en enkel digitalt handritat prototoyp, som testas först på användarna i fo

The protection of fictional characters: A study on how fictional characters can be protected under copyright and trade mark law

As the entertainment industry continues to grow and fictional characters holding enormous value, this paper seeks to explain how the characters can be protected within the EU through copyright or the use of trade marks, and what the limitations to such protection might be. The paper is using a legal analytical method and looks at both the legislation and the case-law within the union, but also at

Decreasing organic nitrogen concentrations in European water bodies - links to organic carbon trends and land cover

European rivers experience increasing concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC) from terrestrial sources due to factors involving changes in land use, climate and soil acidity. However, low interest is given to the evolution of total organic nitrogen (TON) concentrations in surface waters, the links with TOC concentrations and the influence of the surrounding land cover on nutrient inputs. Inve

Öppningar och gränser : en fenomenologisk undersökning av biblioteket som rum och plats

The aim of this text is to create a phenomenological understanding of the public library as place and space. Because there is very little written about this subject through this particular perspective, my paper can be seen as a knowledge- theoretical contribution to library- and information science. Through my exploration I emphasize the idea of the subject as embodied and its importance in unders

Foreland evolution of Blåisen, Norway, over the course of an ablation season

Denna studie presenterar en detaljerad undersökning av utvecklingen av sedimentära landformer under en ablationssäsong vid Blåisen, en del av Hardangerjøkulen, Norge. Två besök vid Blåisen, i början och i slutet av ablationssäsongen, gjorde det möjligt att studera hur landformerna bevaras och utvecklas. Det pågår mycket forskning om glaciala landformer som är en nyckel till förståelse av hur tidigThis study presents a detailed investigation into the evolution of sedimentary landforms over an ablation season at Blåisen, an outlet of the Hardangerjøkulen Icecap, Norway. The two visits to Blåisen, one each side of the ablation season, allowed the preservation and evolution of the landforms to be studied. Much research is conducted studying glacial landforms, which are key in our understanding

Entrepreneurial coaching & well-being

The importance of well-being has gained wide-spread recognition within entrepreneurial research and at the same time entrepreneurial coach relationships have received more attention in academia. There is however, a lack of understanding on the influence of coaches on the well-being of entrepreneurs. This study seeks to contribute to academic literature by focusing on the subject of accelerator coa

Skatten vid regnbågens slut : Om transpersoners upplevelser av gemenskap och annorlundaskap i hbtq-rörelsen

Authors: Anselm Ahlström and Josefin Jervelycke Title: The Treasure at the End of the Rainbow - About Trans People’s Experiences of Belongingness and Otherness in the Lgbtq-community. Supervisor: Kristina Göransson Assessor: Norma Montesino The aim of this study was to explore trans people's involvement in the lgbtq-community in order to create a deeper understanding of the processes that cr

An Urban Nature Experience

An urban nature experience – an urban park where people can experience and improve the relationship between human and nature. This is an exhibition of nature in an urban environment. Here you can experience the nature with all of your senses; sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. Research has shown that the more people are exposed to nature, the more they appreciate it, and the more environmental

Is the time for leisure now? : The growth paradigm in the Finnish welfare debate

The government of Finland has the ambition of making Finland the first fossil-free welfare state in the world and reaching carbon neutrality in 2035. Simultaneously, worktime reduction and basic income have been matters of vivid political debate. Both worktime reduction and basic income are go-to solutions for post-growth scholars as ways to arrange welfare in a non-growing economy. These initiati

Generation of Model NiMo Hydrotreating Nano-catalyst via the Spark Discharge Technique

Katalysatorer är viktiga komponenter i den kemiska industrin. Deras användning tillåter kemiska processer att ske på ett ekonomiskt och miljövänligt sätt, förutsatt att de är stabila och har bra aktivitet i den kemiska miljön där de tillämpas. Ett viktigt steg vid implementeringen av nya kemiska processer är alltså att utveckla lämpliga katalysatorer. Processen att utveckla sådana kan vara väldigtEstablishing a technically practical method to generate representative model catalysts for the use in characterizations and testing prior to catalyst implementation in chemical process units would allow for a more sophisticated understanding of the underlying catalytic mechanisms. As a step towards establishing such a method, generating non-agglomerated, spherical NiMo nanoparticles, with diameter

Organisationsförändring under kriser : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av organisationsförändring under coronakrisen.

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the social workers’ experiences of the organizational change in social service caused by the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. This has in turn created a stressful and a demanding environment for the social workers. Thus, it is of highly importance to examine the social workers’ reactions and experiences to this change. The study has done so by mainl

The Effects of Gender Stereotypes on Female Professionals

The purpose of this thesis is to critically analyse women’s understanding of gender stereotypes and their perception of their career opportunities and organizational measures for gender equality at a consultancy, with the aim of the resulting in-depth insights contributing to organizations’ approach to enhance gender equality at top management levels. We found that there is a discrepancy of expli

Analysing the controls over DOM quality in two contrasting sub polar marine environments

In this study, Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) quality was analysed through its optical properties. Samples from the estuarine waters of the Beagle Channel and oceanic ones of the Burdwood Bank were examined in order to understand how DOM quality was changing. The focus of the study was to determine whether the environmental variables or the microbial community were the main driver in DOM compositi

Hysterektomi vid livmoderhalscancer: En litteraturstudie om kvinnors sexuella hälsa

Bakgrund: Varje år dör 150 personer av livmoderhalscancer i Sverige. En av de vanligaste behandlingarna vid livmoderhalscancer är en operation där delar eller hela livmodern tas bort, en så kallad hysterektomi. Syfte: Att undersöka hur kvinnor med livmoderhalscancer värderar sin sexuella hälsa efter en hysterektomi. Metod: En icke-systematisk litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ ansats genomfördes o

Tillägnelse av pantsatta aktier - Om skiljelinjen mellan tillåten tillägnelse och ogiltigt förverkande av pant

37 § i lagen (1915:218) om avtal och andra rättshandlingar på förmögenhetsrättens område (AvtL) stadgar att avtal om förverkande av pant är ogiltiga. Syftet med bestämmelsen är att skydda gäldenären mot situationer där maktobalansen mellan den presumtiva pantsättaren och panthavaren är väldigt stor. Direktiv 2002/47/EG om ställande av finansiell säkerhet (säkerhetsdirektivet) syftar till fastställAgreements on forfeiture of pledged property are void, according to 37 § of the Swedish Contracts Act (1915:218). The purpose of the prohibition is to protect the debtor from situations where the power imbalance between the future pledgor and pledgee are palpable. Directive 2002/47/EC on financial collateral arrangements, objects to ensure that the parties may freely agree to a method of enforceme

Poverty as an individual welfare : a quantitative study on the relationship between household poverty and individual poverty

Household wealth is the gold standard of measuring poverty, however, poor individuals are not necessarily found in poor households. If household wealth is used in a context where the household members are not equally poor, poverty statistics measured on a household level might be wrong. This research aims to test the proposition ‘poor individuals are mainly found in poor households’. The relations