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Betydelser av etnicitet i vardagen på särskilda ungdomshem
Tillvaron på ett särskilt ungdomshem är speciell på många vis samtidigt som institutionsvardagen i stor grad speglar samhället i övrigt. Eftersom ungdomar och personal kommer nära inpå varandra under längre tid kan frågor om identitet och tillhörighet få extra stor betydelse i det sociala samspelet.I boken undersöks hur etnicitet visas upp, debatteras, skojas om eller används som ett retoriskt ver
FS-GBDT : identification multicancer-risk module via a feature selection algorithm by integrating Fisher score and GBDT
Cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease caused by dysregulation in different cell types and tissues. However, different cancers may share common mechanisms. It is critical to identify decisive genes involved in the development and progression of cancer, and joint analysis of multiple cancers may help to discover overlapping mechanisms among different cancers. In this study, we proposed a fusion f
Turning the tide? The effects of the pandemic on union membership in Sweden
Changes in different land cover areas and NDVI values in northern latitudes from 1982 to 2015
Climate warming leads to vast changes in the land cover types and plant biomass in the northern high-latitude regions. The overall trend is of shrubland and tree lines moving northwards, while changes in different land cover types and vegetation growth in response to climate change are largely unknown. Here, we selected land areas with latitudes higher than 50°N as the study area. We compared the
Diakonins kyrka: Teologi, kön och omsorgens utmattning
Bok recension av Ninna Edgardhs bok Diakonins kyrka.
SPHERIOUSLY? The challenges of estimating sphere radius non-invasively in the human brain from diffusion MRI
The Soma and Neurite Density Imaging (SANDI) three-compartment model was recently proposed to disentangle cylindrical and spherical geometries, attributed to neurite and soma compartments, respectively, in brain tissue. There are some recent advances in diffusion-weighted MRI signal encoding and analysis (including the use of multiple so-called ’b-tensor’ encodings and analysing the signal in the
Placing Critical Geography : Historical Geographies of Critical Geography
Comparison of photoacoustic imaging and histopathological examination in determining the dimensions of 52 human melanomas and nevi ex vivo : Biomedical Optics Express
Surgical excision followed by histopathological examination is the gold standard for the diagnosis and staging of melanoma. Reoperations and unnecessary removal of healthy tissue could be reduced if non-invasive imaging techniques were available for presurgical tumor delineation. However, no technique has gained widespread clinical use to date due to shallow imaging depth or the absence of functio
Complexity in the European Party Space : Exploring Dimensionality with Experts
Does the n-issue space in domestic European polities reduce to one, two, or more dimensions? How do these dimensions relate to each other? More broadly, how does dimensionality vary across countries? We attempt to advance our understanding of political contestation in Europe by mapping the dimensionality of the political space across 24 countries using Chapel Hill expert survey (CHES) data. We tes
Historiska nationalräkenskaper för Sverige: Transporter och kommunikationer 1800–1980
Factors Determining Treatment Success in Children with Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis in Ethiopia : A Three-Year Retrospective Analysis
This study in the Amhara and Oromia regions of Ethiopia assessed the outcomes of tuberculosis (TB) treatment among children younger than 15 years. Retrospective data were collected on treatment outcomes and their determinants for children with TB for the cohorts of 2012-2014 enrolled in 40 hospitals and 137 health centers. Chi-square tests, t-tests, and logistic regression were used for the analys
Community teater och gestaltning av erfarenheter av flykt - en reflektion
Involvement of professionals in research : knowledge integration, development of practice, and challenges: a group concept mapping study
Background: Research and practice are often considered as two different worlds with different values, which causes a gap between them. Involving professionals such as practitioners, managers, decision-makers, and policy-makers in research on ageing and health might address the gap between research and practice, strengthen the healthcare system, and increase older people’s possibilities for healthy
Safety Aspects of Perinatal Ultrasound
Ultrasound safety is of particular importance in fetal and neonatal scanning. Fetal tissues are vulnerable and often still developing, the scanning depth may be low, and potential biological effects have been insufficiently investigated. On the other hand, the clinical benefit may be considerable. The perinatal period is probably less vulnerable than the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, a
The PEMDAC phase 2 study of pembrolizumab and entinostat in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma
Preclinical studies have suggested that epigenetic therapy could enhance immunogenicity of cancer cells. We report the results of the PEMDAC phase 2 clinical trial (n = 29; NCT02697630) where the HDAC inhibitor entinostat was combined with the PD-1 inhibitor pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma (UM). The primary endpoint was objective response rate (ORR), and was met with an OR
PRR11 unveiled as a top candidate biomarker within the RBM3-regulated transcriptome in pancreatic cancer
The outlook for patients with pancreatic cancer remains dismal. Treatment options are limited and chemotherapy remains standard of care, leading to only modest survival benefits. Hence, there is a great need to further explore the mechanistic basis for the intrinsic therapeutic resistance of this disease, and to identify novel predictive biomarkers. RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3) has emerged a
Psychotropic Drugs in Patients with Cushing's Disease Before Diagnosis and at Long-Term Follow-Up : A Nationwide Study
CONTEXT: Psychiatric symptoms are common in Cushing's disease (CD) and seem only partly reversible following treatment. OBJECTIVE: To investigate drug dispenses associated to psychiatric morbidity in CD patients before treatment and during long-term follow-up. DESIGN: Nationwide longitudinal register-based study. SETTING: University Hospitals in Sweden. SUBJECTS: CD patients diagnosed between 1990
Comparison of RNA- and DNA-based methods for measurable residual disease analysis in NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia
Introduction: Reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is considered the method of choice for measurable residual disease (MRD) assessment in NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia (AML). MRD can also be determined with DNA-based methods offering certain advantages. We here compared the DNA-based methods quantitative PCR (qPCR), droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), and targeted deep sequencing (deep
Parental morph combination does not influence innate immune function in nestlings of a colour-polymorphic African raptor
Conditions experienced during early life can have long-term individual consequences by influencing dispersal, survival, recruitment and productivity. Resource allocation during development can have strong carry-over effects onto these key parameters and is directly determined by the quality of parental care. In the black sparrowhawk (Accipiter melanoleucus), a colour-polymorphic raptor, parental m