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University–Industry–Student: A volatile triangle
Collaboration involving student–industry activities entails a complex interaction between university, students, and industry. The university–student–industry triangle identified here is neither static nor balanced, and each of the three intertwined relationships displays distinguishing characteristics. Each has its own structure; the activity phases of the relationships are not synchronous, and ea
Prisad professor ska fortsätta ånga på i labbet
Coming to Terms – The Narrativity in Sigrid Combüchen's Tale Parsifal.
The frame story takes place in a dystopian Europe, possibly some kind of European Union around 2050 – in a state of conflicts and decay. The protagonists are a retired general, Piscator (cf. Fisher King) and a former journalist, Perle Vaus (cf. Perlesvaus/Perceval/Parsifal). She lost her home because of a new genderrelated law and stays homeless with others, covered by the Saxon bridge. Perle us
When geophysics met geomechanics: Imaging of geomechanical properties and processes using elastic waves
Geophysics measurement techniques can be considered as non-destructive, remote methods to analyse the physical properties of geologic materials hidden at depth in the earth, within geotechnical structures or within laboratory test specimens. The objective of this paper is to highlight at least some of the potential to use geophysics methods to aid geomechanical investigations, both at the laborato
5. Assignment of the surface core-level shifts to the surface layers of Be(1010)
The Urban Tourist-Vampire
Das politische System der VR China
Democratic Breakdowns in Economic Crises: The Role of Political Ideology
Youth, Risk, and Sexuality in Vietnam and India: Educational Concerns
Etnisk blick gjorde flyktingpolitiken kall
Generic skills in software engineering master thesis projects: towards rubric-based evaluation
There has been much recent interest in how to help students in higher education develop their generic skills, especially since this is a focus of the Bologna process that aims to standardize European higher education. However, even though the Master thesis is the final and often crucial part of a graduate degree and requires many generic skills very little research has directly focused on them.
När judeskämtet var legitimt. Avslöjande avhandling om svensk antisemitism
Modeling of temperature dependence of stress-reorientation of hydrides in CWSR Zr-alloys
The social psychological worlds of Swedes and Turks in and around retirement
Spindeln i klistret : Den kliniska praktikens betydelse för utveckling av yrkeskompetens som sjuksköterska: en etnografisk-fenomenografisk studie
The aim of the study was to investigate the role of clinical experience in the acquisition of professional competence during education and training in nursing. Competence is given a relational interpretation. The acquisition of professional competence is considered in terms both of the subject area involved and of cultural and organizational aspects specific to the nursing profession and to nursin
Konstruktionsrapport - VibroTurnCast
Theoretical Studies of Spin-Dependent Quantum Phenomena in Semiconductor Nanostructures
The study of spin transport has emerged at the forefront of condensed matter physics during the last decade. Much of the interest has undoubtedly been sparked by the advent of the spintronics paradigm and the idea of creating novel electronic devices based on the spin degree of freedom of the carriers. However, a great deal of interest is due to the rich physics that emerges from the study of spin
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Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures for Real-time Baseband Processing
Motivated by challenges from today's fast-evolving wireless communication standards and soaring silicon design cost, it is important to design a flexible hardware platform that can be dynamically reconfigured to adapt to current operating scenarios, provide seamless handover between different communication networks, and extend the longevity of advanced systems. Moreover, increasingly sophisticated