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Erkännande och dess motsats, missaktning, präglar i princip all mänsklig samvaro och interaktion. I boken presenteras och diskuteras ett antal socialfilosofiska och sociologiska perspektiv på temat erkännande, till exempel: Vad innebär det att erkänna en annan människa? Vilka olika former av erkännande och missaktning finns det?

Gaps, Traps and Lattices - Correlations in Small Quantum Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling studeras egenskaper hos tvådimensionella, kvantmekaniska mångpartikelsystem. Studierna utförs med spinndensitetsfunktionalteori (SDFT) med den lokala spinndensitetsapproximationen (LSDA), samt med numerisk exakt diagonalisering. De egenskaper som studeras inkluderar symmetribrytande tillstånd i kvantprickar med få elektroner, gap i inneslutna fåpartikThis dissertation investigates properties of two-dimensional many-body systems. Studies are performed using the Spin-Density Functional Theory with the Local Spin-Density Approximation, and numerical exact diagonalization. The properties studied include symmetry-breaking states in few-electron quantum dots, gaps in confined few-body systems, magnetic properties of cold fermionic atoms in optical l

Resonant tunneling through coupled self-assembled quantum dots and the influence of inhomogeneous broadening

Resonant tunneling through a single layer of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) as well as tunneling through two layers of vertically aligned (stacked) dots is investigated. The difference between single and double layers of QDs can be viewed as going from a two-dimensional emitter to a zero-dimensional emitter. By fabricating small-area devices we are able to probe single stacks of quantum dots, r

Terrestrial Ecosystem Interactions with Global Climate and Socio-Economics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den globala landbaserade kolcykeln reglerar mängden växthusgaser i atmosfären. För närvarande tas varje år 25-30% av våra utsläpp upp av de landbaserade ekosystemen vilket är en viktig ekosystemtjänst som kanske inte kommer att bestå i längden. Upptagskapaciteten av både hav och landbaserade ekosystem tenderar att försvagas av global uppvärmning. Detta leder till att enThe global terrestrial carbon cycle plays a pivotal role in regulating the atmospheric composition of greenhouse gases. Currently it is responsible for removing 25-30% of our emissions every year, an important ecosystem service that may not persist in the long term. Global warming tends to decrease the CO2 sink capacity of the world’s oceans and ecosystems leading to a larger fraction of our emiss

On Model Reduction of Polynomial Dynamical Systems

In this paper, we develop a computational method for model reduction of polynomial dynamical systems. This is achieved using sum of squares relaxations on certain Lyapunov inequalities, which are the nonlinear counterparts of the Lyapunov controllability and observability linear matrix inequalities for linear systems. In our model reduction procedure, we use notions of balanced realization and bal

Spectroelectrochemistry of Redox Enzymes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det ljus (fotonflöde) som solen sänder ut är grunden för biologiskt liv. Med denna strålning överförs en del av den frigjorda energin från solen till jordens biosfär, där växterna tar upp de energirika fotonerna och omvandlar fotonenergin till kemisk energi. Den kemiska energin lagras sedan som energirika molekyler som transporteras runt i de biologiska systemen för attA low volume and long optical path spectroelectrochemical cell was constructed and tested in a number of applications such as detection of direct electron transfer (DET) between redox enzymes and gold electrodes, determination of the formal potentials of redox centres in proteins and enzymes, as well as mechanistic studies of heterogeneous and intermolecular electron transfer of copper oxidases an

Indication of cracking during pressing of advanced thin plates using an AE-based monitoring system

The acoustic emission that is detectable in the forming of complex thin part plates contains information about the quality of the pressed plates. The information can be used as process control and to filter out advanced thin plates with defects such as cracks. The article describes the results obtained in a try-out pressing process in special developed punch-die pairs with different pressing