

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Metrics and Birth Weight : Informing Management of Type 1 Diabetes Throughout Pregnancy

OBJECTIVE To determine gestational weekly changes in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) metrics and 24-h glucose profiles and their relationship to infant birth weight in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS An analysis of >10.5 million CGM glucose measures from 386 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes from two international multicenter studies was performed. CGM glucos

Effect of Dronedarone in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation in the Asian Population : Post Hoc Analysis of the ATHENA Trial

Purpose: Limited data are available on the impact of dronedarone treatment in Asian patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) or atrial flutter (AFL). This post hoc analysis evaluated the efficacy and safety of dronedarone compared with placebo in populations from Asian and non-Asian regions randomized in the ATHENA trial (A Placebo-Controlled, Double-blind, Parallel Arm Trial to Assess the Efficacy

Effects of liquid properties on atomization and spray characteristics studied by planar two-photon fluorescence

In this work, planar two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (2p-LIF) is applied for the first time to analyze the fluid dependent spray structure and atomization behavior of water and ethanol in a quantitative way. A commercial six-hole DISI (Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition) injector was studied at different injection pressures, operated with liquids containing the LIF dye fluorescein. Specifically

Treating the Abstract of Capital Concretely : Films Against Capitalism

This practice-based PhD, Treating the Abstract of Capital Concretely:Films Against Capitalism, looks at how film can oppose the prevailing ideas of capitalist systems. The research asks: What qualities do films have that can be used asstrategies against capitalism and what knowledge do these films produce? In an understanding that capitalism projects concepts onto the world, and that mainstream fi

Att verka med och för tillit som politiker : En introduktion

Genom att öka handlingsutrymmet för medarbetarna i kärnuppdraget kan offentlig sektor bli mer effektiv och serviceinriktad. Grunden är en styrning som präglas av tillit och lyhördhet. Tillit är nödvändigt för att vårt samhälle ska stå starkt och för att statliga myndigheter, kommuner och regioner ska lyckas med sina uppdrag. Men hur bygger vi tilliten?I den här boken får du en introduktion till hu

The communication for resilience of urban destinations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This paper explores how urban Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in Sweden, have understood their communicative role, developed communicative strategies and tactics during the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall aim of this research is to develop understanding of the role of communication strategies for developing urban destination resilience. This study is conducted in collaboration with the

Towards a framework to support large scale sampling in software engineering surveys

Context: The low quality and small size of samples in empirical studies in software engineering hamper the interpretation and generalization of their results. Therefore, enlarging sample sizes and improving their quality represent an important research challenge. Goal: We aim to define a conceptual framework, including requirements for establishing adequate sources for sampling subjects in softwar

Unveiling nano-scaled chemical inhomogeneity impacts on corrosion of Ce-modified 2507 super-duplex stainless steels

The widely used stainless steels and their deformed variants are anticorrosive in ambient conditions due to passivation layers composed of chromium oxides. Conventionally, corrosion and erosion of the steels are attributed to the breakdown of such layers but seldomly to the origin that depends on surface heterogeneity at the microscopic level. In this work, the nanometer-scaled chemical heterogene

Long-term joint outcomes in adolescents with moderate or severe haemophilia A

Introduction: Favourable joint outcomes are expected with modern haemophilia A (HA) management. Evaluation of long-term treatment outcomes is hampered by the delay between bleeding episodes during childhood and resulting joint outcomes in adulthood. Aim: To measure the long-term joint health of adolescents with moderate and severe HA, according to severity and inhibitor status. Methods: Pilot cros

Contemporary Scandinavian LAMs and legitimacy

Currently, organizations in the culture sector are faced with increased pressure to demonstrate the worth of their work to a broad public, and managers of culture organizations need to engage in continuous legitimation work. This chapter contains discussions on a range of issues related to ongoing legitimation work in Scandinavian LAMs. We investigate the role societal missions play in LAM organiz

The role of higher education in 3D printing research and innovation

Over the past three decades, the development of 3D printing has accelerated rapidly. In considering theories about the economic impact of disruptive technologies, this paper addresses how 3D printing has attracted unprecedented attention from various public and private stakeholders with signs that it will be a major driver of the next economic wave. Outlining the major changes that 3D printing has

Protecting the Ingroup? Authoritarianism, Immigration Attitudes, and Affective Polarization

What makes people affectively polarized? Affective polarization is based on the idea that partisanship can be a social identity leading to polarization in the form of intergroup distancing between the own party and the other parties. In this study, we argue that perceived threats from an outgroup can spur affective polarization. To investigate this, we use the issue of immigration, often framed as

Search for associated production of a Z boson with an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson as well as searches for dark matter candidates, produced together with a leptonically decaying Z boson, are presented. The analysis is performed using proton−proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, delivered by the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb−1 and recorded by the ATLAS experiment. Assuming Standard Model

Is Presence Perceptual?

Perceptual experience and visual imagination both offer a first-person perspective on visible objects. But these perspectives are strikingly different. For it is distinctive of ordinary perceptual intentionality that objects seem to be present to the perceiver. I term this phenomenal property of experience ‘presence’. This paper introduces a positive definition of presence. Dokic and Martin (2017)