

Din sökning på "*" gav 476415 sökträffar

Geophysical characterization of the Leon-Chinandega aquifer, Nicaragua

Electrical geophysical surveys in the mode of vertical electrical soundings (VES) and continuous vertical electrical soundings (CVES) were conducted in the Leon-Chinandega plains, northwestern Nicaragua, in order to obtain detailed information about the geometry of the different hydrogeological layers in the aquifer and depth to the basement. A total of 51 VES were carried out within the plains. T

Higher mortality and different pattern of causes of death among foreign-born compared to native Swedes 1970-1999

In a previous Swedish longitudinal study of mortality among 723,948 foreign born and native-born Swedes, 1970-1999, increased mortality was found among foreign-born persons. This study describes and analyses the differences in mortality between 361,974 foreign-born persons and 361,974 native Swedes during the period 1970-1999, based on data from Statistics Sweden and the National Board of Health a

Nitrification and denitrification in a eutrophic lake sediment bioturbated by oligochaetes

The influence on nitrification and denitrification of oligochaete Limnodrilus sp. and Tubifex tubifex bioturbation was determined in eutrophic lake sediment from the Basin of Lake Ringsjon in southern Sweden. Nitrification and denitrification activity was compared in sieved and in undisturbed sediment cores in laboratory mesocosms at 2 different concentrations of nitrate. Nitrification and total d

Origins and development of indigenous psychologies: An international analysis

This article examines the origin, development, and characteristics of the indigenous psychologies (IPs) initiated in various regions of the world. These IPs arose as a reaction to the mainstream version of psychology and seek to reflect the social, political, and cultural character of peoples around the world. Fifteen contributions from researchers from different parts of the world are presented,

Intention to respond to local wind turbines: The role of attitudes and visual perception

Wind power projects frequently face public opposition during the siting process. A deeper understanding of social factors has therefore been called for. Based on psychological theories, the present research was initiated in order to study the relative importance of individual aspects related to visual perception and attitudinal factors in public intention to oppose local wind turbines. In an empir

Quasi-Deformations of sl2(F) Using Twisted Derivations

In this article we apply a method devised in Hartwig, Larsson, and Silvestrov (2006) and Larsson and Silvestrov (2005a) to the simple 3-dimensional Lie algebra sl2(F). One of the main points of this deformation method is that the deformed algebra comes endowed with a canonical twisted Jacobi identity. We show in the present article that when our deformation scheme is applied to sl2(F) we can, by c

Tentative biomarkers for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is the major explosive in ammunition dumped into lakes and the sea after World War II. To identify useful biomarkers of TNT-exposure for forthcoming fish monitoring studies at ammunition dumping sites, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were intraperitoneal (i.p.) injected with TNT in peanut oil at doses of 0, 100, 200 or 400 mg TNT/kg body weight and sampled 72 h late

Increased long-term mortality in patients less than 55 years old who have undergone knee replacement for osteoarthritis - Results from the Swedish knee arthroplasty register

Patients with osteoarthritis undergoing knee replacement have been reported to have an overall reduced mortality compared with that of the general population. This has been attributed to the selection of healthier patients for surgery. However, previous studies have had a maximum follow-up time of ten years. We have used information from the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register to study the mortalit

Ecstasy-induced cell death in cortical neuronal cultures is serotonin 2A-receptor-dependent and potentiated under hyperthermia

Studies on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstasy")-induced neurotoxicity mainly focus on damage of serotonergic terminals. Less attention has been given to neuronal cell death produced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and other amphetamines in areas including the cortex, striatum and thalamus. In the present study we investigated 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity in

Teachers' and parents' reports on 3- to 6-year-old children's sexual behavior--a comparison

OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of the study was to compare observed range and frequency of sexual behavior in 3- to 6-year-olds in two different environments: the home and the daycare center. The study also aimed to investigate parental and staff opinions on child sexual behavior. METHODS: Parents and daycare teachers of 185 preschool children, from different socio-economic housing areas, answered e

Signal amplification using "spot on-a-chip" technology for the identification of proteins via MALDI-TOF MS

The presented "spot-on-a-chip" technology enables easy enrichment of samples in the low nanomolar (1-5 nM) range and provides a fast and reliable automated sample preparation method for performing matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis with high sensitivity and throughput. Through microdispensing, which allows accurate deposition of 60-

Development and characterization of a highly specific and sensitive sandwich ELISA for detection of aggrecanase-generated aggrecan fragments

Objective: To develop an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify the levels of specific aggrecan fragments generated by aggrecanase-mediated cleavage at the (373)Glu-(374)Ala bond within the aggrecan interglobular domain. Methods: The ELISA employs a commercially available monoclonal antibody to capture aggrecan fragments containing keratan sulfate (KS). Aggrecan fragments generated

The use of Neem biomass for the biosorption of zinc from aqueous solutions

An adsorbent was developed from mature leaves and stem bark of the Neem (Azadirachta indica) tree for removing zinc from water. Adsorption was carried out in a batch process with several different concentrations of zinc by varying pH. The uptake of metal was very fast initially, but gradually slowed down indicating penetration into the interior of the adsorbent particles. The data showed that opti

The effects of pictures of emotional faces on tonic and phasic autonomic cardiac control in women and men

The aim of the present study was to examine autonomic function in response to negatively and positively valenced pictures under different levels of conscious recognition. Heart period variability (HPV) and heart rate (HR) reactivity were studied in 53 males and females who were being shown pictures of angry and happy faces. The pictures, which were backwardly masked, were presented once every 30 s