

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

Pankiller effect of prolonged exposure to menadione on glioma cells: potentiation by vitamin C

Menadione (Vitamin K3) has anti-tumoral effects against a wide range of cancer cells. Its potential toxicity to normal cells and narrow therapeutic range limit its use as single agent but in combination with radiation or other anti-neoplastic agents can be of therapeutic use. In this paper, we first evaluated the early (within 3 h) effect of menadione on ongoing DNA replication. In normal rat cere

Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at root s=900 GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration

The first measurements from proton-proton collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. Data were collected in December 2009 using a minimum-bias trigger during collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 900 GeV. The charged-particle multiplicity, its dependence on transverse momentum and pseudorapidity, and the relationship between mean transverse momentum and charged-partic

Towards Better Urban Spaces in Harmony with Microclimate: Urban design and planning regulations in hot dry Damascus, Syria

Popular Abstract in English This study concerns the city of Damascus in the Syrian Arab Republic. Damascus is a city where the current urban form is characterized by wide streets and lack of shade as well as limited amount of green areas, which negatively affect the microclimate and thermal comfort. This study is mainly focused on residential streets and how the urban planning regulations affect tThis research is an attempt to develop further understanding of the relationship between microclimate, thermal comfort, urban design and outdoor space users in the hot dry city of Damascus. This is done by studying the impact of urban regulations on microclimate in different urban design patterns in Damascus. This study also aims to investigate the behaviour of different thermal comfort indices an

Bone Scan Index as a prognostic imaging biomarker during androgen deprivation therapy.

Bone Scan Index (BSI) is a quantitative measurement of tumour burden in the skeleton calculated from bone scan images. When analysed at the time of diagnosis, it has been shown to provide prognostic information on survival in men with metastatic prostate cancer (PCa). In this study, we evaluated the prognostic value of BSI during androgen deprivation therapy (ADT).

Factors influencing PM10 emissions from road pavement wear

Accelerated pavement wear is one of the major environmental disadvantages of studded tyres in northern regions and results in increased levels of PM10. Measurements of PM10 in a road simulator hall have been used to study the influence of pavement properties, tyre type and vehicle speed on pavement wear. The test set-up included three different pavements (one granite and two quartzite with differe

The Quadratic Utilization Upper Bound for Arbitrary Deadline Real-Time Tasks

In high throughput applications, such as in multimedia, it is preferable to fully utilize computing resources, even at the price of some (bounded) delay. However, in real-time systems, where the maximum admissible delay is modeled by a deadline, most of the theory is developed with the assumption of a task deadline smaller than or equal to the task period. The reason of this limitation is in the i

Comparison of two infusion rates of antithrombin concentrate in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

Background: Antithrombin concentrate (AT) is used to treat heparin resistance (HR) in cardiac surgery. It is usually given slowly due to the fear of anaphylaxis. This may delay cardiac catheterisation and the start of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). HR is often defined as the failure to reach or maintain a target activated clotting time (ACT) despite a standard dose of heparin. It is not generally p

Patient Reported Outcomes and Orthopedic Surgery in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Ledgångsreumatism (Reumatoid Artrit, RA) leder hos många patienter till omfattande ledskador, vilket kan ge upphov till behov av operation. Med tillgång till nya och bättre läkemedel för behandling av RA förefaller behovet av reumakirurgiska operationer ha minskat, åtminstone för vissa typer av ingrepp. Det är dock tydligt att det finnOrthopedic surgery is used effectively in many patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis RA). The aim of modern pharmacologic treatment is to prevent joint destruction and reduce the need for orthopedic surgery. Patient reported outcomes (PROs) are important measures of the burden of RA. A large, community based RA cohort, established in 1997, was investigated. Patients were classified according t

Visual Impairment and Vision-Related Quality of Life in Glaucoma

This thesis addresses the impact of glaucoma on the patients’ vision from both a measurement based and a functionally based perspective. The risk of visual disability is probably the most important question for a newly diagnosed glaucoma patient and maintaining vision-related quality of life (VRQOL) has become the ultimate goal of glaucoma treatment. The objectives of the present thesis were to de

Rational design of HIV vaccine and microbicides: report of the EUROPRISE annual conference

EUROPRISE is a Network of Excellence sponsored from 2007 to 2011 by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Program. The Network encompasses a wide portfolio of activities ranging from an integrated research program in the field of HIV vaccines and microbicides to training, dissemination and advocacy. The research program covers the whole pipeline of vaccine and microbicide development fr

Decreasing incidence of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm already before start of screening.

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has led to a decrease in ruptured AAA (rAAA) incidence. METHOD: The Malmö population was evaluated regarding the incidence of rAAA and elective AAA surgery 4 years before and after start of AAA-screening in 2010. Data from 1971 to 1986 (J Vasc Surg 18:74-80, 1993) and 2000-2004 (J Vasc Surg 44

Radiation exposure of human populations in villages in Russia and Belarus affected by fallout from the Chernobyl reactor

Popular Abstract in Swedish Människan har alltid exponerats för joniserande strålning från radioaktiva ämnen i naturen och i sin egen kropp, samt från kosmisk strålning. Summan av exponeringen från dessa strålkällor blir ungefär 1 mSv per år. Till detta kommer exponering av lungor och luftvägar från radon och radondöttrar, särskilt i inomhusluft. Som jämförelse kan nämnas att en tandröntgen ger enA quarter of a century has elapsed since the catastrophe at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. The radioactive fallout affected all the European countries and most severely the three countries of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. In the aftermath of this devastating event, the scientific knowledge on the various radiological impacts of such a large scale accident and means to remediate these impacts

Stromal Expression of β-Arrestin-1 Predicts Clinical Outcome and Tamoxifen Response in Breast Cancer.

The G-protein coupled receptor associated protein β-arrestin-1 is crucial for the regulation of numerous biological processes involved in cancer progression, such as intracellular signaling and cell motility. The encoding gene ARRB1 is harbored in the same chromosomal region as the CCND1 gene (11q13). Amplification of CCND1, frequently encountered in breast cancer, often involves coamplification o

A Monte Carlo EM algorithm for discretely observed Diffusions, Jump-diffusions and Lévy-driven Stochastic Differential Equations

Stochastic differential equations driven by standard Brownian motion(s) or Lévy processes are by far the most popular models in mathematical finance, but are also frequently used in engineering and science. A key feature of the class of models is that the parameters are easy to interpret for anyone working with ordinary differential equations, making connections between statistics and other scient

The nature of coherences in the B820 bacteriochlorophyll dimer revealed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy

Light-harvesting in photosynthesis is determined by the excitonic interactions in disordered antennae and the coupling of collective electronic excitations to fast nuclear motions, producing efficient energy transfer with a complicated interplay between exciton and vibrational coherences. Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) is a powerful tool to study the presence of these coherences in

Crack Behavior near Reinforcing Bars in Concrete Structures

Currently used design methods predict that the crack widths at the concrete surface will increase significantly with concrete cover Requirements concerning limitation of crack widths therefore make it difficult to use large concrete covers, which are otherwise desirable to reduce the reinforcement corrosion. For this reason, it would be more relevant to use the crack width in the vicinity of the r