

Din sökning på "*" gav 527408 sökträffar

Subgrid finite volume preconditioner for Discontinuous Galerkin implemented in the DUNE framework

A Jacobian free multigrid preconditioner for linear problems arising from Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations is implemented. The preconditioner is based on a multigrid method for a low order Finite volume (FV) discretization on a subcellgrid. L2-projections are introduced as a strategy to translate between the discretizations. Numerical tests on advection dominated linear advecti

Vad påverkar primärvårdskuratorns arbete? - Ett examensarbete om primärvårdskuratorns handlingsutrymme och gränsarbete

The aim of this study was to examine how primary care social workers discretion and professional boundaries constructs in interaction with the primary care organization. More specifically it exami- nes which legal, organizational and relational factors affects their work and how their professional boundaries appears. The result was conducted through interviews with nine primary-care social workers

New Life Old Fire Station Gåsebäck, Helsingborg

So, what does a new life for the old fire station mean? It means that it is possible for a new generation to utilize the Gåsebäck landmark and historical building. The building should be attractive for the investors, for the city, and its inhabitants. The provided opportunities for the development of the building could be considered as a temporary solution for maintaining the history of the Gåsebä

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This 30 credits master degree project focused on creating a product design with the aim to expand Arduino’s maker community to reach young girls. The goal was to design a wearable merchandise for Arduino #include, which would inspire girls to explore STEM and learn about technology and programming. Arduino is a open source hardware company and Arduino #include is an inclusivity programme to celebr

Motivation till musiken: Faktorer som har motiverat musikhögskolestudenter till att fortsätta spela musik efter studier på estetiskt gymnasieprogram

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som gymnasieelever från ett estetprogram upplever som viktiga för att skapa eller underhålla motivationen till att fortsätta musicera efter gymnasietiden. Undersökningen har genomförts i form av en kvalitativ metod genom intervjuer av tidigare elever från estetprogram som, på professionell eller amatörnivå, har fortsatt med musiken eftThe purpose of this study is to investigate which factors are perceived as important to high school students with a music profile in order to create or maintain the motivation to continue to play music after high school. The investigation has been carried out using a qualitative method through interviewing former students that have studied a music profile in high school and there after continued p

Det bortglömda lidandet - En diskursanalys av artiklar skrivna om tvångssterilisering av den svenska staten

In 1997 several articles from the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. where released about Swedens history with forced sterilization on disabled citizens. The aim of this essay is to analyze the discourses around disabled people and abled people and see the how the journalists write about sterilized citizens. The method chosen for this essay is discourse analysis with the help of Michel Foucault and

"Jag förstår ordet genom exempelmeningen": Svenska som andraspråksinlärares strategier i mötet med okända ord – användning av kontextuella ledtrådar och ordbok

Ämnet för uppsatsen är strategier för receptiv ordförståelse med fokus på gissningsstrategier, mer specifikt kontextuella ledtrådar. Även strategin att använda ordbok tas upp. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken effekt användning av kontextuella ledtrådar och användning av ordbok har för att svenska som andraspråksinlärare ska kunna sluta sig till betydelsen av ett okänt ord. Undersökni

Next generation rear axle assembly - A case study of Scania CV AB

Title: Next generation rear axle assembly - A case study at Scania Authors: Richard Andrae & William Bergmark Background: Following the development of industry 4.0, new production technologies enabling more efficient assembly processes constantly evolve. Scania is a leading manufacturer of trucks in Sweden, offering a wide product portfolio and the possibility for their customers to customize

Achieving sustainability at multi-industry businesses through supply chain performance measurements

Research connected to sustainability have increased tremendously during the last decades, partially due to the increased attention of businesses practices in sustainability. A field that has gathered traction with many practitioners is sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and especially performance measurements. This thesis focuses on this field through a literature review of 56 academic art

Kvarteret Karl XI

I sommarstaden Halmstad, vid ett ofta stämningsfullt Lilla torg, ligger kvarteret Karl XI som idag är en parkeringsplats och den sista obebyggda marken kring torget. Halmstad växer och förtätas, som många andra svenska städer, och kommunen har nyligen antagit en ny detaljplan för kvarteret som möjliggör en större byggnad innehållande kommersiella ytor, kontor och även bostäder. Lilla torg är det fIn the summer town of Halmstad, by an often atmospheric Lilla torg, is the quarter of Karl XI, which today is a parking lot and the last undeveloped land around the square. Halmstad is growing and becoming denser, like many other Swedish cities, and the municipality has recently adopted a new detailed plan for the neighborhood that enables a larger building containing commercial areas, offices and

How does GRI influence the MCS of companies

Seminar date: 2021-06-03 Course: BUSN79 – Business Administration: Degree Project in Accounting and Finance Authors: André Tarring & Ion Cozmac Advisor: Johan Dergård Five key words: The GRI standards, management control systems, sustainability reporting, management control, sustainability performance. Purpose: This study serves one purpose, studying if and how the GRI standards has influenced

Multi Corporate Lunar Settlement

Throughout the last 50 years a great deal of proposals dealing with Lunar habitation have been published, however many of these deal with this problem through a very engineered perspective and ignore many aspects of living a fairly “normal” life within this environment. The project at hand seeks to offer an utmost realistic vision, given current knowledge, into what a lunar settlement built in sup

Predict Flow Field and Mixing Time for High-Shear Mixers Using CFD

Batch high-shear mixers are used in a variety of different processing industries,such as the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries. One company that utilize this type of mixers is Tetra Pak. High-shear mixers can be used for many different mixing scenarios, but only liquid-liquid mixing is discussed in the thesis. The batch high-shear mixer is constructed with a rotor-stator at the bottom o

Environmental Sustainability of the Digitalized Food Supply Chains in Indonesia

Background: Today, the environmental challenge presents a growing concern for the food supply chains around the world; and developing countries in particular, suffer from it. UN Global Compact has defined environmental sustainability as dealing with three main environmental challenges: climate change, water and sanitation, and food and agriculture. Digital tools have disruptive potential, especial

Methodologies to measure competition

This thesis investigates some of the most common measurements of competition and considers their theoretical robustness as well as empirical applicability. Competition authorities frequently use different competition measures to detect problems in certain industries and to monitor trends in the level of competition, as well in antitrust cases such as mergers and in general to investigate potential

The Aerosol-Chase Project. A continental Lagrangian experiment.

Determining how aerosol particle number size distributions evolve during long range transport and how aerosol sources contribute to the aerosol population is one of the greatest conundrums in aerosol science. Current monitoring of particle size distribution is done in fixed stations that provide limited information about the reasons why size distribution changes with time. In this project, the Lag

The Effects of Quinoa milk Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria on Gut Microbiota

The request for alternatives to dairy products have increased for some years now. This has led to an increase of different kinds of vegetable milks and yoghurts on the market. Quinoa is a herb from South America and due to the versatility of this herb and its exceptional nutritional value it is an excellent example on functional food with health effects that is induced from all the active compound

Att motivera digitalt: En kvalitativ studie om hur ämneslärare studiemotiverar digitalt med bakgrund av Covid-19-pandemin

Denna kvalitatia studie belyser, med bakgrund av Covid-19 pandemin hur ämneslärare kan motivera elever samt bibehålla deras intresse när undervisning sker över en digital lärportal. Pandemin tvingade Sveriges gymnasieskolor att periodvis från mars 2020 till april 2021 gå över helt eller delvis till distansundervisning. Studien förklarar hur lärare uppnår positiva studieresultat genom att anpassa s

Influence of DOPC on Lipid Liquid Crystalline Sponge Phases

Lipids in the presence of a solvent can through the process of self-assembly form a number of phases referred to as Lipid Liquid Crystalline (LLC) phases. The inverse hexagonal, inverse bicontinuous cubic phases and sponge phase are examples of LLC structures that have been studied and used in drug delivery settings or food applications. For this project the focal point will be the sponge (L3) pha

Audio Detection for Preparation of Video Rate Controller

Ljudbaserat varningsystem för videoströmning En kamera som observerar samma scen under en period utnyttjar att scenen inte förändras. Detta gör att kameran kan komma undan med att producera en relativt liten mängd data med fortsatt hög kvalitet. Men när förändringar sker i scenen så går det inte att utnyttja likheter mellan bilder på samma sätt. Med begränsning på hur mycket data kameran får prodModern video streaming may use the protocol H.264 to encode video in high quality. The protocol takes advantage of similarities between consecutive frames to lower the bit rate. If there are differences between frames the bit rate will therefore rise. To control the fluctuations in bit rate a rate controller (RC) can be used together with the encoder. The RC manages the quantisation levels of the