

Din sökning på "*" gav 527408 sökträffar

Should David Armstrong be a Dispositionalist? An Indirect Defense of Powerful Properties

A well-known debate among proponents of natural properties concerns the very nature of such properties. On one extreme, known as Dispositionalism (or the ‘powers’ view), the essence of a property is given by the nomological or causal role(s) it plays. Properties are powers, existentially exhausted by how they affect the actual and potential behavior of their instances. On the other, known as Categ

The magic of blind box:how do consumers experience repeated blind box consumption, from practice theory

This thesis mainly uses practice theory to expand the current understanding of blind box consumption. Blind box consumption is currently being enthusiastically sought after in China, featuring repeated blind box consumption. To explore how consumers experience repeated blind box consumption and how blind box in turn affects consumers, we apply focus interview, semi-structured interview and netnogr

Särskilda boenden i offentlig och enskild regi - en studie om hur driftsform påverkar kvalitet

With the anticipation of creating higher efficiency and quality improvements, market mechanisms have been implemented in various public sectors in Sweden. Since the 1990s, outsourcing has been used in elderly care, and the proportion of private provision of special housing has increased. Regardless of ownership, the public authorities are responsible for ensuring the quality of these homes. When e

Frihet och förtroende vid distansarbete

Distansarbete har blivit ett faktum till följd av coronapandemin då Folkhälsomyndigheten (2021) rekommenderar att personer som har möjlighet ska arbeta hemifrån. Det har i sin tur bidragit till förändrade arbetsmetoder och arbetsförhållande både på gott och ont. Studiens syfte är att skapa en nyanserad förståelse för upplevelserna med att arbeta på distans och att leda på distans. Genom en kvalita

Motivation till bättre källsortering och avfallsminskning - En kvantitativ studie om hur man kan motivera villahushåll till bättre källsortering och minskade avfallsmängder via en mobilapp

Källsortering är en viktig process för att kunna spara på jordens resurser. Genom källsortering kan våra naturresurser komma in i ett kretslopp där de återvinns eller återanvänds. Syftet med denna studie är att genom kvantitativ enkätundersökning ta reda på hur man kan motivera villahushållen i Helsingborg Stad till bättre källsortering och minskade avfallsmängder genom en mobilapp. Som framtida i

Female Empowerment on Instagram: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of Femvertisements Communicated by SMIs

This thesis used Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis to study femvertisements communicated by Social Media Influencers on Instagram. A critical perspective was adopted to study the convergence of advertising and feminism in the context of social media. The aim of the study was to explore the prevalent discourses of female empowerment, the main component in femvertising, and how existing discourse

Revising the link between neighbourhoods and education: The case of well performing middle schools in Malmö

How do neighbourhoods affect life chances? This is a question that researchers have asked in different forms as early as the 50’s –and there is no shortage of papers exploring neighbourhood effects: how where we live affects our well-being or our participation in the labour market, our life expectancy or, in general, our life outcomes. Yet, there is less consensus than one would expect from a fiel

Pulsed Laser Beam Quality Assessment via Phase Retrieval

Vad är det minsta ni någonsin har mätt? Vad är den snabbaste händelsen ni någonsin observerat? Kanske har ni haft turen att studera naturen omkring er med hjälp av ett mikroskop, kanske har ni sett en "slow motion" film av explosioner som sker på endast en bråkdel av en sekund. Finns det någon begränsning på hur små objekt vi kan mäta, på hur snabba händelseförlopp vi kan observera? På In the search for a better understanding of the fundamental nature of the atom, the development of femtosecond pulsed laser sources has opened up for many applications, in particular in time-resolved physics. For many of those, like the generation of attosecond pulses through high-order harmonic generation, high intensity is needed and the quality of the beam is a critical factor. Most commonly,

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar For Track Condition Monitoring. Case Study on Malmbanan

Järnvägsnätet i Sverige är över 15000 km långt. Järnvägsnätverket har en viktig roll i transporten av personer och gods i landet. Det är viktigt att övervaka och underhålla detta stora nätverk för att säkerställa god funktion och säkerhet. De senaste årtionden har utvecklingen av interferometriska syntetiska aperturradar (InSAR) och tidsserie tekniker lett till att forskare, geotekniker och ingenjThere is over 15,000 km of track in the Swedish railroad network. This network is vital for the transport of people and goods across the country. It is important that this network is monitored and maintained to ensure good function and safety. In recent decades the development of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Time Series techniques has allowed researchers, geotechnicians and

Är kundorientering, service och kompetens räddningen för fysisk handel? En kvalitativ studie av de svenska sporthandlarnas strategier för att bevara sina fysiska butiker

Bakgrund och problemformulering: Digitaliseringen har förändrat förutsättningarna för alla detaljhandlare och då även för sporthandlarna. Detta påverkar arbetarnas roll i den fysiska butiken samt vad som krävs av företaget för att fortfarande hålla sig konkurrenskraftiga. Det finns inte fördjupade studier på sportbutiker och avsaknaden finns i hur företagen och framförallt personalen arbetar med k

State Obligations And Challenges In Protecting Female Victims Of Domestic Violence With Special Reference To Istanbul Convention

This study explores the boundary of due diligence as state obligations in dealing with domestic violence mainly based on the formulation and application of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the Istanbul Convention). It compares Istanbul convention which exclusively aims at protecting female victims against all forms of violen

Synen på skogen i Vergilius Georgica

I dagens livliga skogsdebatt möts olika åskådningar och synsätt på skogen. Också under antiken både brukades och skyddades skogar. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka antika perspektiv på skogen, genom att analysera synsätt på skogen i Vergilius Georgica. Det är ett didaktiskt diktverk som beskriver människans bruk av naturen. Relevanta passager togs fram ur källtexterna genom textsökningar. Dessa k

Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Industries

Due to the industry 4.0 paradigm shift, manufacturing and pro-duction industries are focusing on Predictive maintenance (PdM) to increase production efficiency and maintenance strategies. Also, adopting data-driven approaches to implement PdM as a result of increased data usage and exchange. However, facing technical and non-technical challenges. Previous studies majorly concentrated on technologi

Efficiency and planning in the Swedish healthcare system – and design of a digital scheduling tool

The Swedish regions struggle with resource utilization issues that threaten the ability to provide timely and efficient healthcare to the citizens. This study aims to investigate and map the current production, planning, and scheduling processes within the Swedish healthcare, as well as develop a digital solution. This is done through a user-centered design process, with the goal of designing a d

“The difficulty seems to be making them more inclusive, rather than the fans” A Critical Analysis of UEFA’s regulation on political messages and symbols

In football, as well as in most sports, the question about politics being within it are highly debated. Questions related to nationalism, homophobia, racism, and sexism are all seen as permeating the sport. This is simultaneously topics that is facing resistance, especially through anti-racism-, and pro-LGBTQ+ campaigns. Although, the question remains, and football organisations are trying to deal

Simple mechanisms - and how to use them

Simple machines can be regarded as the elementary “building blocks” of which all more complicated machines are composed” The future is looking uncertain nowadays, and the fragility of our highly specialized society is becoming more apparent. What if your wind generator breaks down? What if you need to clear a road from fallen trees after a storm? Would you even know how to do that? How would yo

Capitalizing on data driven decision making culture for tourism management: a case study of Tanzania national parks

According to previous study, data-driven decisions can result in fact-based decisions that help a company flourish. National parks, particularly in developing countries, are not properly utilizing data as a decision-making tool, which is essential for enhanced competitiveness. Empirical re-sults show that the park administration makes most of its decisions based on established rules when implement

Hur många händer kan en undersköterska ha? - En studie om undersköterskors arbetsvillkor och arbetsmiljö inom hemtjänsten under Coronapandemin

This master´s thesis examines the working conditions and working environment of assistant nurses within the home care service of the elderly during and before the Coronavirus pandemic in Sweden. Before the pandemic studies showed that care work performed by assistant nurses lack recognition of how hard and heavy their work is and at the same time that their wages are low in relation to other occup