

Din sökning på "*" gav 527977 sökträffar

On the self-assembly of a tryptophan labeled deoxycholic acid

Self-assembly of peptides and bile acids has been widely investigated because of their biological role and their potential as a tool for the preparation of nanostructured biomaterials. We herein report both the synthesis and the self-association behavior of a compound that combines the aggregation properties of bile acid- and amino acid-based molecules. The derivative has been prepared by introduc

Work ability- Health professionals' perspectives and rehabilitation outcomes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetsförmåga har kommit att bli ett viktigt begrepp i samhället, men också för individen. Det saknas i dag en tydlig definition av arbetsförmåga, trots att det har en stor inverkan på hur sjukförmåner distribueras och också för den enskilde individens möjlighet att försörja sig. I västvärlden är arbetsförmåga ofta diskuterat i relation till sjukskrivning och en åldrad The overall aim of this thesis was to deepen the understanding of work ability by analyzing how different health professionals experience and perceive work ability and assessments of work ability, and also by analyzing rehabilitation outcomes that are related to work ability. The focus has been on musculoskeletal disorders with associated psychosocial factors. Method. The general approach was indu

Burden of Risk Alleles for Hypertension Increases Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Background and Purpose-Genetic variation influences risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Hypertension (HTN) is a potent risk factor for ICH and several common genetic variants (single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]) associated with blood pressure levels have been identified. We sought to determine whether the cumulative burden of blood pressure-related SNPs is associated with risk of ICH and p

The Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPAR-gamma2 gene affects associations of fish intake and marine n-3 fatty acids with glucose metabolism

Background/Objectives:Data on associations between marine n-3 fatty acids and glucose metabolism are inconsistent. Therefore, we explored effects of the Pro12Ala polymorphism in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma2 gene on associations of fish intake and dietary and plasma eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid with glucose metabolism. The design comprises of the cross-secti

The coupling between grazing and detritus food chains and the strength of trophic cascades across a gradient of nutrient enrichment

A minimal food web model was constructed comprising one grazing and one detritus food chain coupled by nutrient cycling and generalist carnivores to investigate how prey preference by carnivores may affect the strength of trophic cascades across a gradient of nutrient enrichment. The equilibrium or mean abundance of each food web component and the magnitude of the carnivore effect on lower trophic

Foreign accent : influences of the sound system of Serbian on the production of Swedish L2

Among the second language learners of Swedish from the group of first language speakers (L1) of the one of the standard languages that formed the pluricentric language Serbo-Croatian, Serbian currently seems to be most frequent L1. Based on recordings of L2-speech produced by two Serbian L1-speakers, living in Sweden, this contribution presents typical pronunciation features in L2-Swedish, in orde

Use of clowns to aid recovery in hospitalised children.

Aim To examine how children in hospital perceive their meetings with clowns. Methods An interview study with ten children and an observation study of 12 children were carried out at two different hospitals employing clowns in southern Sweden. Findings Analyses of the interviews produced four main thematic categories: the clowns' attributes, feelings that the clowns provoked, children's thoughts ab

'Elastic band strategy': women's lived experiences of coping with domestic violence in rural Indonesia

Background: Experiencing domestic violence is considered a chronic and stressful life event. A theoretical framework of coping strategies can be used to understand how women deal with domestic violence. Traditional values strongly influenced by religious teachings that interpret men as the leaders of women play an important role in the lives of Javanese women, where women are obliged to obey their

Correlation between stoichiometry and surface structure of the polar MgAl2O4(100) surface as a function of annealing temperature

The correlation between surface structure, stoichiometry and atomic occupancy of the polar MgAl2O4(100) surface has been studied with an interplay of noncontact atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and surface X-ray diffraction under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The Al/Mg ratio is found to significantly increase as the surface is sputtered and annealed in oxygen at intermediat

Sex Differences in Task Distribution and Task Exposures among Danish House Painters: An Observational Study Combining Questionnaire Data with Biomechanical Measurements.

Sex differences in occupational biomechanical exposures may be part of the explanation why musculoskeletal complaints and disorders tend to be more common among women than among men. We aimed to determine possible sex differences in task distribution and task-specific postures and movements of the upper extremities among Danish house painters, and to establish sex-specific task exposure matrices.

Församlingen i granskningssamhället

Avhandlingens empiriska syfte är att undersöka vad som händer när globala marknadsorienterade modeller för granskning och kvalitet tas i bruk i lokala församlingar. Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnas församlingarnas diakonala arbete. Undersökningen baseras på fallstudier där ett urval av församlingar och granskningsmodeller är studieobjektet. Avhandlingen har även ett teoretiskt syfte: att i samspel medThe empirical aim of the thesis is to investigate what happens when global market-oriented models for auditing and quality assessment are taken up by local parishes. Particular attention is paid to the diaconal work of the parishes. The study is based on case studies where a number of parishes and auditing models provide the object of study. The thesis also has a theoretical aim: to test, in inter

The coagulation system and its function in early immune defense.

Blood coagulation has a Janus-faced role in infectious diseases. When systemically activated, it can cause serious complications associated with high morbidity and mortality. However, coagulation is also part of the innate immune system and its local activation has been found to play an important role in the early host response to infection. Though the latter aspect has been less investigated, phy

Feedback from soil inorganic nitrogen on soil organic matter mineralisation and growth in a boreal forest ecosystem

Current nitrogen (N) deposition rates are considerably higher than during pre- industrial times and the growing interest in forest fertilisation requires better understanding of how the N and carbon (C) cycles interact. This study is based on experimental data showing how Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests respond to single or consecutive pulse doses of N. The data were used to support the i

JAG2 induction in hypoxic tumor cells alters Notch signaling and enhances endothelial cell tube formation.

Several studies have revealed links between hypoxia and activation of Notch in solid tumors. While most reports have focused on icN1 stabilization by direct interaction with HIF proteins, little attention has been given to Notch ligand regulation during hypoxia. Here we show that the Notch ligand JAG2 is transcriptionally activated by hypoxia in a HIF-1α dependent manner. Hypoxic JAG2 induction re

Inferring the migratory status of woodland birds usisng ringing data: the case of a constant-effort site located in the Iberian highlands.

Understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of birds is crucial for effective management and conservation of their populations. However, we still have only limited knowledge not only of the wintering destinations of many Iberian breeding migrants but also of aspects as general as the migratory behaviour of the populations of many common avian species that breed in the Iberian highlands. We used

The Reluctant Change Agent : Change, Chance and Choice among Teachers, Educational Change in the City

Popular Abstract in Danish Med udgangspunkt i et kompetenceudviklingsprojekt for lærere i en svensk kommune adresserer denne afhandling de stigende krav til forandring og innovation, der karakteriserer den offentlige sektor generelt. Ved at følge kompetenceudviklingsprojektet gennem en fire-årig periode sættes projektet i en kontekst af innovation, globalisering og forandring. Forfatteren argumentThis dissertation critically analyses the discourse on educational change. By placing educational change in the context of globalisation and innovation the author argues that the current discourse on educational change is un-nuanced and omits the important perspectives on change. The author has analysed an educational district in Sweden and one of its projects on competence development, named 'Str

Correction of hypothermic and dilutional coagulopathy with concentrates of fibrinogen and factor XIII: an in vitro study with ROTEM

Background: Fibrinogen concentrate treatment can improve coagulation during massive traumatic bleeding. The aim of this in vitro study was to determine whether fibrinogen concentrate, or a combination of factor XIII and fibrinogen concentrates, could reverse a haemodilution-induced coagulopathy during hypothermia. Methods: Citrated venous blood from 10 healthy volunteers was diluted in vitro by 33

Revisiting Corporate Sustainability: Towards a Critically-Performative Research Agenda

The article discusses research which focused on the influence of Critical Management Studies (CMS) on the goals of firms to attain corporate sustainability (CS). The researchers argued that both CMS and CS share objectives that are overlapping in various ways and aim to contribute to the issue concerning how CS can be studied critically and address the problem related to the relevance of CMS-inspi