

Din sökning på "*" gav 533458 sökträffar

Arrest of Ships - The Swedish perspective

Since a ship is movable and on the same time a very high-priced asset, a ship owner in debt may be very tempted to move it outside a creditor´s reach. Fortunate for the creditor it exist a legal mechanism that hinders this, it is referred to as “arrest of ship”. The purpose of this paper is to outline the current legal position in Sweden regarding arrest of ships and to discuss the specific proble

Entitlement to Insurable Interest in Stoppage of Transit Under English and Chinese Law: A Comparative Study

As the global economy expands, international carriage of goods is playing a more and more important role all over the world. Interdependence of shipping with other commercial activities including insurance is one of the features of international carriage of goods. In the present international business climate, insurance contract is an effective method through which one recovers losses from underwr

Princip- och regelbaserade regelverk – En studie av regelverksproblematiken genom en utvärdering av svensk normgivning

Syftet med examensarbetet är att fånga den diskussion som förs om princip- och regelbaserade regelverk, vilken konkretiseras genom en utvärdering av svensk normgivning. En tvärsnittsdesign och en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi har använts i uppsatsen, med ett deduktivt förhållningssätt till teorin. För att analysera resultatet har en univariat analysmetod använts. Uppsatsens teoretiska perspekt

Occasionally Organic - A Study of Occasional Consumers of Organic Food in Sweden

Purpose: This thesis provides insights in the perceived values and the level of involvement associated with buying organic food among occasional organic consumers in Sweden. Methodology: Based on the framework of the actors approach and using an abductive methodological perspective, this thesis has been constructed with a qualitative research strategy, and carried out through in-depth interviews.

The EU's response to fragile situations - Putting Normative Power to the test

Abstract: Since 9/11 a lot of attention has been paid to fragile states and state failure has also become an issue for the EU. EU elites frequently refer to the EU as a ‘force for good in the world’. There is an extensive academic debate about what kind of power the EU is in world politics, and whether it can be described as a distinct normative power. In this comparative study of ten fragile stat

Utan deltagande ingen demokrati - En fallstudie om förutsättningarna för lokal demokratiutveckling i Marks kommun

In response to the challenges that modern societies pose for citizen participation in representative democracies, theories of participatory democracy are experiencing a revival. Whereas the means suggested to reach the participatory end are numerous, focus is on the local level and its potential to serve as a breeding ground for the enhancement of political citizen participation. For the same reas

Runda bönder och glada höns: En analys av vardaglig riskkommunikation

Att veckohandla är inte den enklaste vardagssysslan i dagens moderna samhälle. I livsmedelsbutiker bombarderas man av en mängd olika kommunikativa budskap, märkningar och symboler som indikerar vilka varor som innehåller minst socker, minst fett eller som odlats under rättvisa arbetsvillkor. Olika symboler och produktmärkningar i livsmedelsbutiker kommunicerar om det finns risker i de livsmedel so

Evaluation of Long-term Discharge in Swedish Rivers

Seasonal forecasting is not an easy task to deal with. A number of large scale atmospheric phenomena, e.g. Northern Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Scandinavia (SCA) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) affect the climate in Sweden and the effect on rivers is an integration of all the complex inter-relation among all these atmospheric phenomena. In this Master thesis, the river discharge from 107 st

CSR and Sport in Kenya. Another path to Development?

The pressure on businesses to act ethically and to get involved in the development area has increased. At the same time, the strength of sportsas a vehicle for development is highlighted from various worldly respected leaders and organizations. The research maps the emerging field of businesses responsibility, development andsport in Kenya. Fifteen companies, which operate in the Kenyan market, ar

The Nordic Regionalism From the ‘Below’: The old and the new division of regionalism and the reason behind the weak Nordic cooperation on security and economy

Regionalism, that has been always with us in different forms throughout the history and emerged as an alternative theory after the end of Cold War, enables us to explain new world order. Since the end of WWII, there are two types of regionalism explaining the dynamics of regional formations. The one that came into question from the end of WWII till end of Cold War is names as ‘old’ regionalism and

A Conflict of Interests : Aspects of Morality in Drew Karpyshyn's Mass Effect-trilogy

This essay analyzes several characters, events and dilemmas in Drew Karpyshyn's Mass Effect-trilogy using the moral philosophical theory called 'the principle of equal interests', a theory developed by Australian philosohper Peter Singer. The aim of these analyses is to demonstrate that the novels are written in such a way that the dilemmas presented are morally ambigious, and as such

Avfallsregleringens adressater. Hur fördelas ansvaret för omhändertagande av avfall?

Detta examensarbete i miljörätt behandlar avfallsproblematiken, närmare bestämt vem regleringen av omhändertagande av avfall riktar sig till. Avfallsregleringen vänder sig mot tre adressater&semic kommuner, producenter och privatpersoner. Vem som ansvarar för avfallet beror på avfallets art. Kommunen ansvarar för insamling och omhändertagande av hushållsavfall. Producenter ansvarar för avfall

Vuxnas rätt till barn eller barns rätt till föräldrar?

Lagen gällande familjebildning strävar efter att erbjuda varje individ möjligheten att leva i den familjekonstellation som passar henne eller honom bäst och som inte är begränsande. Lagändringen om de homosexuellas rätt till assisterad befruktning trädde i kraft den 1 januari 2003 och innebar ett nytt steg i rättsutvecklingen mot målet att jämställa homosexuellas rättigheter med heterosexuellas. S

Regulating Remuneration in the Financial Services Sector – The Aftermath of the Financial Crisis

Finanskrisen har haft en global inverkan på det finansiella systemet och har krävt en översyn av hur finansiella åtaganden och överväganden hanteras. Krisen har även satt igång en debatt kring hur vissa sedan länge allmänt accepterade principer om interna bolagsstyrningsfrågor ska hanteras. Ett av de mest framstående problemen som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet av många olika intressenter är ersättThe financial crisis that has been recently affecting the financial sector at a global level has led to the need to reflect on the way financial undertakings are managed. Consequently, it has also triggered a reflection on some commonly accepted and generalised principles related to internal governance. One of the most prominent issues that have been attracting the attention of different stakehold