Din sökning på "*" gav 533484 sökträffar
Bodies Moved, Moved Bodies A Phenomenological Study of the Embodied Experience in Olafur Eliasson’s Installations Your blind passenger and Your negotiable panorama
This thesis provides an analysis of the embodied experience in Olafur Eliasson’s installations Your blind passenger (2010) and Your negotiable panorama (2006). The empirical material was observed in 2011 at ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, Denmark, where the two installations were located at the time. The author argues that the experience of a work of art is done through the beholder’s entire b
Marketization of the Public Health Care in response to the Economic Reforms in China: A decrease in the government’s responsibilities and growing risks and insecurity among individuals?
Since 1978, China has experienced a series of economic reforms, transitioning from a centrally planned economy to a liberal market economy. Correspondingly, the economic transformation has left a profound impact on the health care system. Universal free health care provided by state-owned enterprises was gradually replaced by modern social medical insurance schemes. The government dramatically dec
Rytmikträning och dess påverkan på arbetsminnet - en kvasiexperimentell studie
Den aktuella studien undersöker effekten av rytmikträning på verbalt arbetsminne. Deltagarna var en skolklass 6-åriga barn, jämnt indelade i en experimentgrupp och en kontrollgrupp. Studien omfattade 10 träningstillfällen under 5 veckor. Experimentgruppen tränades med rytmikövningar, med tyngdpunkt på rytm och minne, som antogs ha stor effekt på arbetsminnet medan kontrollgruppen deltog i gängse rEurhythmics influence on working memory - a quasi-experimental study The current study examines the effect of Eurhythmics training on verbal working memory. The participants were one school class of 6 year old children, equally divided in one experiment and one control group. The study included 10 training occasions during 5 weeks. The experiment group was trained with Eurhythmic exercises, with e
Universalism eller kulturrelativism : Kvinnornas rättigheter i den iranska konstitutionen
En diskursanalyse av EUs miljöpolitik
The Beneficial Owner Concept in Civil Law Countries. Scandinavian Perspective.
Free movement of goods, capital, workers and services have stimulated economic and social interaction between Member States of the European Union. At the same time international trade and globalization go far beyond the scope of the EU and have a tremendous impact on various countries in the world. Capital mobility encourages companies to look for business opportunities world-wide in order to meet
Kanji : the Structural Variations of Radicals
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyse some of the radicals utilized in the kanji of the Japanese language. These are radicals that have more than one variation of their shape and may be positioned in different locations within the character, at times depending on the structural variation of the radical. The radicals will therefore be analysed in order to try and discover if
Between East and West : Turkey's foreign policy in a multi-polar world
The AKP ’s proactive foreign policy and the decline of EU-Turkey and US-Turkey relations, along with Turkey’s strengthening ties with its Eastern neighbors, has sparked a heated scholarly and media debate about the axis shift of Turkish foreign policy—from the West to the East. The purpose of the present thesis is to analyze if the arguments of the axis shift supporters are grounded enough to prov
Kommuners utmaningar i sociala medier
I den här uppsatsen undersöker vi vilka utmaningar sju svenska kommuner har stött på i sitt arbete med sociala medier. Genom intervjuer med tolv personer som arbetar med information och kommunikation i sina respektive kommuner har det framkommit ett antal utmaningar som har analyserats genom ett neoinstitutionellt perspektiv. Neoinstitutionalismen förklarar hur organisationer agerar för att anses In this thesis we will analyse the challenges that seven Swedish municipalities face while working with social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Based on neoinstitutional theory we try to find explanations to why these challenges exist, increasing organizations awareness of in what way and to which extent they are affected by the expectations from the surrounding world. Twelve persons in seve
Corporate Governance and Stock Returns in China - A Long Horizon Event Study
This study investigates the relationship between the adoption of ‘good’ corporate governance practices and the subsequent stock performance of China’s publicly listed firms. Using the Shanghai Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Index (SSE CGI) that was launched in January 2008, a portfolio of CGI firms is benchmarked against a portfolio of matched conventional firms, their sector indices and mark
Developing an optimal synbiotic mix using multiple probiotics and prebiotics
Abstract: The human gastro intestinal tract (GIT) plays a significant role in the well-being and has a significant impact on human health. Probiotics are the live microbial food supplement which alters the microbial composition in gut and prebiotics are the substrates that enhance the growth of probiotics. Our interest was to examine the prebiotic utilization of this probiotics and to check the c
Characterization of an IgG glycan hydrolyzing enzyme from Streptococcus pneumoniae
Abstract Streptococcus pneumonia secretes a number of glycosidases that modify the glycosylation state of immune defense molecules such as immunoglobulins. Modulation of the glycan on IgG can affect the function and structural properties on IgG and cause immune disorders. StrH is a β – N acetylglucosaminidase that removes terminally linked N-‐ acetylglucosamines from human glycoproteins. It is d
Do Foreign Aid and Globalization Affect Health in Developing Countries?
Health plays a crucial role for human development. Therefore, foreign aid is often directed to combat ill-health in the developing world. At the same time, globalization is a strong force that may aect health through various channels. But the two factors may also be interrelated. In this paper, I analyze the relationship between foreign aid, globalization, and health by estimating a xed eects pane
The Takeover Directive - and Its Implementation In Germany, UK and Sweden
Ett viktigt syfte inom EU är ökad konkurrens på den Europeiska marknaden och för att målet ska uppnås föreslog den Europeiska Kommissionen ett Direktiv som reglerar uppköpserbjudanden vilket skulle bidra till förenklade förvärv av företag på den gemensamma marknaden. Företagsförvärv innebär huvudsakligen att ett företag köper aktier av ett annat företag vilket även ibland kan leda till övertagandeOne of the main purposes in EU is increased competiveness on the European market and to achieve the goal; the European Commission made a proposal of a Directive on Takeover Bids which would facilitate the takeover activity in EU. Takeover activities essentially signify when a company purchases shares in another company which occasionally also leads to a takeover of the control of the target compan
Skänka pengar?
I studien genomförs en undersökning om varför människor väljer att skänka pengar till ideella insamlingsorganisationer. Vi vill studera hur organisationers kommunikation och handlande bidrar till att en individ skänker pengar, ifall de val organisationen gör påverkar potentiella givare till att ge, eller kanske till att inte ge. Studien undersöker även vilka emotionella förutsättningar eller sociaThis study aims to identify the circumstances which influence individuals to donate money to charity organizations. One of the study’s issue regards how the organizations way of communicating contributes to an individual’s preference to donate and if the organizations choices affect potential donors to donate, or perhaps not to. The study also examines the emotional state or social circumstances l
Transnationell normbildning? En fallstudie av konvergensprocessen kring finansiella instrument
Masculinity and privilege - Analyzing corruption in Vietnam
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss and analyze how constructions of masculinity and femininity are intertwined with land-related corruption in Vietnam. Drawing on masculinity theory and Nancy Fraser’s conceptualization of institutionalized injustice and participatory parity the thesis examines the relation between kinship systems and corruption and whether corruption leads to increased use o
Interdependence in China-Africa Aid Relations.
China’s intervention in general and the aid involvement in Africa in particular have provoked contentious debates. This study with the help of interdependence theory attempted to examine the nature of China–Africa aid relations and demonstrate the overall impact of the Chinese aid relation on Africa as well as the traditional Western influence. Employing a single-holistic case study qualitative ap
Use of NIL for the fabrication of nano wires for possible application in biotechnology
Within the scope of this project, investigations were made into the possibility of replacing Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) with NanoImprint Lithography (NIL) for creating arrays of gold dots on substrates, with the aim of nanowire growth. The attempted nano wires grown were aimed to be of use in the field of biotechnology. The main focus and aim of this project has been to perfect a fabrication