

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Multipole method to calculate borehole thermal resistances in a borehole heat exchanger

Ground-source heat pump systems use borehole heat exchangers to transfer heat to and from the ground. An important feature is the local thermal resistances between the heat carrier flow channels in the borehole and the surrounding ground. The counter-flow heat exchange between the pipes is also important, particularly for the axial temperature variation. These resistances can be represented by a t

Prostate-Specific Antigen Velocity for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer: Result from a Large, Representative, Population-based Cohort

Background: It has been suggested that changes in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) over time (ie, PSA velocity [PSAV]) aid prostate cancer detection. Some guidelines do incorporate PSAV cut points as an indication for biopsy. Objective: To evaluate whether PSAV enhances prediction of biopsy outcome in a large, representative, population-based cohort. Design, setting, and participants: There were 27

The relationship between deferred imitation, associative memory and communication in 14-month-old children. Behavioral and electrophysiological indices

Abstract in UndeterminedThe present study combines behavioral observations of memory (deferred imitation, DI, after a brief delay of 30 min and after a long delay of 2-3 weeks) and electrophysiological (event-related potentials, ERPs) measures of associative memory, as well as parental reports of non-verbal and verbal communication in sixteen 14-months-old children. Results show that for DI, the c

Validation of digital photographs, as a tool in 24-h recall, for the improvement of dietary assessment among rural populations in developing countries

BackgroundImprovement of traditional methods for dietary assessment is necessary, especially in rural areas where it is more difficult to succeed with self-reporting methods. This study presents and validates a method for improving accuracy when measuring food and nutrient intake of individuals in rural areas. It is called the “Food photography 24-h recall method” (FP 24-hR) and is a modified

An approach to the utilisation of CO2 as impregnating agent in steam pretreatment of sugar cane bagasse and leaves for ethanol production.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The conditions for steam pretreatment of sugar cane bagasse and leaves were studied using CO2 as an impregnating agent. The following conditions were investigated: time (5 to 15 min) and temperature (190 to 220 degrees C). The pretreatment was assessed in terms of glucose and xylose yields after enzymatic hydrolysis and inhibitor formation (furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural)

Preterm birth and risk of epilepsy in Swedish adults

Objective: To determine whether preterm birth is associated with epilepsy in a national cohort of adults aged 25-37 years. Methods: We conducted a national cohort study of 630,090 infants born in Sweden from 1973 through 1979, including 27,953 born preterm (< 37 weeks), followed from 2005 to 2009 for 1) hospitalization for epilepsy and 2) outpatient and inpatient prescription of antiepileptic drug

Transvaginal ultrasound assessment of myometrial and cervical stromal invasion in women with endometrial cancer: interobserver reproducibility among ultrasound experts and gynecologists

Objectives To assess interobserver reproducibility among ultrasound experts and gynecologists in the prediction by transvaginal ultrasound of deep myometrial and cervical stromal invasion in women with endometrial cancer. Methods Sonographic videoclips of the uterine corpus and cervix of 53 women with endometrial cancer, examined preoperatively by the same ultrasound expert, were integrated into a

Out-Sourcing the Inquisition: "Mass Dictatorship" in China's Cultural Revolution

This paper looks at an important yet little known component of what Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong designated the “dictatorship of the masses”—the outsourcing by the supreme state leadership of selected surveillance, inquisitorial, and other violent tasks to what in a different political system would have been regarded as simply members of the public and/or non-governmental organizati

Levels of epitope-specific autoantibodies correlate with renal damage in anti-GBM disease

Background. Although the clinical importance of demonstrating the presence of anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibodies is well established, less is known concerning the clinical utility of measuring the levels of autoantibodies. Two conformational epitopes of anti-GBM antibodies have been defined at residues 17-31 and 127-141 of the alpha 3(IV)NC1 domain of type IV collagen [alpha 3

(ii) Nerve injuries

A peripheral nerve can be injured in different ways, varying from a simple nerve compression, a complete transection or laceration and also as traction lesions such as brachial plexus injuries (including avulsion of spinal nerve roots). A thorough history and examination of the patient is crucial to make a correct diagnosis of the lesion, so that the correct treatment can be initiated immediately.

Queer Feelings. Reflections on Zarah Leander and Gay Diva Worship

The Swedish actress and singer Zarah Leander's (1907-81)dark voice, travestie-like persona and her schlager repertoire made her a major gay icon in the 1950s, and she remains an icon in the gay community even today. This essay discusses some aspects of queer feelings and camp aesthetics connected with gay diva worship in the way the 'phenomen Leander' emerged in the postwar period in Sweden and Ge

The Type 1 Diabetes - HLA Susceptibility Interactome - Identification of HLA Genotype-Specific Disease Genes for Type 1 Diabetes

Background: The individual contribution of genes in the HLA region to the risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D) is confounded by the high linkage disequilibrium (LD) in this region. Using a novel approach we have combined genetic association data with information on functional protein-protein interactions to elucidate risk independent of LD and to place the genetic association into a functional

Extracting a Cardiac Signal From the Extracorporeal Pressure Sensors of a Hemodialysis Machine

Although patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment often suffer from cardiovascular disease, monitoring of cardiac rhythm is not performed on a routine basis. Without requiring any extra sensor, this study proposes a method for extracting a cardiac signal from the built-in extracorporeal venous pressure sensor of the hemodialysis machine. The extraction is challenged by the fact that the cardiac

Comparative Analysis of Safety Performance Indicators Based on Inductive Loop Detector Data

Conflicts in traffic stream have been detected by different safety performance indicators. This study aims to empirically investigate the differences between different indicators in detecting rear-end conflicts and assessing the risk in an uninterrupted flow. Micro-level data of a 24-hr traffic stream (including 6,657 vehicles) were captured using inductive loop detectors installed on a rural free

How to Uncover the Covert Saccade During the Head Impulse Test.

OBJECTIVE: The appearance of "covert" saccades in the head impulse test in patients with vestibular loss may lead to diagnostic misinterpretations. Here, we demonstrate a procedure that can convert covert eye saccades to overt when performing the head impulse test. PATIENTS: Patients with known vestibular deficits that have covert saccades during head impulse test. INTERVENTION: Diagnostic: random

Skatterättslig tolkning på inkomstbeskattningens område - lagen i sitt systematiska sammanhang och vid (uppenbara) felformuleringar

I artikeln diskuteras om entydig skatterättslig lagtext alltid måste följas. Svaret är att legalitetsprincipen innebär att så är fallet, men att det i ”svåra fall” är problematiskt att tillämpa och tolka text isolerad från sitt sammanhang. Det är inte givet vad som avgränsar den text eller det sammanhang som ska tolkas, men författaren menar att en tolkning av en regel i sitt systematiska sammanha

Finite element Runge-Kutta discretizations of porous medium type equations

In this paper we analyze the convergence properties of full discretizations of a class of generalized porous medium equations. For the spatial and time discretizations, we use continuous piecewise linear finite elements and algebraically stable Runge-Kutta methods, respectively. We prove our convergence result without any assumption on the spatial regularity. It is shown that, under a certain stab

Indicator framework for measuring sustainability of transport in the city

The aim of the work presented in this paper was to elaborate a framework of indicators to monitor sustainability of transport in Swedish cities. The framework covers Efficiency, Accessibility, Safety, Liveability, Emissions and Resource use. The individual indicators are structured in three levels of a hierarchical structure. The new thing with this framework and indicator list is that, it puts we