

Din sökning på "*" gav 532887 sökträffar

Transcriptional regulators of GntR family in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2): analysis in silico and in vivo of YtrA subfamily.

Transcriptional factors of the GntR family regulate numerous physiological and morphological processes in response to the nutrient state of bacterial cells. The number of GntR transcriptional factors in genomes of soil-dwelling actinomycetes is one of the highest among bacteria, reflecting both the large size of their chromosomes and the complex ecological niche that they occupy. However, very lit

Well-defined phosphonated homo- and copolymers via direct ring opening metathesis polymerization

Phosphonated polymers with a well-defined molecular weight, composition, and architecture have been prepared via ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of diethyl phosphonate norbornene imides at room temperature for the first time. ROMP gave a broad range of phosphonated homopolymers, statistical, diblock and triblock copolymers based on poly(norbornene imide)s with low polydispersity (1.0

Concentration-dependent effective attractions between PEGylated nanoparticles

Effective attractions between colloidal particles bearing a grafted poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) layer in water have been studied and quantified by measurements of the collective diffusion coefficient and by quantitative analysis of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) data. Results for the collective diffusion coefficient in the dilute limit indicate that effective attractions develop gradually a

Genetic Variation in SULF2 Is Associated with Postprandial Clearance of Triglyceride-Rich Remnant Particles and Triglyceride Levels in Healthy Subjects

Context: Nonfasting (postprandial) triglyceride concentrations have emerged as a clinically significant cardiovascular disease risk factor that results from accumulation of remnant triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs) in the circulation. The remnant TRLs are cleared from the circulation by hepatic uptake, but the specific mechanisms involved are unclear. The syndecan-1 heparan sulfate proteoglyca

Recension av Tidig helgonkult i Danmark och Sverige

The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to illustrate and explain the connections between the establishment of new cults of Saints and the formation of an ecclesiastical organization in Scandinavia. Its main conclusion is that "the creation of new cults of native saints was not necessary for the establishment of ecclesiastical institutions" (p. 255), but that such cults in many cases helped g

Occurrence of selenoprotein enzyme activities and mRNA in bovine mammary tissue.

To elucidate the possible role of selenoproteins for milk formation and mammary gland physiology, the activities of selenoprotein enzymes and the expression of selenoprotein genes were studied in the bovine mammary gland. Messenger RNA was demonstrated for selenoprotein P, thioredoxin reductase 1, and for glutathione peroxidase (GPx) 1, 3, and 4. Significant differences in mRNA expression between

Recommendations for the standardization and interpretation of the electrocardiogram: part II: electrocardiography diagnostic statement list a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee, Council on Clinical Cardiology; the American College of Cardiology Foundation; and the Heart Rhythm Society Endorsed by the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology

This statement provides a concise list of diagnostic terms for ECG interpretation that can be shared by students, teachers, and readers of electrocardiography. This effort was motivated by the existence of multiple automated diagnostic code sets containing imprecise and overlapping terms. An intended outcome of this statement list is greater uniformity of ECG diagnosis and a resultant improvement

The long-term stability of early maladaptive schemas

J. E. Young’s (1995) Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) are assumed to be highly stable and enduring beliefs that are responsible for the persistence and poor treatment response of a variety of clinical problems. EMS are now the basis for a growing number of specialized “schema-focused” treatments. However, the critical assumption that they are stable constructs remains largely unexamined and open to

Propionibacterium acnes and its phages

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mikroorganismer finns överallt! De klarar av att överleva i extrema miljöer, extrema pH, extrema temperaturer och kan motstå strålning och gift i doser som vi inte skulle överleva. Framförallt klarar mikroorganismer av att överleva i en specifik extrem miljö - människan. Hundratals olika mikroorganismer bor på och i oss, i ett antal som långt överskrider vårt eget cellaMicroorganisms are everywhere! They can tolerate many diverse extreme environments, such as the human body. Even though many of us might associate the word microorganism with infections and disease, most are actually either harmless or even beneficial for us. Those commensals often fight off more dangerous bacteria and might also directly benefit their host. The human skin harbors several differen

Myocardial ischemia-reperfusion and cardioprotection. A study with microdialysis in a porcine model.

The studies in this thesis are based on questions raised in the clinical setting. Perioperative myocardial ischemia occurs more often than recognized. This may lead to myocardial infarction, increased morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. In the first study, myocardial metabolism was investigated before, during, and after 30 min of regional coronary artery occlusion, utilizing the microdi

Optimising Performance through Unbalanced Decompositions

When significant communication costs arise in the solution of multidimensional problems on parallel computers, optimal performance cannot always be achieved by perfectly balancing the computational load across cores. Modest sacrifices in the computational load balance may facilitate substantial overall performance improvements by achieving large savings in the costs associated with communications.

Fluorescence blinking, exciton dynamics, and energy transfer domains in single conjugated polymer chains.

In order to understand exciton migration and fluorescence intensity fluctuation mechanisms in conjugated polymer single molecules, we studied fluorescence decay dynamics at "on" and "off" fluorescence intensity levels with 20 ps time resolution using MEH-PPV [poly(2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] dispersed in PMMA. Two types of intensity fluctuations were distinguished for sin

Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling

In this paper, we survey Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling, an extension of ordinary linear modulation in which the usual data bearing pulses are simply sent faster, and consequently are no longer orthogonal. Far from a disadvantage, this innovation can transmit up to twice the bits as ordinary modulation at the same bit energy, spectrum, and error rate. The method is directly applicable to orth

Size and shape dependent few-cycle near-field dynamics of bowtie nanoantennas

Metal nanostructures can transfer electromagnetic energy from femtosecond laser pulses to the near-field down to spatial scales well below the optical diffraction limit. By combining few-femtosecond laser pulses with photoemission electron microscopy, we study the dynamics of the induced few-cycle near-field in individual bowtie nanoantennas. We investigate how the dynamics depend on antenna size

Lending for Growth? A Granger Causality Analysis of China's Finance-Growth Nexus

China’s banking sector is dominated by four distinct organizational forms: policy banks (PBs), state-owned commercial banks (SOCBs), joint stock commercial banks (JSCBs), and rural credit cooperatives (RCCs). Economic analyses have especially focused on the development of bank efficiency and profitability over time. The equally important question, which of China’s banking institutions promote econ

Geophysical Investigations of a Rural Water Point Installation Program in Nampula Province, Mozambique

There are many projects in Mozambique for poverty reduction. One of these projects is funded by Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) and is aimed to install a total of 600 rural water points in the provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado. Each water point consists of a drilled well, a water pump and a communal washing basin. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) was used for assessing the uitability of

The 'Field' in the Age of Intervention: Power, Legitimacy, and Authority Versus the 'Local'

This article highlights the semantic and socio-political meaning of the 'field' as it is used in both academic research and policy practices: as a geographic and material space related to forms of intervention in International Relations (IR), and not as a disciplinary space. We argue that the notion of the field' carries colonial baggage in terms of denoting 'backwardness' and conflictual practice