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Proceedings of International Conference on Software and Systems Process, ICSSP 2011
Att skapa gemensamma visioner: Om språkets roll i människans utveckling
Socware: A New Swedish Design Cluster for System-on-Chip
Socware is the name for a new design cluster in Sweden, which intends to unify university, research institutes, and industry towards a common goal, namely System-on-Chip, In this paper one of the programs within the cluster, the Socware Research & Education program, is presented. The program aims to organize a new education curriculum for System-on-Chip design. The education is directed to und
Social planering
Myths and realities of the ESS project: A systematic scrutiny of readily accepted ‘truths’
The Organisational Aspect of Faculty Development
Large Eddy Simulation of a Gas Turbine Combustion chamber: effect of the subgrid scale flame thickness on the flame dynamics
A analysis of the subgrid scale flame thickness in the LES framework is presented. The influence of the subgrid flame thickness has been tested numerically on a swirl stabilized flame using a flamelet formulation. The analysis introduces a non-dimensional number a, characteristic for flame and the filter. The values of this number are computed for different LES combustion models and lie in a wide
Höst i paradiset (1995)
Indikativ planering på 1920-talet - avsatte Hoover spår i Sverige?
Interpolation of snow covered area using air temperatures for mountaineous basin during snow melt
Kändisspaning på Kulturnatten
Collaborative Inquiry – a helpful step towards SoTL
Variability and adaptation in the contractile system of smooth muscle
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns tre muskeltyper i människokroppen; skelettmuskler, hjärtmuskler och glatta muskler. Skelettmusklerna är de muskler som gör att vi kan röra oss och andas (mellangärdesmuskeln är en skelettmuskel). Hjärtmuskelcellerna är de som gör att hjärtat slår. Den glatta muskulaturen finns på många ställen i kroppen (t.ex. i blodkärl, luftvägar och livmoder) och utför mångThis thesis examines the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the large diversity of the contractile properties in smooth muscle. Six studies, I-VI, are included. I: a slow smooth muscle (aorta) has a different nucleotide and phosphate dependence compared to a fast type (taenia coli). A slow ADP-release can be one mechanism responsible for the lower shortening velocity of aorta. II: treat
Role of Lipids in the fate of organochlorine compounds in Aquatic Ecosystems
Both results of laboratory experiments and material collected in the field have shown the lipid composition in organisms to have a significant effect on the bioaccumulation of pollutants and on the lipid steady-state concentrations of pollutants there. The redistribution of persistent organic pollutants which occurs in organisms as a consequence of the depletion of lipid depot, was studied in a po
Spectral intensities as a function of Hg content and measurement position in fluorescent light tubes
Summary form only given. Spectra were recorded from a fluorescent light tube under a number of experimental conditions and using different spectroscopic techniques. The motivation of the work was to use spectroscopic techniques for plasma diagnostics purposes. The spectrometers used were a high resolution echelle based instrument and a Fourier transform spectrometer in Lund and a low-resolution in
RAP1 at the Yeast Telomere
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det mesta av det genetiska materialet i en eukaryot cell finns samlat till kärnan och är organiserat i kromosomer. Varje gång en cell delas kopieras kromosomerna så att de båda resulterande cellerna får ett bibehållet kromosomantal. Den mekanism som styr denna replikeringsprocess förmår dock inte kopiera de yttersta kromosomändarna, vilket resulterar i att dessa blir koTelomeres are specialized complexes of DNA and proteins that cap and confer stability to the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The telomeric DNA of most eukaryotes is composed of tandemly arranged short repeats. Within the budding yeasts these repeats are diverged in length as well as in nucleotide composition. However, they contain a sequence resembling the consensus binding sequence of the major t
Aggregating Viewpoints for Strategic Software Process Improvement - a Method and a Case Study
Decisions regarding strategic software process improvement (SPI) are generally based on the management's viewpoint of the situation, and in some cases also the viewpoints of some kind of an SPI group. This may result in strategies, which are not accepted throughout the organisation, as the views of how the process is functioning are different throughout the company. This paper describes a method f
Battleaxes: Home-made, Made to Order or Factory Products?
Many scholars have claimed that the stone battle axes of the Battle Axe Culture were status objects with a social rather than a pratical function. One way of investigating this is to study the context in which the battle axes were manufactured, and by whom. If any object is to serve as a mark of status, it must be possible for someone who wishes to assert his/her superiority over other community m