

Din sökning på "*" gav 530558 sökträffar

Returning Chernivtsi to the cultural map of Europe : The Meridian Czernowitz International Poetry Festival

Drawing on tropes, stories, and symbols emanating from lost layers of urban cultural diversity has been an important resource in post-socialist city branding in many cities in Eastern and Central Europe that saw significant ethno-demographic changes in connection with World War II. In Chernivtsi, this is usually framed by narratives emphasizing tolerance, cultural diversity, and Europeanness, noti

First Measurements of Pulse Picking by Resonant Excitation (PPRE) at the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring

At synchrotron light storage rings there is demand for serving high-brilliance users requesting multibunch operation while simultaneously serving timing users who require single-bunch operation. One method to accomplish this is PPRE developed and currently in user operation at BESSYII. In the method, the transverse emittance of one of the bunches in the bunch train is increased by an incoherent beAt synchrotron light storage rings there is demand for serving high-brilliance users requesting multibunch operation while simultaneously serving timing users who require single-bunch operation. One method to accomplish this is PPRE developed and currently in user operation at BESSY II. In the method, the transverse emittance of one of the bunches in the bunch train is increased by an incoherent b

Model Predictive Control (MPC) of an Advanced Multi-Cylinder Engine for Transient Operations

The transportation sector is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas CO2 and emission of toxic gas. In this sector, advanced technologies and innovations to increase engine efficiency is an important research topic. Low-Temperature Combustion (LTC) concepts are effective approaches for high-efficiency engines. Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) is one type of low-temperature combustion whi

From waste to high-value products: Impact of galactoglucomannan purity on selected hydrogel properties

Hydrogels are a hydrophilic network of polymers (usually cross-linked polysaccharides) that are natural or synthetic. Applications of hydrogels are many in the biomedical field. Because of the high water absorption (10 to 200 grams of water per gram of hydrogel), hydrogels have a high degree of flexibility similar to natural human tissue. Human cells can be incorporated into the hydrogel, which in

Vigvatten, signerier och prästlöften : En dispyt om kyrkobruk och vidskepelse i skuggan av Röda boken

Artikeln undersöker en teologisk traktat skriven på 1570-talet av Jesper Marci, kyrkoherde i Vadstena, (handskriften T 147 i Linköpings stiftsbibliotek), riktad mot Hans Pauli Montanus, kaplan i Vadstena kloster, och dennes enligt Jesper Marci vidskepliga bruk av vigvatten under 1570-talet. Det svenska reformatoriska prästvigningsritualet och bakgrunden till det symboliska överlämnandet av en bibe

Microvascular Complications and Predictors for Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Foot Ulcers

A diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a common and serious complication of diabetes. It is today the leading cause of amputations and is associated with both increased morbidity and mortality. Individuals with DFU have 2.5 times higher mortality rates compared to patients with diabetes but without DFU, a risk that persists even after ulcer healing. Macrovascular complications, such as a higher burden of A diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a common and serious complication of diabetes. It is today the leading cause of amputations and is associated with both increased morbidity and mortality. Individuals with DFU have 2.5 times higher mortality rates compared to patients with diabetes but without DFU, a risk that persists even after ulcer healing. Macrovascular complications, such as a higher burden of

Synthetic strategies to polymers incorporating N-spirocyclic quaternary ammonium moieties for anion-exchange membranes

Anion exchange membranes (AEM) are central materials in different energy storage and conversion devices such as alkaline fuel cells, electrolysers and flow batteries. The properties of the AEM therefore has a direct impact on the performance and life-time of the devices. As a polymeric electrolyte film that separates the two electrodes, the AEM is required to have good mechanical properties, high

Effect of Ringer´s acetate in different doses on plasma volume in rat models of hypovolemia

BACKGROUND: Even though crystalloids are the first choice for fluid resuscitation in hemodynamically unstable patients, their potency as plasma volume expanders in hypovolemia of different etiologies is largely unknown. The objective of the study was to investigate dose-response curves of a crystalloid in hypovolemia induced by either sepsis or hemorrhagic shock.RESULTS: Rats were randomized to re

International Governance: Polycentric Governing by and beyond the UNFCCC

The Paris Agreement seemingly reaffirmed the central place occupied by the regime established by the UNFCCC in the international governance of climate change.Although the UNFCCC can be viewed as a form of ‘monocentric’ governance, it has become increasingly clear that the UNFCCC operates as part of a polycentric governance system. Due to the physical and socio-economic interconnections between cli

Poetic Diction and Poetic References in the Preludes of Plato’s Laws

This doctoral dissertation investigates how Plato elaborates and incorporates the works of the poets in the preludes to the laws. It is argued that the poetic style of the preludes represents a key element for the Athenian’s purpose of persuading the citizens of Magnesia to spontaneously abide to the new legislation that is being laid out.The analysis is divided in four chapters. Chapter 1 discuss

Acid Reflux at the Gastroesophageal Junction. Pathophysiological and Diagnostical Aspects

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has a prevalence of 20% based on weekly symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation. As reflux symptoms are unspecific for GERD, an objective evaluation of the presence of the disease is often needed. Ambulatory pH monitoring is the most commonly used diagnostic method but it is limited by relatively poor sensitivity, especially in patients without esophagitis. T

Clinical Studies of EpECT with Bleomycin or Cis-Platin

Under de senaste åren har flera författare granskat de kliniska resultaten av Electro Enhanced Chemotherapy:• Elektrokemoterapi för primär hudcancer och hudmetastas i samband med andra maligniteter (Reinhold, 2011).• Utnyttjande av elektrokemoterapi vid behandling av melanom (Testori et al., 2012).• Antitumörverkan av elektrokemoterapi: En systematisk granskning och meta-analys (Mali et al., 2013)In recent years several authors have reviewed the clinical results of Electro Enhanced Chemotherapy: • Electro-chemotherapy for primary skin cancer and skin metastasis related to other malignancies (Reinhold, 2011). • Utility of electro-chemotherapy in melanoma treatment (Testori et al., 2012).• Antitumor effectiveness of electro-chemotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Mali et al., 20

Multi-Dimensional Framework of Rural Supply Chain Management : Moving towards new research perspectives

Purpose:This paper aims to present an exploratory view of rural supply chain management (RSCM) and furthermore, to provide a framework to facilitate further study and research. The paper also identifies future research directions derived from the framework.Design/methodology/approach:Based on the limited literature in the field, this paper adopts an inductive approach using an interdisciplinary pa

Stock market dependence and product market linkages

We study the implications of interfirm product market linkages for dependence among the daily stock returns of US publicly traded firms using a spatial econometric regression. The effects of rivals and major customers change with various characteristics related to the product market network. We find that the competitive effect dominates the contagion effect for firms competing in highly concentrat