

Din sökning på "*" gav 530281 sökträffar

The Politics of Ecosocialism. Transformning Welfare

As the global economy seeks to recover from the financial crisis and warnings about the consequences of climate change abound, it is clear that we need a fundamentally new approach to tackle these issues. This innovative book offers a unique perspective, stressing the necessity of both ecological and social change as it discusses how to create a "red-green" or "eco-socialist" society. Examining t

Relaxed Optimal Control of Piecewise Linear Systems

This paper applies a dynamic programming relaxation methodpreviously proposed by the authors to optimal control of piecewise linearsystems. The method gives an algorithm to find a sub-optimal valuefunction and control law within a user-specified distance from theoptimal solution. For computational reasons, the value function usedin this paper is piecewise quadratic and continuous. It cannot, ingen

Functional organization of spinal nociceptive pathways: evidence for a modular organization of spinal nociceptive reflex systems

The functional organization of the hindlimb withdrawal reflex system was studied in the rat. For the reflex pathway to each muscle, a "mirror-image" relationship was found between the spatial distribution of sensitivity within its cutaneous receptive field and the pattern of cutaneous unloading ensuing on muscle contraction. Thus, the withdrawal movement pattern ensuing on contraction in a muscle

Ethylene dissociation on flat and stepped Ni(111): A combined STM and DFT study

The dissociative adsorption of ethylene (C2H4) on Ni(1 1 1) was studied by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The STM studies reveal that ethylene decomposes exclusively at the step edges at room temperature. However, the step edge sites are poisoned by the reaction products and thus only a small brim of decomposed ethylene is formed. At 500 K dec

Atomic Influences in Stellar Spectroscopy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stjärnor samt andra astronomiska objekt är belägna på väldigt stora avstånd från oss, vilket innebär att de vid första anblick verkar svåra att undersöka. Den enda pålitliga informationskällan om deras funktion och utveckling är det ljus som de utsänder, d.v.s. deras spektrum. Hur kan man då erhålla någon användbar information om dessa avlägsna objekt genom att endast uThis thesis is a description of how knowledge of atomic physics can be used in a stellar spectrum analysis. Stellar investigations are spectroscopically performed based on wavelengths, intensities and spectral line structure. Properties such as isotopic shifts, hyperfine structure, Zeeman effect, line blending and spectral line broadening are investigated in stellar spectra to improve results of a

The impossibility of an ethical consumer

The thesis of this article is that the notion of an ethical food consumer is untenable unless it is coupled with a conception of food citizenship. The main arguments delivered against the notion of ethical food consumption are that consumption does not take the operations of moral psychology into account, nor afford means to tackle structural problems inherent in the relation between consumer and

Photoreceptors in experimental retinal cell transplants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Näthinnan (retina) spelar en central roll för vår förmåga att se. Den sitter längst bak i ögat och precis på samma sätt som objektivet i en kamera fokuserar en bild på filmen, fokuserar ögats "objektiv", dvs. hornhinnan och linsen, en bild på näthinnan. Denna bild, bestående av ljus av olika färg och intensitet, omvandlas av näthinnan till elektriska nervsignaler som skThe main objective of this thesis was to investigate the fate of photoreceptor cells when using different strategies for retinal cell transplantation. Comparing transplantation of fragments of embryonic retina with cell suspensions of the same tissue we found that transplantation of fragments of embryonic retina result in mature transplants with a higher degree of cellular organization than transp

The Escalation of Hostilities in Manchuria, 1945-47: A Study of Strategic Realities and Normative Guidelines in Military Conflict in the Context of the Chinese Civil War

This dissertation is a revisionist study of the early stages of the Chinese Civil War with a focus on the conflict in the Manchurian theatre. The military operations in Manchuria during the late 1940s were pivotal to the outcome of the Chinese Civil War, which in turn determined the political landscape of contemporary China. Clarifying the strategies employed by both sides, this study advances bey

Multispectral fluorescence imaging for tumor detection and molecular biology

The use of a multispectral imaging system provides possibilities to map all information encoded in the spectral fingerprint of an exogenous or endogenous chromophore in biological media. The spectral information has been used to demarcate the spatial extent of superficial skin tumours. Monitoring the fluorescence emitted from the photosensitizer over time yield information about the photodynamic t