

Din sökning på "*" gav 528282 sökträffar

Heterofobi - ett uttryck för homofobi

Artikel som utreder användandet av ordet "heterofobi" och kategoriserar användandet som ett uttryck för a)kvinnofientlighet, b) att det är synd om heterosexuella c) gammal hederlig homofobi.

Arterial wall stiffness in man. On gender differences and abnormalities in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency.

The mechanical properties of major arteries may reflect early manifestations of vascular disease and are also of interest because they are important for cardiac work. Using echo-tracking sonography and blood pressure measurements, arterial stiffness and diameters were investigated in healthy individuals as well as in patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or alpha1-antitrypsin de

Treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo - a case study

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common cause of vertigo and can be successfully treated with particle-repositioning procedures or habituation exercises. However, some patients do not tolerate this treatment. The aim of the study was to investigate the possibility of treating patients with BPPV, where treatment at first seemed too demanding for the patients, using a descriptive stu

Literary Theory in Swedish Upper Secondary School – Classroom Examples

I detta konferensbidrag ifrågasätter jag åsikten att litteraturteori inte bör läras ut på gymnasienivå. Enligt den franske litteraturteoretikern Tzvetan Todorov bör läraren på denna nivå endast lära ut litterära verk, inte teori. Teorin borde endast användas som ett osynligt verktyg. Min hypotes är att litteraturteorin kan användas framgångsrikt på gymnasiet. Viss insikt i teorin kan bidra till atIn this paper I challenge the opinion that literary theory should not be taught at upper secondary level. According to French literary theorist Tzvetan Todorov, the teacher at this level should aim at teaching literary works, not theory. Theory should only be used as an invisible instrument. My hypothesis is that literary theory can be used successfully at upper secondary level. A certain insight

The cognitive neuroscience of second language acquisition

The papers in this volume explore the cognitive neuroscience of second language acquisition from the perspectives of critical/sensitive periods, maturational effects, individual differences, neural regions involved, and processing characteristics. The research methodologies used include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and event related potentials (

U.S. Antidumping against Japanese Steel

Dumping is generally considered an unfair practice and through the Antidumping Agreement of the GATT many governments offer protection to domestic producers against dumped goods. In 1992 and 1998 large amounts of steel entered the U.S. at low prices, and large amounts of antidumping investigations were initiated in order to curb the surge of imports flooding the country. The increase in steel imp

Drivers of global land use change : are increasing demands for food and bioenergy offset by technological change and yield increase?

Globally, the food and energy demands of the growing global population are rising and require increased agricultural production. Additionally, climate change will have adverse effects on agricultural productivity. Technological change can contribute to closing yield gaps and reducing post-harvest losses, but needs to be facilitated through investments and education. Considering the multiple driver

The WiseSkin artificial skin for tactile prosthetics : A power budget investigation

The use of prosthetic hands are limited partly due to the fact that they lack the provision of sensory feedback to the user. A first step to providing sensory feedback is having adequate sensors in the prosthesis. The WiseSkin project targets the use of artificial skin embedding ultra-low power wireless sensor nodes. This paper provides an overview of the WiseSkin artificial skin for tactile prost

Eye Tracking : A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures

This book is written by and for researchers who are still in that part of their careers where they are actively using the eye-tracker as a tool; those who have to deal with the technology, the signals, the filters, the algorithms, the experimental design, the programming of stimulus presentation, instructions to participants, working the varying tools for data analysis, and of course, worrying abo

Dynamics of omnivorous crayfish in freshwater ecosystems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns över 500 kräftarter i världen och vi hittar dem på alla kontinenter utom Antarktis och Arktis. I Sverige finns två arter, den inhemska flodkräftan och den introducerade signalkräftan. Signalkräftan introducerades till stor del för att ersätta förlusten av flodkräfta i många pestdrabbade vatten i södra Sverige. Att det just blev signalkräftan berodde främst på In this thesis I examine the dynamics of crayfish in streams and lakes. I have studied the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on abundance, growth, trophic position, niche breadth, and recruitment of crayfish, by conducting field studies, an outdoor channel experiment and timeseries analysis. Overall, the results show that abundance of crayfish is mostly affected by the abundance of predatory

Effect of IL-1beta secretion on lymphoid tissue and on antitumor immune responses

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroppens immunförsvar är vårt skydd mot främmande "inkräktare", såsom virus, bakterier och parasiter. Om dessa mikroorganismer tar sig förbi de fysiska barriärerna, dvs. hud, slemhinnor saliv mm, aktiveras immunsystemet. Immun-försvaret kan delas in i det nedärvda eller naturliga försvaret samt det för-värvade försvaret. Det naturliga försvaret aktiveras först och huvudInterleukin (IL)-1beta is one of the most pleiotropic and potent cytokines, produced predominantly by activated monocytes and macrophages. IL-1 plays an important role in normal immunoregulatory processes but also in pathophysiological inflammatory responses. In the present study, we developed a model for active IL-1beta secretion. A retroviral vector containing a cDNA construct encoding the matur