Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar
It’s elemental, my dear watson : Validating seasonal patterns in otolith chemical chronologies
Accurate age data are essential for reliable fish stock assessment. Yet many stocks suffer from inconsistencies in age interpretation. A new approach to obtain age makes use of the chemical composition of otoliths. This study validates the periodicity of recurrent patterns in25 Mg,31 P,34 K,55 Mn,63 Cu,64 Zn,66 Zn,85 Rb,88 Sr,138 Ba, and208 Pb in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) otoliths from tag–recaptu
Driftiga sömmerskor. Frivillig och ömsesidig hjälp bland sjukkassemedlemmar i Göteborg, 1898-1934
Towards a multi-brain framework for hypnosis : a review of quantitative methods
Most real-world applications of hypnosis involve a pair of actors: a hypnotist and a subject. Accordingly, most current models of hypnosis acknowledge the relevance of social factors in the development of the hypnotic response. Yet, psychophysiological research on hypnosis has been mostly restricted to techniques that are studying one individual, neglecting the complexity of hypnosis as a social p
The epistemic roles of clinical expertise : An empirical study of how Swedish healthcare professionals understand proven experience
Clinical expertise has since 1891 a Swedish counterpart in proven experience. This study aims to increase our understanding of clinicians’ views of their professional expertise, both as a source or body of knowledge and as a skill or quality. We examine how Swedish healthcare personnel view their expertise as captured by the (legally and culturally relevant) Swedish concept of “proven experience,”Clinical expertise has since 1891 a Swedish counterpart in proven experience. This study aims to increase our understanding of clinicians’ views of their professional expertise, both as a source or body of knowledge and as a skill or quality. We examine how Swedish healthcare personnel view their expertise as captured by the (legally and culturally relevant) Swedish concept of “proven experience,”
Recension av "Den liderliga häxan. Häxhammaren och de svenska häxprocesserna" av Åsa Bergenheim
Older people’s strategies for meaningful social interactions in the context of eldercare services
Considering that ‘social work with older people’ refers to something that is carried out with older people, it is of crucial importance to reveal the meaning of ‘the social’ from the perspective of the elderly. The aim of this article is to reveal how older people go about achieving meaningful social interactions in everyday life in the context of eldercare services and the role of social work pra
Income-based inequality in full immunization coverage of children aged 12-23 months in Eastern India : A decomposition analysis
IntroductionNotably, less than two-thirds of under-5 children received full immunization in 2016 in India. It is critical to understand the inequalities in access to immunization for determining an effective health policy agenda to ensure universal health coverage. Hence, we performed a study to assess the determinants of income-based inequality in the full immunization of children aged 12–23 usin
Cultural Culprits : Police Apprehensions of Pickpockets in Copenhagen
The transformation of labour market regulatory institutions
The aim of this paper is to explore the European Social Dialogue as a regulatory institution and its transformation in a context where the values framing labour law have changed from socialistic to neo-liberal. The paper will highlight the European Social Dialogue as an autopoietic system of industrial relations and the analysis will be carried out through a methodologically holistic model in two
Primary auditory cortex’s vowel representation
Sound frequencies are represented in the primary auditory cortex (PAC) in a tonotopic structure which can be measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A previous study has investigated vowels [ɑ] and [i] and seen a correlation between the vowels’ activation and the activation of simple tones corresponding to the vowels’ formant frequencies. Other vowels have not yet been studiedSound frequencies are represented in the primary auditory cortex (PAC) in a tonotopic structure which can be measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A previous study has investigated vowels[ъ]and [i]and seen a correlation between the vowels¶ activation and the activation of simple tones corresponding to the vowels¶ formant frequencies. Other vowels have not \et been studied. I
Lärdomar från en ”lyckad” implementering av en digital plattform i primärvården
BakgrundAnvändandet av digitala plattformar ökar inom primärvården. Syftet med den här typen av digitala plattformar är att avståndet ska minska mellan vårdpersonal och patient i tid och rum, vården ska bli mer kontinuerlig och proaktiv samt att resurser allokeras till de delar av vården där de behövs bäst. För att syftet ska nås, behöver dessa plattformar inte bara vara funktionella och användbar
Premature ovarian failure after childhood cancer and risk of metabolic syndrome : A cross-sectional analysis
Objective: Female childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are at risk of several late effects, such as metabolic syndrome (MetS) and premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). The objective is to study if POI is associated with risk of MetS and increased cardiovascular risk in CSS. Design: A cross-sectional study with a median time since the cancer diagnosis of 25 (12-41) years. Patients and controls were re
Hållbara bolag 2020: 134 börsbolags förmåga att ställa om : En granskning av svenska börsbolags förmåga att kommunicera och hantera risk, möjligheter, framtidsscenarier i omställningen till hållbar utveckling
A double-edged sword : Promises and dangers of hypnotism in Sweden, 1880–1910
Alumnienkät 2.0 : En revidering och modifiering av tidigare Alumnienkät använd vid Socialhögskolan i Lund.
Altered mitochondrial epigenetics associated with subchronic doxorubicin cardiotoxicity
Doxorubicin (DOX), a potent and broad-spectrum antineoplastic agent, causes an irreversible, cumulative and dose-dependent cardiomyopathy that ultimately leads to congestive heart failure. The mechanisms responsible for DOX cardiotoxicity remain poorly understood, but seem to involve mitochondrial dysfunction on several levels. Epigenetics may explain a portion of this effect. Since mitochondrial
Red wine consumption mitigates the cognitive impairments in low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout (LDLr-/-) mice
Although the benefits of moderate intake of red wine in decreasing incidence of cardiovascular diseases associated to hypercholesterolemia are well recognized, there are still widespread misconceptions about its effects on the hypercholesterolemia-related cognitive impairments. Herein we investigated the putative benefits of regular red wine consumption on cognitive performance of low-density lipo
Cosmos visualized : Development of a qualitative framework for analyzing representations in cosmology education
Our aesthetic response to the Universe, and the complexity of concepts through which we understand it, are inherently bound together in how we meaningfully interpret its nature. Over millennia the abstracted and intangible concepts of science have been developed and communicated through a rich array of representations across a variety of modes. The interpretation of such representations is a compl
The Sharing Economy in Cities : Institutionalisation and Sustainability
The sharing economy is a novel way of distributing physical resources facilitated by online platforms where temporary access is given to goods owned by peers or organisations. It has become prominent in urban areas where a large accumulation of resources in close proximity and the ubiquity of information and communications technology enable it to grow. Its emergence has had various impacts on exis