

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

Att göra för att förstå - konstruktion för rehabilitering

Popular Abstract in Swedish Björn Breidegards avhandling handlar om det specifika ingenjörskunnandets plats i rehabiliteringsteknisk forskning, både praktiskt, metodiskt och teoretiskt. För att de berörda människorna själva skall ha en reell möjlighet att resultatstyra behövs det en lyhördhet och att man kan prova sig fram. Detta kräver i sin tur ett top-down-orienterat arbete där varje del i det Based on the results of two rehabilitation engineering design projects, this thesis aims to present and analyze: ? What is required for genuine engineering knowledge and expertise to come into its own in rehabilitation engineering when the entire effort starts and ends with the person for whom it is intended. ? How the work of an engineer not only can improve the conditions for the actual d

Mechanisms of Escherichia coli induced transepithelial neutrophil migration

Popular Abstract in Swedish Huden och slemhinnor (mukosa) fungerar som kroppens skyddsbarriärer mot yttre angrepp av mikrober, makromolekyler och toxiner och förhindrar dessa att nå inre organ. Trots ett massivt immunskydd sker de flesta infektioner på slemhinnornas ytor. I blodcirkulationen förekommer fem olika typer av vita blodkroppar, alla med olika roller i immunförsvaret. I varje blod finns Mucosal infections trigger an inflammatory response that includes the secretion of cytokines and the recruitment of neutrophils to the infected site. This thesis describes studies examining the molecular mechanisms of neutrophil migration to sites of mucosal bacterial infection. Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection of epithelial cell layers stimulates chemokine secretion and chemokine receptor ex

Optimal state-feedback control under sparsity and delay constraints

This paper presents the solution to a general decentralized state-feedback problem, in which the plant and controller must satisfy the same combination of delay constraints and sparsity constraints. The control problem is decomposed into independent subproblems, which are solved by dynamic programming. In special cases with only sparsity or only delay constraints, the controller reduces to existin

Bimodal Hard/Soft Latex Blends

Polymer dispersions are employed in a wide variety of applications as film formers. Especially in the coating-, paint-, pharmaceutical and hygiene industry polymer dispersions are to a large extent used as barriers, controlled-release agents and adhesives. Control and steering of the polymerization process has resulted in the production of core-shell structures with soft and hard (low glass transi

Anaerobic digestion of crop residues at low temperatures

Biogas is a renewable source of energy. Residues from agriculture contain considerable energy potential and are suitable substrates for biogas production, but in Sweden the utilization of these residues is low. The economic feasibility of biogas production in general is low, and only limited subsidies are provided by the state. In the present work, the feasibility of low-temperature digestion of c

Pathogenesis of infections related to foreign devices within the cerebral ventricles

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid det tillstånd som kallas för vattenskalle, hydrocephalus, uppstår övertryck innanför skallen på grund av att vätskan, som cirkulerar där inte kan dräneras. Redan efter andra världskriget började man sätta in shuntar för att avleda överskottsvätskan till andra hålrum i kroppen, hjärtats förmak eller bukhålan. Runt 1960 kom emellertid de första rapporterna om infektioCoagulase-negative staphyloccoci (CoNS) are the most frequently isolated micro-organisms from infected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts and temporary ventricular drainage catheters, used in modern neurosurgery. CoNS originate from the skinflora of the patient or the surgeon and gain access to the surface of the implant at the insertion, but the infection can erupt up to a year later or more. Immed

Dalby kyrkas altaruppsats

Brief description and interpretation of the eighteenth-century altarpiece by Johan Ullberg in the church of Dalby.