

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Nomads and international relations : post-sedentarist dialogues

The key concepts and reference points of International Relations (IR) are informed by a sedentarist worldview anchored on the territorial state. IR’s conception of its subject-matter is thus ‘static’ in both senses of the word: state-centric and immobile. One of the consequences of this sedentarist worldview has been a neglect of the world’s nomads. Defined by their spatial mobility, nomads have b

Concert at Trumpet Guild Conference

Pieces included:George Enescu: Legende für Trompete und KlavierStaffan Storm: "Three Autumns" für Trompete und Klavier (2016) IntervalTurnage. Autumn Aubade (World Premiere) Pöntinen. New work (World Premiere) Bernstein. Rondo for LifeyHK (Heinz Karl) Gruber: "Bossa Nova" für Kammerensemble, op. 21 (1968)Roland Pöntinen: Prélude d’automne Op.28, No.8 (2018)Florent Schmitt: Suite für Trompete und K

”Vi har bara det vatten vi har.” : Vattenhantering mellan vardagspraktik och framtidsvision

Vårt bidrag tar utgångspunkt i hur innovativa avlopps- och vattenhanteringspraktiker samspelar i en urban kontext. Det empiriska materialet har hämtats från ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprojekt om innovativ vattenhantering i en stad i Sverige. Artikeln analyserar på ett övergripande plan samtida idéutveckling vad gäller återvinning av avloppsvatten och hur denna idéutveckling producerar olika f

God’s Influencers : How Social Media Users Shape Religion and Pious Self-Fashioning

Drawing on the contributions presented in the special issue “God’s Influencers: How Social Media Users Shape Religion and Pious Self-Fashioning”, this introduction explores resonances and dissonances between the six articles: First, I reconsider the online/offline connection in relation to the religious actors examined. Then, I articulate a post techno-utopian vision of religion online, identifyin

Use of common cardiovascular disease drugs and risk of dementia : A case–control study in Swedish national register data

INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular drug use may help prevent dementia; however, current evidence is mixed. Using a case–control design, we investigated the association between duration and combination of multiple cardiovascular drug classes and incident dementia. METHODS: From the Swedish national registers, we included 88,065 incident dementia cases aged ≥ 70 at diagnosis between 2011 and 2016 and 880,

Topology Optimization of transient problems using an adaptive diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta scheme

This thesis derives a consistent adjoint sensitivity analysis for an adaptive time- stepping scheme, the Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta scheme and evaluates its performance by comparing the scheme with a conventional time integration ap- proach. The goals are to derive the sensitivity analysis and assess whether solution accuracy can be improved while preserving computational efficiency. B

”Det var ju inte så han var egentligen” – En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av våld i nära relation och den hjälp som finns att tillgå.

Syftet med studien har varit att öka medvetenheten och skapa förståelse för de utmaningar som kvinnor står inför när de befinner sig i relationer präglade av våld, och huruvida hjälpen som finns att tillgå upplevs vara tillräcklig. Ämnet är viktigt att belysa då mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett utbrett problem i samhället. Urvalet innefattade fem informanter. Inklusionskriterierna var: kvinnor hemmahö

Let's meet: the communication dynamics of value propositions of convention bureaus

This study responds to calls for more knowledge regarding the dynamics of value propositions. The study develops knowledge about the communication dynamics of VPs by exploring the marketing communication of convention bureaus in post-COVID times. The data includes 120 marketing communication items from 12 Swedish convention bureaus. The data is analysed inductively using content analysis. Subseque

Data-Driven Adaptive Dispatching Policies for Processing Networks

This letter presents and analyzes an adaptive data-driven controller that learns the optimal processing rate in a multi-unit processing network in the presence of disturbances. We formulate an optimization problem of linear cost, linear dynamics for the processing network model and an affine constraint on the dispatcher policy. A data-driven linear equation is constructed, based on which the onlin

Model-Based Predictive Impedance Variation for Obstacle Avoidance in Safe Human–Robot Collaboration

Human–robot collaboration (HRC) in manufacturing environments requires that physical safety can be guaranteed. Control methods that implicitly regulate the interaction forces between a controlled robot and its environment, such as impedance control, are often used for safety in HRC. However, these methods could be complemented by restricting the robot operational space for additional safety guaran

Iterative Reference Learning for Cartesian Impedance Control of Robot Manipulators

In this paper, an iterative learning strategy was developed to improve trajectory tracking for an impedance-controlled robot manipulator. In this learning strategy, an update law was proposed to modify the Cartesian reference of an impedance controller. Also, the conditions that ensure its convergence considering the dynamics of the robot were derived. Finally, an experimental evaluation was perfo

Control Contraction Metrics on Submanifolds

In this paper, we extend the control contraction metrics (CCM) approach, which was originally proposed for the universal tracking control of nonlinear systems, to those that evolves on Lie groups. Our idea is to view the manifold as a constrained set that is embedded in Euclidean space, and then propose the sufficient conditions for the existence of a CCM and the associated controller design. Nota

Duality-based Dynamical Optimal Transport of Discrete Time Systems

We study dynamical optimal transport of discrete time systems (dDOT) with Lagrangian cost. The problem is approached by combining optimal control and Kantorovich duality theory. Based on the derived solution, a first order splitting algorithm is proposed for numerical implementation. While solving partial differential equations is often required in the continuous time case, a salient feature of ou

Optimal Mass Transport of Nonlinear Systems under Input and Density Constraints

We investigate optimal mass transport problem of affine-nonlinear dynamical systems with input and density constraints. Three algorithms are proposed to tackle this problem, including two Uzawa-type methods and a splitting algorithm based on the Douglas-Rachford algorithm. Some preliminary simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches.

Of Selves and Others

This chapter revisits Iver Neumann’s seminal book The Uses of the Other (1999) in order to unpack its assumptions about collective identity formation in world politics. After having situated this work in its contemporary context and pointed to its significance, the chapter tries to demonstrate the extent to which its basic assumptions about collective identity formation replicates those that went

Performance bounds for multi-vehicle networks with local integrators

In this work, we consider the problem of coordinating a collection of nth-order integrator systems. The coordination is achieved through the novel serial consensus design; this control design achieves a stable closed-loop system while adhering to the constraint of only using local and relative measurements. Earlier work has shown that second-order serial consensus can stabilize a collection of dou

Contact nurses’ perceptions of their services, organizational prerequisites and moral stress : A cross-sectional study in Swedish cancer care

Contact nursing services have been implemented in Swedish cancer care to increase healthcare quality. Too little is known about the content and quality of these services and the organizational prerequisites provided to contact nurses. The aim of this study was to explore contact nurses’ perceptions of their services and organizational prerequisites, as well as the connection between organizational